During the Chinese new year, my mother and my brother, relatives and friends all around my brother, and the client sat on one side.

All praised the younger brother lovable, the mother also along with smiles echoed.

Relatives asked their mother, how is your daughter's performance, ah, the mother's expression is not very good, said that now the performance of the decline.

Relatives exaggerate to say, oh, the third year of junior high school learning is a little difficult, can't keep up with is normal.

That is to say, the client is stupid. The client is angry, so he stands up and says, "I'm not stupid. My parents quarrel every day, and my younger brother quarrels so much that I can't sleep. I have no spirit during the day."

Oh, relatives look at mom meaningfully.

The mother was very angry that the client said such a thing, the ugly family should not be publicized, the child mouth a Bala, put the scandal out, let others see the joke.

Go back and yell at the client.

The client doesn't understand why he is wrong in defending himself.

With her mother obstinate, two people you a word I a word, quarrel fiercely.

The first time there is a second time. Every time the client quarrels, he goes to the small park to stay.

When it was dark, the client came home to see his grandparents, father and mother holding his brother at dinner.

It seems that they are in harmony.

The client was even more disappointed.

I feel completely neglected.

In such an environment, in a bad state of mind, which makes the client's performance drop again and again.

Parents see the results and very anxious, a set of principles to the client, see no effect, the results are still like that.

Children are not sensible at all and don't know the importance of reading.

They began to scold again, and when they didn't work in the end, they developed into hands-on.

When the consignor is doing the questions, he will pull the consignor's ears red.

Always find a way to put pressure on your child and make her feel the urgency.

What do children know? If they don't force them, they can't become talents. Children are not stupid. They used to do well in the past. Forcing them always works.

The parents of the client are in such a state of mind that no matter what method they use, they have to force their children to enter a good high school.

Children may not understand it now, but they will understand it when they grow up.


The client's parents don't want their children to go back to high school, and their secret idea is to make their children stupid.

Their children have been good learners in the circle of relatives and friends since childhood. They used to tell others like this every day. If the children read it again, they can't show it to others as a joke.

But the client can't bear it, so he has to resist. In a word, a home is very busy.

Every time I see my parents' disappointed eyes, it's like needle pricking.

Before high school entrance examination, all kinds of tests, know the next day to test, client anxiety can't sleep.

Because she knew that if she didn't do well in the exam, she would have to face the roar of her parents, and even clench her ears and body.

When it comes to the examination, every time the client gets the test paper, he is very nervous about writing. He is afraid that he has made a mistake in that question. When he goes back, he will scold endlessly and do it.

Most of the time, clients are afraid to go home.

The client was very depressed. At this time, a male classmate in the class approached the client slowly.

When I was young, the emotional impulse came very fast, even the parties did not know how to call.

In short, the client and the boy fell in love.

Because this boy can make the client smile.

In fact, this stage of love is very green and pure. They don't even hold hands. They just talk about their hearts together.

But can children hide that trick from adults?

The client's family soon found out that the client was in love.

Then he attributed the client's decline in learning to puppy love. The client's father was even more angry, slapped the client several times, and forced the client to write a letter of guarantee that he would no longer be in puppy love and study hard.

The client wrote it down, but at that time, her parents scolded her like a thorn stuck in her heart and couldn't pull it out.

After that, the client's parents worried that the client was still in love, which made the client have no private space.

Her room had to be checked, and even her diary had been read.

The client felt as if he had been stripped naked. He was very ashamed and had nothing to hide.

Every thought is heartbreaking.

In the end, the client failed in the high school entrance examination.

In fact, if the client works hard, he can be admitted to an ordinary high school. But the moment the client writes about the high school entrance examination, he suddenly has a kind of revenge and rebellious mentality in his heart.

I didn't do a good job.

This shocked the whole family of the client, because the previous results of the client said that there was no pressure in the key high school.What does key high school mean? It means good resources and half stepping into the University.

It means their family's face.

Even though the grades declined later, there was no problem with ordinary high school, was there?

But I didn't pass anything.

The client's family said in front of the client, if you don't fall in love, it won't be like this at all.

How can you fall in love when you are young.

It's a waste of time to fall in love.

Let parents lose face, relatives also have children and client test high school at the same time, other parents call the client's mother to report good news.

Oh, my son got into No.1 middle school.

Oh, my son was admitted to No.3 middle school. Yes, it's the key high school in the city. The class division is very special, which has a lot of scholarships every year.

By the way, what school did your daughter go to?

Isn't it very easy for your daughter to get into a key high school?

The client's mother said weakly that she didn't pass the exam.

The other end of the phone pretended to be comforting, and then showed off his children.

The consignor's mother stares at the consignor and decides to send the consignor to the cram school on the spot. Don't play in the summer vacation and study hard.

Then repeat it and take the test again.

The client is numb.

Ask Mom, is grades really that important?

Am I your show off capital?

My mother did not answer whether it was the capital to show off, but told the client that reading was of course important.

If you don't fall in love and don't have so much thought, it won't be like this at all.

Can you save some energy? Mom has to work and take care of her children.

Every time the client hears the three words of love, it's like being stripped off. Why, why humiliate her again and again?

It's clear that it's over.

Looking at the three words mentioned by her parents, her eyes flashed with disgust, as if she had done something particularly shameful.

The client felt the extreme humiliation, failed in the high school entrance examination, other people's parents are comforting their own children, only their own parents, over and over again in her wound salt.

The client lost interest in reading.

But I had no choice but to listen to my parents and reread for another year.

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