When Meng Li was tired, he said to 6018:

"send me to do the task."

6018 well, the mission should have been selected long ago, and Meng Li was sent to the mission world directly.

This is a world of magic. There are those who practice magic and those who practice fighting spirit. Magic is divided into elements such as gold, wood, water, fire and so on. Generally speaking, the status of magicians is relatively noble.

Their magic is more powerful.

If you can't practice magic, you can practice fighting spirit. If you can't practice fighting spirit, you can also be a pharmacist. If you have certain achievements, you will be respected.

There are powerful Warcraft, elves, dwarfs, dragons and so on in this world, which is very colorful.

In addition to the magicians of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, there is also a necromancer who can summon the undead to fight.

It's just playing with skeletons, giving people the feeling of evil. It's the existence that everyone in this continent doesn't like, and it can even control people who just died. It's just

It's evil.

However, the state did not say that it would force the extermination of Necromancers.

It's just that necromancers are extremely ridiculed.

Moreover, the state will not appoint the necromancer to do anything. The status of the necromancer is very embarrassing, because it is easy to be extreme for people who become Necromancers. You all look down upon me, and the state does not appoint me, and they all laugh at me and despise me. Then I will prove our cruelty.

If you want to prove yourself powerful, you have to brush your sense of existence, or even use some wonderful ways to prove yourself. In short, you are doing it.

As the road of work goes further and further, the reputation becomes stinky. When people mention the necromancer, they all look scornful and sarcastic.

If there is a necromancer in a certain family, it will be dealt with directly without being known to the world. But in fact, many people in these families will choose to send their children out to live and die on their own.

It has nothing to do with the family ever since.

Because a family out of the necromancer, is to implicate the whole family suffered ridicule.

The client, nerida, is not a necromancer. She is a Fire Mage and can control fire elements.

And it's a good birth. It's a big family of the Empire.

However, nerida's beloved is a necromancer. She loves ignavi. Ignavi was also born into a big family, but after she was found to be a necromancer, she was expelled from the family.

They played together when they were young. Later, when they heard that ignavi had died, nerida couldn't believe it.

After many years, when she went out, she ran into ignavi, who had been besieged.

I don't know how nerida recognized ignavi in the black cape and the dark wind, but she did.

At the beginning, ignavi didn't want to meet nerida. However, nerida moved ignavi. After they met, ignavi told her about her life experience over the years. Nerida expressed her deep love for ignavi.

One came and two went, and they fell in love.

Love is generous and warm, just because of various reasons, it is not easy for two people to meet once.

Besides, ignavi can't be completely isolated from the world because he wanders outside. His identity as a necromancer is also known to many Necromancers. They find that ignavi has great talent as a necromancer.

It's only a few years since I became a necromancer, but my strength is much higher than theirs.

Is this their leader, the hope of the necromancer?

Is the necromancer on the rise? About to turn over? If the necromancer has a super power, isn't he going to rewrite history? Lead the Necromancers to glory? Rewrite the dark fate of the necromancer?

In short, a group of necromancers strangely think that ignavi is their hope.

Come on, boy, let's change our destiny together.

Then all kinds of deception, ignavi, only you, can give the name of the necromancer.

We are also human beings and strength. Why can't we be recognized by the state and the people?

Even in war, we can make great efforts. Is it because of the prejudice of the world against us that we will never see the sun?

Ignavi is not very old. He is still the little one among these Necromancers. Although he has been wandering for many years, his mind is pure and his thoughts are not complicated.

He can feel the pain of the necromancer, just like him, and he doesn't miss anything, but he has to hide his life because of the prejudice of the world.

But I also know that these necromancers sometimes do very bad things, and he is not willing to be with them.

So they didn't agree to their demands.

In fact, the souls of these necromancers have been twisted to extremes, which is called sincere and touching. In fact, some of them have their own hidden desires.

They don't care if ignavi agrees to lead them to glory or not. They feel that the Necromancers are about to usher in a new dawn, and some of them brush their sense of existence everywhere.The Empire's attitude towards the necromancer is just like that towards the mouse. You can live in hiding, but if you want to run around and gnaw at the culprits, don't blame me for killing you.

Then the group of unruly necromancers yelled, we have great leaders, our leaders want to rise.

Soon we necromancers will be respected and you will have to look up to us.

Yo, hey, you still have leaders?

Then ignavi was exposed to the eyes of the Empire. Of course, the Empire did not allow lax and undisciplined necromancers to unite. It also found that ignavi's talent was really excellent. He was the leader of the necromancers, and that was the potential enemy.

To strangle the enemy in the cradle, not to mention you have the ability to organize riots.

Ask ignavi if you organized a group of necromancers to harm people? Ignavi said with a confused face that I didn't.

But nobody cares about ignavi's denial. It's normal not to admit it.

Then ignavi was killed.

Ignavi was a bit wronged when he died, and he didn't promise the Necromancers to be their leader. How could he be killed as the leader of the Necromancers.

And he didn't do any bad things. He was hiding from his own life and didn't have a sense of existence.

Nerida is very sad to know that ignavi is dead. She hates that she didn't protect ignavi at that time.

Nerida's wish is to stop ignavi's death.

There is also a hidden wish. Nerida does not force the task to be completed. She hopes that, if ignavi wants to, she hopes to help him stand in front of the world.

Nerida deeply felt the world's prejudice against the necromancer, so she felt it was a little difficult. She kindly set it as a hidden task. If she could finish it, she would finish it. If she could not finish it, it would not have much impact on the task.

As long as ignavi is alive, it's good.

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