Meng Li finds that Zhu Fen always chats with one person, and the content of the chat makes Meng Li feel very interesting. Zhu Fen asks if the other person is useful.

What the other party says is guaranteed to work.

And it works fast.

The content of the chat is very implicit, Zhu Fen has been bargaining with the other party, the other party's attitude is very arrogant, Zhu Fen love to answer.

A few days later in the morning, Zhu Fen suddenly said that he wanted to drink coffee. Everyone had a cup. Zhu Fen and Zhu Xiaojing were busy in the kitchen. They brought the last cup to Meng Li.

Meng Li took the coffee and frowned without any trace.

Zhu Fen looked at Meng Li nervously, and Meng Li said:

"I'll go to the toilet first."

Zhu Jun had already started drinking. He took a sip and said:

"is this coffee without sugar? It's so hard. "

Zhu Fen laughs and moves her body, which makes her fidgety.

Meng Li went to the toilet and called the police directly without hesitation.

Zhufen wanted to poison her.

It seems that I'm really in a hurry.

This is from Zhu Fen.

Meng from the toilet time is not fast, Zhu Jun halfway asked Meng from again, he is anxious to go to work.

Meng Li asks Zhu Jun to wait for her. Zhu Fen also tells Meng Li to hurry up and make sure the coffee is not cold.

Meng Li came out with nothing to drink but coffee. He put it on his mouth from time to time and tried to drink it, but he didn't drink it.

Find words to chat with Zhu Jun, Zhu Fen in the side nervously.

Both eyes seem to be protruding.

Looking at the coffee to Meng Li's mouth, Zhu Fen had a moment's hesitation in his heart, repeatedly asked himself if he really wanted to let her die?

But seeing Meng Li's hand move, the coffee swings back, and Zhu Fen looks forward to the entrance.

People say that they can die very quickly, but it's too late to send them to the hospital. People all die. Why do they send them to the hospital then?

Even if his brother finds out that something is wrong and everyone is dead, he can't send her to prison, can he?

Zhu Fen was in a state of confusion and kept calculating the consequences in her heart.

Moreover, after a great test of conscience, Zhu Fen came up with the image of being beaten by Zhu Siwen. The image she left in her mind at that time showed that Zhu Siwen's face was really vicious.

Every second was hard. Zhu Fen felt that time passed very slowly, as if a clock was ticking in her mind.

When the doorbell rang, zhufenren was already nervous. His heart beat like thunder, and he rolled down from his chair.

Zhu Jun asked: "are you OK, sister?"

Zhu Fen stammered:

"no, it's OK."

Zhu Fen wants to get up, but her legs are weak for no reason. It's hard to stand up, and her legs are shaking.

Zhu Jun went to open the door.

Before opening the door, it was a policeman in police uniform. Zhu Jun was suspicious, but he also opened the door.

When the police came in, Zhu Jun immediately asked to see the police's certificate.

After confirmation, Zhu Jun asked the police if there was anything wrong?

The police said:

"someone here called the police and said someone had poisoned."

Zhu Jun twisted his brows and said:

"officer, you've made a mistake. There's no one here to call the police."

Meng Li went to the coffee station and said to the police:

"Hello, I called the police. Someone poisoned me. It's in the coffee."

If Zhu Fen fell into the ice cellar, she felt that she was frozen all of a sudden. She dashed into the room and the door was slammed shut.

As soon as the police saw it, a policeman in the back took Meng Li's coffee with gloves and said he would take it back for inspection.

Zhu Jun finally recovered and looked at Meng Li in disbelief:

"what did you say?"

Meng Li ignored Zhu Jun.

He said to the police:

"I suspect that my husband's elder sister, the woman who just came into the room, poisoned me. There is a big contradiction between us. She has a grudge against me."

"It's abnormal these days, too."

Zhu Xiaojing was so stupid that she was too scared to speak.

Zhu Fen hiding in the room, holding his head, very scared, has been shouting not me, not me.

This makes everyone speechless. Zhu Jun's heart sinks down. Even if he is not a policeman, he knows that this matter has something to do with his elder sister.

Zhu Jun looks at Meng Li's eyes and pleads. He even hopes that Meng Li tells the police that he has made a mistake.

But Meng Li ignores Zhu Jun's eyes, and Zhu Jun can't say it.

When the door opened, Zhu Fen hid in the corner of the wall and watched the police approaching her step by step. Zhu Fen howled:

"don't catch me, please. It's really not me."

She really didn't know why the police came, why Zhu Siwen could find out. Did she see her poisoning?The police took Zhu Fen away. Zhu Jun, Meng Li and Zhu Xiaojing also went to the police station.

When Zhu Fen was taken away, Xiao an was just awakened by the chaotic situation and watched his mother be taken away by the police.

The police also made a survey of the house.

During the whole journey, Zhu Jun's eyes on Meng Li were very complicated, which happened suddenly and caught people off guard.

Although Zhu Fen is usually very rude, his mental quality is extremely poor. The police are good at psychological warfare with criminals. Zhu Fen can't resist it without a few moves.

He told the police the whole story and told them it was because he was beaten by his sister-in-law.

The police also found evidence of Zhu Fen's purchase of highly toxic drugs, and plan to follow suit to catch the organization selling the prohibited goods.

All the evidence is conclusive, but the police can't understand everyone's confession. They all say that Zhu Siwen didn't beat anyone, but Zhu Fen has always vowed that he was beaten.

Zhu Fen was given a neurological examination, and there was no sign of mental illness.

Police also asked Meng Li how to know that coffee is poisonous, Meng Li said intuition.

Women's intuition is very smart.

Well, the police can't either.

This is an attempted homicide. We have to sentence it.

has reported to the police now. The police have controlled the suspect. It is a criminal case.

But Zhu Jun's family hopes Meng Li will issue a letter of understanding and Zhu Fen will be sentenced less.

Because of this, Zhu's parents also came here.

Zhu's father and mother knelt down in front of Meng Li and begged. Zhu Jun was also very painful. Meng Li just said faintly:

"I want a divorce."

Zhu Jun: "ah?"

Meng Li said:

"your sister wants to kill me. Can we live this life? How do you face your sister when she comes out? "

"You hate me in your heart. You hate me for calling the police."

"But if it was you, how would you choose?"

Zhu's father and mother quickly said:

"thinking of literature, Zhu Fen is just confused for a moment. Don't take it to heart."

Meng Li laughs sarcastically:

"it's too boring for you to say such words. If someone wants to kill you, can you not let your heart go?"

The two elders had nothing to say but said over and over again:

"please, please forgive her..."

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