I found that the female teacher paid special attention to her and looked at her from time to time.

Meng Ligan sat through the class with difficulty. He intended to find a chance to accept the plot. Unexpectedly, the female teacher came to Meng Li and said to him:

"Qi willing, come with me."

Meng Li

The girl next to her looks at Meng Li with sympathy.

Meng Li stood up, followed her and went to her office. She put down her English book and said to Meng Li:

"what's the matter with you now? You are always absent-minded in class."

"Your grades keep sliding down, so you can go to high school?"

Meng Li just stood in silence, and three teachers in the office came back one after another.

One of the teachers said to the other:

"Miss Qi really broke her heart for her niece."


Meng Li's mind moves when he hears that, so this female teacher is a relative of the client?

"I don't know what to do when I look at you without saying a word." Teacher Qi frowned and looked like a headache.

Meng Li wanted to accept the plot as soon as possible. She said:

"teacher, I know I'm wrong. I'll study hard and never leave again."

Teacher Qi didn't believe it at all. She said:

"you always guarantee it like this."

"I'll tell you..."

The teacher began to reason with great care.

Meng Li is completely speechless.

Listening to teacher Qi's reasoning, the teacher drank a mouthful of water when the bell rang and said, "go back to class."

Meng Li was relieved and quickly left the teacher's office.

This is a math class. Although I know what it is, I don't know it for a long time, which makes Meng Li feel strange.

But take it seriously.

After class, my classmate took out a book and looked at Meng Li. It seemed that he was going to say something to Meng Li.

Meng Li was anxious to accept the plot, and she said:

"I went to the toilet, but I just failed."

The deskmate nodded and said with a little sympathy:

"yes, I was trained by Mr. Qi and put back in class."

Meng Li I'm going

The female toilet is at the corner of the corridor. Meng Li finds the toilet, closes the door and begins to accept the story.

The client is Qi willing. Now he has just entered the third grade of junior high school. He is 15 years old and 15 years old.

Qi was born in a fairly well-off family. He was not rich, but he lived a stable life.

However, the expectation of the client is very high. I hope that the client will take the first place in everything, enter a good high school in the city, and then go to a good university.

This expectation makes them put too much pressure on their clients.

Every day the client heard the most words is to do homework, no homework to read.

You can't spare a second.

To be honest, the client listens to this every day. If he listens too much, he is really upset.

My ears are all cocooned.

There are all kinds of cram classes, not interest classes, but cram classes for English and mathematics.

There is no spare time. The client's aunt is her English teacher and gives her extra homework every day.

The client is drowning in the ocean of learning.

With such high expectations for children, it is reasonable to say that the parents of the client should have good feelings and work together to cultivate the children.

Care for children's learning, as well as spiritual education and so on.

However, no, they often work overtime, quarrel at home and don't care about the mental health of clients.

That is to say, you should have good grades, good conduct and various awards.

According to the truth, bad feelings should be separated, but they not only did not separate, but also gave birth to a younger brother to the client.

At the earliest time, I was worried about how much the client thought. I didn't tell the client when I was pregnant.

When the belly is big, the client will know that his mother is pregnant.

It's time to have a baby in two or three months.


In fact, it may be better to tell her at the beginning than to hide it now. It's better to know when you can't.

It's worse.

I always feel that she is not a member of this family. She is the last one to know such a big thing.

It seems that the parents of the client didn't tell the client because of the client's consideration.

Afraid the client won't accept it?

Worried about having a brother out of favor?

The key is that they didn't do a good job of psychological construction for the client in the later period, and they didn't find the right way to care for the mental health of the client.Just after giving birth to the younger brother, the client entered the third grade of junior high school and was very nervous about learning.

There are so many homework every day, and the papers are brought home one by one, so we need a quiet learning environment.

But because the mother gave birth to a child, there are more conflicts with the father. At home, not only two adults roar, but also children cry.

The client couldn't sleep well at night, and the sound insulation at home was not very good. His younger brother cried loudly and always cried in the middle of the night.

When the children cry, their parents even have to fight.

The client was miserable and irritable, couldn't sleep at night, had no spirit in class during the day, and didn't listen to the key parts of the teacher.

Every time the monthly exam results slide down.

In addition, the school has a client's aunt, which is a humanoid monitor. Her big and small things can be immediately conveyed to her parents.

Then her parents scolded her for not being serious in class.

The client said that you had made a noise to me, and my parents looked a little chatty. I felt quite ashamed.

It's their daughter. Be careful.

It's really quiet for two nights, but how can they completely get rid of their problems for such a long time.

After a few days, they could not help quarreling.

The consignor is really speechless.

Later, maybe the mother was too tired to take care of the child, so she took the client's grandparents over to take care of the child.

Then the family became more lively, and the eyes of grandparents were on their newborn brother, even their parents.

My brother coughed, and the whole family was very nervous.

The client feels neglected.

When she has a cold, she also coughs, but where they are so nervous is to buy some cold medicine for her.

I didn't let her get close to my brother for fear that she might be infected.

Let her go as soon as you get close.

Although the client knew the reason for doing so, he felt a little uncomfortable and lost. After all, he was a little girl and hoped that someone would care about her.

Especially at this special stage, although the entrance examination does not completely change life, it can also affect the direction of life.

Some students have nutrition meals sent by their parents every day, but she didn't.

She only has the bad food in the school canteen.

Parents will only blame the client for not paying attention to the class when they know the results every time, and the rest of them pay little attention to the client.

After all, I have a child to take with me. I'm very busy.

As soon as the last semester of the third year of junior high school is over, it is the new year.

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