Zhou Yang didn't feel much excited when he heard that, because for him, no matter who he got, it was 100 points of love value.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with him.

He was very upset and said to the system:

"this woman's heart is made of stone. I treat her very well all the way. I don't have a good face. I still expect her to contribute to the value of love?"

"It's a wonderful flower. She's a virgin whore at ordinary times, but I don't feel soft at all. I'm a dog. She should be moved."

"But what is it like now? Just taking me to make trouble, did the bandits rob her? "

"She didn't do anything to her. She went to mind her own business. She told me that it was to get rid of harm for the people. Can we get rid of it?"

"And before, let me lose so many pills, hanging pot to help the world? Mother Jeter! Those are her family? It doesn't cost money to see a doctor for free. Why is it so kind? Is this the woman you introduced in the information

Zhou Yang is more said more excited, originally lying in the Inn Bed, all angry to sit up.

He complained to the system again, and the system listened silently.

Not a word.

Zhou Yang vented enough before the system said:

"if you really want to go, I won't stop you."

Although I'm greedy for the energy each other can bring, I'm really disheartened.

Let him slow down, he has to slow down, let this task go first.

The main reason is that he doesn't understand what's going on with this man. He doesn't feel that he has changed his soul. He can know through rebirth.

"Well, I can't stand it. I'll go now." Zhou Yang said angrily.

He put on his shoes and clothes, quietly opened the door of the room, ready to slip, and the last word of Zhou Yang was angry to say, Meng Li practiced for so long, in the next room, although he couldn't hear what Zhou Yang said, he knew he made a sound.

Meng Li is not at ease also followed to open the door, just saw the next door to look out to his side of Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang

Why don't you look at it for a while instead of opening the door and go? If you didn't hesitate at the door for a while, you have already gone.

Meng Li asked:

"what are you doing?"

Zhou Yang said with a dry smile:

"see if you turn off the light."

Meng Li felt that Zhou Yang was strange. When she looked at her just now, she felt guilty on her face. She remembered that there were too many troubles during this period, and sometimes she could see the disgust in Zhou Yang's eyes. Meng Li asked:

"are you going to leave me?"

Zhou Yang didn't expect that the other party was in the mood all of a sudden. He was too young to control his expression well. His expression was even more flustered and guilty. He quickly denied: "no, how can it be."

Meng Li didn't care much:


It's just a casual way to test Zhou Yang. I didn't expect that Zhou Yang couldn't stand the test.

Zhou Yang gave Meng Li an uncomfortable smile:

"if you go to bed early, you will get up early tomorrow."

Meng Li gave a sound and went back to the room.

She said to 6018:

"what can we do now? Zhou Yang and his system can't stand me any more. They are going to run."

"It's hard to find it after running away."

Meng Li said with a smile, but he didn't expect to be so annoying.

6018 also felt that it was a bit difficult to do. When everything was done, I felt that the other party would not be able to stick to it. I let the other party run away again, go out and grow up again. Didn't things come back to the origin?

But if you leave a mark on the other side, if the other side detects that he is also a system, it is very likely to attack him.

It's really inappropriate to fight in the world.

Tell Meng Li that he wants to find a way, and Meng Li will rest assured to practice, but move the chair to the door, so that she can hear more clearly what's going on next door.

But Zhou Yang returned to his room, and his system asked:

"are you still going?"

Zhou Yang said:

"what if I go out now and meet her again?"

"You can't take me to disappear, so there's no trace."

The system sighed:

"they all said that it's energy-consuming. You should never think about it like this until you have to."

Zhou Yang pursed his mouth:


"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Zhou Yang fidgeted to lie on the bed, did not meditate, and went to sleep under the quilt.

Here 6018 is still pondering how to locate the system without being discovered.

After searching various forums, I finally found a kind of prop. This kind of prop is available in the mall, but in fact, even the mall of the system is locked when the Tasker is doing the task.The purpose of the organization is to make the Tasker focus on strengthening himself rather than relying on props for everything.

The organization doesn't want to cultivate all kinds of taskers with various props, but they don't have any skills. In this way, they can't achieve their goal of cultivating talents.

So now 6018 can't use the mall.

And the consumption of this exchange should be borne by the system itself, because the props used by the Tasker are borne by themselves. In fact, this kind of exchange is also the main work of the system. Naturally, it is also borne by the system itself.

Thinking of this, 6018 simply did not tell Meng Li about it.

In order to avoid Meng Li being polite to him, he said that he would take responsibility together.

Zheng Xian is Meng Li's friend, so Zheng Xian's system is also 6018's friend. 6018 remembers that things can be transmitted between friends. He quietly goes to Zheng Xian's system and asks if Zheng Xian's system has such things.

In fact, 6018 felt a little red when he asked this question. Is it because he is too confident in Meng Li and believes that Meng Li will not face this problem, or is he too stingy?

To know to do this task, but did not prepare a props in advance.

Now I have to ask others, and I place all my hopes on Zheng Xian's system.

Fortunately, Zheng Xian's system didn't disappoint 6018. He also did this kind of task. He prepared earlier and said that he could lend it to 6018. 6018 insisted on buying it, so the other party followed 6018 and sold it to 6018.

6018 get props, is like a USB disk the same size thing, according to the tutorial operation, can very secretly intrude into the other party's system data is not detected, so as to successfully locate the other party's specific location.

In fact, it's a bit like implanting a virus into each other.

6018's IQ is not low. After reading the tutorial, I have some points in my mind. I operate it carefully. I ask Zheng Xian's system if I don't understand it. Zheng Xian's system doesn't hide secrets, so I can solve 6018's puzzles.

Let 6018 successfully intrude into the other party's data and locate the other party.

After all this, 6018 breathed a sigh of relief and said to Meng Li:

"I have already positioned myself, and the other party's system should not be aware of it."

Meng Li, who didn't know the twists and turns, looked happy:

"so powerful."

So no matter where Zhou Yang goes, she can easily find him.

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