Zhu Jun thought for thousands of times, and finally sighed silently in his heart.

He calmed down, picked up his parents and said:

"let me talk to her."

Two people hope Zhu Jun can persuade Meng Li, quickly flow tears nodded, Zhu Jun advanced master bedroom, Meng Li followed in.

Zhu Jun said:

"I know that my elder sister is sorry for you, but she may be really confused for a moment. It's my fault that I didn't send her to the mental hospital earlier."

"She must be mentally ill."

Zhu Jun thinks that Zhu Fen has mental problems, but the police say that there is no problem. This makes Zhu Jun's heart feel complicated. If he has mental illness, he doesn't have to go to prison

But not at all.

Meng Li looks at Zhu Jun faintly:


Zhu Jun's expression is a little painful:

"do you have to divorce?"

Meng Li: "if my family did this, what would you do?"

Zhu Jun's heart was aching, and he said:

"is it an additional condition of the letter of understanding?"

"I want to sell the house, but I can't forgive the one who sold it."

Although Zhu Jun's performance in the plot is very chilling, it can't be said that he is a big traitor and a big evil. He just wants to be a bad man.

And selfish.

The human side.

At that time, the house was indeed half the money for one person, and the mortgage was shared, which can not be ignored.

Zhu Jun also did not cheat, is cheating, also did not say can let a person completely clean body out of the house.

Meng Li doesn't want to ask Zhu Jun for any mental loss. The fault is actually Zhu Fen. Zhu Jun knows nothing about Zhu Fen's poisoning. If she wants Zhu Jun's compensation, it's equivalent to understanding Zhu Fen.

The client hates Zhu Fen most, so he doesn't want to make Zhu Fen better.

Money can be earned.

The consignor also has the backbone of the consignor. He can first get compensation, and then he doesn't give forgiveness. But Meng Li, from the character of the consignor she pondered, disdains to do so.

In fact, Zhu Fen's situation may have been in it for a few years, but he will bear the charge of a murderer all his life.

Attempted murder, with the word "murder", is a murderer in everyone's heart.

This kind of situation has a great influence on a person. It's hard to get married and find a job.

As for Zhu Jun, Meng Li feels that if he doesn't need her to do anything, Zhu Jun will suffer.

Painful things will be in the back. When Zhu Jun is mentioned, people say that he has a murderer's sister, so strange eyes will always accompany Zhu Jun.

Colleagues in the company will also look at Zhu Jun in the same strange way.

Just as the original client received so many different eyes.

Zhu junzui moved a few times, and finally said:

"can we not divorce?"

Meng Li sneered a few times, his expression was a little sad, and said:

"is this not a tragedy enough? Do you think my family can still allow our marriage to continue? "

"After such a big thing, can we still face each other day and night?"

"After having children, can children call your sister-in-law? Are you sure your sister won't ruin our life then? "

Zhu Jun's expression is more and more painful, and his body is shaking. He looks like he's hit hard. He suddenly kneels down to Meng Li and says bitterly:

"I can divorce and make it up to you, but can you forgive her? For the sake of our husband and wife, I beg you one last thing

Meng Li shook her head and forced herself to shed two tears. She said:

"I hope you don't embarrass me too much. You know this will leave a forever gap between us."

"I won't ask for your compensation, and I won't forgive her."

Zhu Jun could not help sobbing in a low voice:

"please, please."

"Mom and Dad, how sad they should be. She's really confused at the moment."

"I'm afraid of my parents. They can't stand it..."

But no matter how Zhu Jun begged Meng Li, Meng Li was not moved.

This time, Zhu Jun was hit hard, and there was no interference or advice from Zhu Fen in the plot. Zhu Xiaojing looked at the witty person, but in fact, he had no idea in his heart. Zhu's parents said that they were not so strong as Zhu Fen. Finally, Zhu Jun considered all day and agreed to divorce.

However, the Zhu family still had a fluke in their heart, hoping to comply with Meng Li's wishes, and then they could not say that they were happy, so they made a letter of understanding.

They are not people who have nothing to do with Sanguan. They also know that Zhu Fen is sorry for Meng Li.

Married successfully divorced, the house was hung out, now is a good time for the house market, and there are no new buildings near this area, Zhu Jun and Meng Li also did not ask too much, the house is still relatively good.Soon there were several waves of people looking at the house, and finally the contract was signed.

And Zhu Siwu came early to help Meng Li deal with these things.

Zhu Jun's family still pesters Meng Li to issue a letter of understanding. Every time Zhu Siwu stands in front of Meng Li, he resolutely disagrees.

Meng Li thinks that the younger brother of the client is really good.

This makes their hope completely frustrated, but now the divorce certificate has been pulled, and the house has signed a contract with the buyer, waiting for half of the money.

Zhu Jun felt that his idea at that time was very naive, should have understood that he should not simply think that everything was in line with her intention, she could see in this point of love, a soft heart to forgive elder sister.

In the end, Zhu Fen was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

After all, it was an attempt to kill, and it did not cause any personal injury to Meng Li.

Besides, Zhu Fen confessed quickly and had a good attitude towards confession.

Meng Li didn't feel much in his heart. Zhu Fen's reputation has been completely destroyed since then. This incident has become a piece of news and spread in Zhu Fen's hometown.

Just as Meng junfen's colleagues are not willing to be affected, Zhu junfen doesn't want to be affected.

All of us are ordinary people. We suddenly face a colleague who has a murderer in his family. He dare not get close to him and goes out with his mother. Who knows when he offends Zhu Jun? Zhu Jun also poisons her like her sister.

It's going to be over.

The money for the house has already arrived. Meng Li finally breathes a sigh of relief when he looks at the money. It's the consignor's things that have been taken back.

Meng Li looked at the house price of another city closer to his hometown on the Internet, and felt that the money on hand could down pay a house with one bedroom and one living room, so it was not too comfortable to live alone.

Even if the client remarries in the future, the house for rent, one room and one living room is also very popular.

And it's completely the client's house. Meng Li chose a good house, but it's no problem to change it into a small house.

If there is a need, it's two houses. It's very flexible.

You don't have to pay rent to buy a house.

The location is also good. Meng Li applied for the company to go to the branch, where the welfare is better, so he went directly.

And there's still some gossip here.

That is to say, it's better to stay away from here and get closer to home.

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