Meng Li can't obviously pit Zhou Yang, otherwise Zhou Yang can feel wrong even if his IQ is negative?

Meng Li can only follow Zhou Yang on horseback.

Zhou Yang was also right. When the people in the small town told the local officials that they thought that Zhou Yang had not gone far, they searched Zhou Yang in a carpet style in the jurisdiction. Unfortunately, Zhou Yang had already left alertly.

On the way, Zhou Yang asked Meng Li to change his face. Meng Li said, "in fact, you can wear a mask."

She doesn't want to wear a mask because she doesn't like it, but it doesn't matter whether Zhou Yang likes it or not.

Zhou Yang:


He pretended to take out a mask from the bag and put it on. In fact, it was just exchanged by the system.

And when they are ready to go to the checkpoint, there will be people checking, usually checking the goods and the identity information of the people who come and go. Usually this kind of situation is perfunctory. This time, when Meng Li and Zhou Yang are holding a horse for inspection, Zhou Yang is asked to take off the mask.

Zhou Yang said that he had a wound on his face, which was inconvenient to see. He also gave some silver coins to the officers and soldiers in charge of the investigation.

In the past, this kind of operation has passed. After all, one person and one horse is not a big deal.

But today, the officers and soldiers are reluctant to take off their masks, and the officers and soldiers around them are watching them on guard.

Meng Zhongming was afraid that the emperor had left another hand to prepare. On the surface, it was because he wanted to give Zhou Yang a reward to find him, and then he gave orders to all levels to check Zhou Yang's whereabouts. He was afraid that once he found out, he was bound to take Zhou Yang's job.

Meng Li also found some officers and soldiers squinting on her face. It seems that the emperor is also a preventive technique.

But the emperor's main focus was on Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang was also flustered. He repeatedly asked the officers and soldiers if they could accommodate him. However, the officers and soldiers refused with righteous words. If they caught someone, the emperor had a heavy reward. How could this person give them?

In desperation, Zhou Yang asked the system if there was any way to do it. The system was so helpless that he sighed:

"I have to spend my energy to let others see that you look different from what you are now."

Zhou Yang's heart must be:

"then I can take it away."

Meng Li looks at Zhou Yang. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yang reaches out his hand and takes off the mask. The officers and soldiers stare at Zhou Yang's face and feel strange. They take out the portrait of Zhou Yang in their hands for comparison, which doesn't look like it.

But the height and shape marked above are too similar to the person in front of us.

I can't help looking at Zhou Yang.

One side of Meng Li felt that he looked at Zhou Yang's face, and that feeling was very strange.

More like the people I met in my dream, I feel Zhou Yang's face is distorted.

A group of officers and soldiers around Zhou Yang looked and frowned, and finally felt that it was not the style of the person in the painting. The person in front of him in a black robe looked like a monster who could not live in seclusion.

Zhou Yang said:

"can I go now?"

"Wait, I'll see the man next to me."

The officers and soldiers began to look at Meng Li. The Emperor didn't know what Meng Li looked like, so he didn't draw a picture of Meng Li. Besides, Meng Li slipped too early, and he didn't have the height and body shape of Zhou Yang. All the features were prepared by the emperor.

Looking at Meng Li, the officers and soldiers didn't look like him, nor did they look like Zhou Yang. They patiently said, "let's go."

They successfully passed the checkpoint, and the system sighed in Zhou Yang's mind:

"it's really hard. It takes energy to blindfold so many people."

Zhou Yang didn't know how to answer, so he could only say:

"it's hard for you."

The system says:

"you have to take things seriously."

"Take Jin mushuang as soon as possible to earn some love value."

In fact, the system has been reminding Zhou Yang repeatedly. According to the principle, Zhou Yang should serve snacks, but it may be that the system is too easy to talk at ordinary times, resulting in Zhou Yang's repeated reminders of the system.

Zhou Yang just said perfunctorily:

"I know."

I don't have a great sense of urgency.

But still consciously to tease Meng Li, Meng Li for Zhou Yang's tease heart no fluctuation, even feel tired.

Meng Li seems to say casually whether he wants to go to the southwest to see if he has a chance to see witchcraft. In fact, Meng Li wants to see if witchcraft is fake. He just wants to go to the southwest and pass more checkpoints.

It must have been Zhou Yang's system before. He obviously felt the energy fluctuation. When he passed more levels, he could spend more energy on the other side's system.

It's really a helpless move.

Zhou Yang feels that Jin Mu Shuang finally has a place to go. He readily agrees to Meng Li's request. Anyway, he can't find him even at the checkpoint. Zhou Yang always feels that the system helps him cover up his appearance, which is very simple. He hasn't considered it personally for the system.

What's more, it's a task. Where does a girl want to go? If he doesn't agree, can she still get hold of it?The system is really a Buddhist system. It just says that it consumes energy. Zhou Yang says that as long as you get love value, there will be energy?

Now one person one system is counting on this.

They went to the southwest and passed many hurdles. Every time, Zhou Yang's system used the same old technique again to let Zhou Yang pass the customs smoothly.

Meng Li felt that this was not enough, and began to take Zhou Yang to make trouble.

In fact, it's not a trouble. Instead, it's to solve some bandit dens and take them to the southwest. The terrain is dangerous. Many places are easy to defend but difficult to attack, and local officers and soldiers can't help it.

Some bandits are very rampant, robbing families and houses. They are women and do all kinds of evil.

Pull up Zhou Yang and say why not do nothing for the people?

It can consume the energy of Zhouyang system.

Every time can a bloody battle, and Meng Li seems to inadvertently let Zhou Yang many times into a critical moment of life and death.

If not for the timely delivery of the system, Zhou Yang may really die.

Zhou Yang was very tired, and even began to get tired of Meng Li. What did he do when he had nothing to do to provoke these bandits?

Every time he was injured, he had to take pills. When he was in danger, the system had to rescue him. The system was reading in his ear, saying that the energy consumption was too much.

It's so annoying.

Zhou Yang asked the system again:

"can I give up Kim Mu Shuang? I'm so tired of her now. I make trouble all day long, and I almost get cold many times. This woman is really a virgin whore."

The system was silent for a moment and said:

"I'm so tired. If I can't do it, I'll change people first."

Zhou Yang breathed a sigh of relief:

"you finally agreed. If we give up earlier, I will tell you that I have won several women now."

The system felt that Zhou Yang was very irritable and could only say truthfully:

"in fact, at the beginning, Jinmu didn't have so much Qi in her body, but I don't know why. Later, I felt that her Qi was getting bigger and bigger, which made me so excited that I should have a lot of energy to win her."

The system just doesn't detect that a soul has changed inside. Meng Li has absorbed Qi and also has qi to become a Tasker, which is different from ordinary people.

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