Want to cry, why be cheated by niece before one Leng one Leng, agreed immediately.

It is impossible to refute what is said about living in school to cultivate students' feelings, and what is said about independence and self-improvement.

Then Meng Li successfully moved to school and started living in school.

It's good to have a good relationship with roommates in the dormitory. It's better to have some friends.

I hope the client will be willing to come back. After all, after living on campus, he seldom goes back home. In the future, he is likely to go out to college, and even less to go home.

The area occupied by Qi Ma and Qi PA in the client's life has been greatly reduced.

That kind of depression will be much less.

If there's something wrong with you, just bear it and accept each other. It's not easy for us and it's impossible to break our family relationship because of these things.

In the plot, the client runs away from home, and the family relationship is broken, and he doesn't regret it.

But irretrievably, the client's self-esteem does not allow her to go back to her parents. Even if she goes back, everything will be different.

Meng Li tidied up everything in the school, and one day after she officially started her high school life, she and the system space became loose.

Meng Li was relieved that the client chose to accept his parents.

Without delay, Meng Li returned to the system space.

Once back in system space, she went to see the task reward.

Congratulations on completing the task that the client is willing to entrust: hope to change her parents, or change her and teach her how to accept such parents.

80 points, 18000 points, 380 points for boundary power, 5 points for soul power.

Name: Meng Li

race: Terran

rank: four stars

number: 6018

points: 147900

Jieli: 5285

Soul: 5

talent: running, dream, insight into the will of Heaven (gift from the world), rosefinch shadow (gift from the client's light).

Meng Li's score is only 80 points, except for a nearly failed cultivation task It's the task with the lowest score.

It's probably that she didn't improve the relationship, which the client likes very much.

It didn't reach the expectation of the client at that time.

Maybe the client wants to get a kind of enviable parents, or he thinks that the Tasker can change the character of his parents.

To look gentle.

A person's character is not easy to change when he grows up, unless he experiences a very special event in the eyes of the person concerned.

Meng Li felt that he had no ability to create such a big event to change them.

How much to give is the client's preference. Since he is not so satisfied, Meng Li doesn't feel like giving less.

It seems that the integral is a little less, the boundary force is a little less, and the soul force is still paid the same.

What's more, Meng Li feels that he has done his best. The generation gap between the two generations and the different personalities of the two generations can be changed.

And she just has no means to show, the relationship between people is very complicated.

As the saying goes, it is easy to change the country, but hard to change the nature.

Meng Li absorbed the soul power of the client according to the Convention. It doesn't matter if the score is low, as long as the task is completed.

The task time is not long. It's nearly half a year.

And it's not too tired, and there's no fighting, and there's no human life on his hands. To be honest, with more tasks, Meng Li is numb to killing people.

Most of the time, they don't want to kill, and they are more willing to let them not see the hope of living.

Sometimes I feel like an executioner, but when I think about it, I feel a little affected. After all, I benefited from it. I was willing to take this road at that time. Why do I think about it now.

It is for the sake of position that we have to flaunt our nobility.

Meng Li sat in front of the big screen for a while and went to do her homework.

Wait for a set of homework to finish, such as dream flute really consume energy, she is very tired, lying in bed began to sleep.

When she woke up again, Meng Li lay in bed and asked 6018 to show her the follow-up of the world.

Go and see how the little client is doing.

In fact, Meng Li thought that his thoughts were strange. In ancient times, 14-year-old and 5-year-old women began to talk about marriage, and their thoughts were close to adults. Meng Li regarded them as adults and had to take responsibility for many things.

But Meng Li feels much younger at the same age.

After all, because of their growth track, their thoughts and minds are not very mature, so Meng Li is a little more tolerant.

After the client went back, she enjoyed her life in school. There was no aunt staring at her. She did her homework consciously every day, and no one urged her.

Just like other people, no longer does anyone mention learning all day long. Instead, she has more interest in learning.And after going back every week, I can get more care from Qi's parents.

After all, they come back for two days a week. Instead of wandering around every day, they make Qi Ma and Qi PA cherish the time they spend with their children.

His attitude was even milder than that of Meng Li.

That's how distance produces beauty.

Care about whether you eat well and sleep well in school, whether you are bullied or not, can you keep up with your study?

Tell your parents everything you need. I'll satisfy you.

Why don't you come back and live? It's better to be at home. The conditions are much better.

On hearing this, the client shook his head decisively.

Qi Ma and Qi PA want to cheat their children to come back to live, but the children insist on not going back, and their grades are good, so their attitude is not so tough.

The client also lived up to the expectations of Qi's parents and achieved good results.

But in the beginning, when the client went back, she was not as close to Qi Ma and Qi PA as when Meng Li was there. In fact, the client wanted to, but she just didn't understand where the invisible barrier came from.

But she felt that this estrangement should not exist.

She hated this feeling, and she longed for the warmth of her family.

Therefore, she tried to persuade herself to change, which has some effects. With the passage of time, and the reason why she is always not around, when she gets along, the atmosphere is still harmonious.

Although the client is a little embarrassed to be coquettish, she has her own way to express her love. She will prepare some small gifts and surprises for Qi's parents, even her grandparents and younger brother.

Meng Li didn't look down when he saw this.

After that, the client still has a long way to go. I hope everything is OK. After all, she has got the soul power of the client. I wish the client a wonderful and beautiful life this time.

Meng Li got up. He wanted to do the task directly, but he was a little lazy all of a sudden. He wanted to stay in the system space for a while, so he began to draw again.

Looking at the rune paper stacked on the desk, Meng Li feels that when he encounters the supernatural plane in the future, he doesn't need to prepare anything for the plane. There are all kinds of things in it. There are still many failed products, so he can just take out this pile and use it.

I'm really prepared.

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