Zheng Xian spat out his tongue and said:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, and I don't know why my brain smoked..."

"Nei, would you like something to calm down? I have medicine."

Meng Li glanced at Zheng Xian and said directly:


She didn't have sedative medicine to take, but Meng Li didn't dare to take Zheng Xian's things. What if she calmed down and fell asleep.

And now her taste is not good. Her soul is tired and excited, just like the feeling of being sleepy but unable to sleep.

"Well, that Heavenly Master is completely trapped by you?" Zheng Xian asked.

Meng Li said:


Zheng Xian sipped his mouth, and he had some doubts in his heart. It's better to get to the point after thinking about it.

She asked:

"since you can solve him today, does that mean you can solve him last time?"

Looking at Zheng Xian, Meng Li said, "it's not like this. It's just that I've been cramming for Buddha's feet these days, and I've just had an epiphany, so I've made some progress."

She said with a pause:

"I didn't mean to waste your scroll."

Zheng Xian had been staring at Meng Li's expression, and then he was silent for a few seconds, and then he was a little ashamed to say:

"it's my villain's heart that makes a gentleman's belly."

Meng Li said as gently as possible:

"no, in fact, the Heavenly Master is just like you. I was trapped before I expected."

Can understand Zheng Xian's mood, do the task very often very dangerous, if you meet an unreliable teammate, will be pit very miserable.

At least Zheng Xian's doubts will come out, instead of secretly guessing and doubting.

Even she did not expect that she could make such great progress this time.

Zheng Xian didn't expect it, nor did Tian Shi, so Tian Shi took it lightly and fought with her with a playful attitude. Some people like to get pleasure from hitting their opponents again and again.

Just as on that day, the Heavenly Master pretended to be trapped by her and broke it lightly. At that time, the taste in her heart was not good.

Zheng Xian asked uneasily:

"do you blame me for my first cooperation..."

Meng Li shook his head and said, "no way."

In fact, the first cooperation, who will completely trust each other, that is, she did not foolishly hand over all her cards.

Because he is a little not honest, Meng Li can't be strict with others.

It's not a big deal.

Zheng Xian was relieved and decided to turn the matter over.

She looked at the Heavenly Master's body, coughed a few times, and said to Meng Li:

"repent! The world

Her voice is very similar to that of the Heavenly Master.

Meng Li said with a smile:

"are you going to play the role of master of heaven?"

Zheng Xiandao:

"yes, now the whole country trusts the Heavenly Master. It's much easier for me to do things with this level of identity."

"No one has ever seen the true face of the Heavenly Master."

Meng Li thought it was a good idea, and said to Zheng Xian:

"let's open those black boxes and have a look."

For safety's sake, Meng Li blocks the basement space for fear that something disgusting will spread poison. Zheng Xian arranges a border to protect them. Then Zheng Xian uses his spiritual power to gather a hand and holds a black box. The black box is covered with a layer of power. Zheng Xian breaks up the power and opens the black box.

An enlarged maggot flew out of the black box. Well, this maggot should be the size of a person's thumb.

Zheng Xian killed this thing.

Meng Li had a inference in his mind and said:

"it's very likely that the master of heaven controls the local insects through this thing. He puts the insects on the place, and then when the insects spread the poison, in order to achieve the situation that the capital will not be affected, he can clean up the local insects by killing the big insects."

"But it's just an inference. We can have a try." Meng Li said.

Meng Li took out a can of maggots before, and Zheng Xian also took them out. He swept the situation inside with his mental strength, and all the maggots were alive.

Zheng Xian put away a box of worms and said that it would be used in the experiment of preparing antidotes in the future.

Then they killed the remaining insects, and looking back, Meng Li did not expect that all the two cans of insects died in this way.

Now this place can be said to be very disgusting. Zheng Xian collected all the dead bodies of the insects, and Meng Li took the body of the Heavenly Master. They went out of the city together and cremated the Heavenly Master and the insects.

Worried about the spread of toxic sources, they also worked hard to dig a deep pit for cremation.

Zheng Xian felt that they were too environmentally conscious, and they also brought the idea of digging holes and cremation.Very tired.

But Meng Li's spirit is very good!

Even though she had blood in her eyes.

Zheng Xian is tired and just wants to be lazy. He looks at Meng Li and stares at her with a smile. Zheng Xian immediately gives up the idea of being lazy.

After all this, both of them were stinking.

Each other showed the expression of mutual dislike.

They went back to the Heavenly Master's mansion, found a suit of clothes that marked the Heavenly Master, and then put on the mask of the Heavenly Master.

To Meng Liyong, he said:

"how do you like it?"

Meng Li looked at it carefully and said:

"your body is thin, but this robe is too big to see. However, you are shorter than the original master."

Zheng Xian said without much concern:

"it doesn't matter. I can wear an inner sleeve."

Meng Li: "very good."

Zheng Xian asked:

"how high should I wear?"

The corpses of the Heavenly Master were cremated. Just now, I didn't measure how high they were.

Meng Li stood on tiptoe and compared Zheng Xian's head. He thought that now he was sleepy and excited, and felt very sour. All this was due to Zheng Xian.

Meng Li raised his hand a little higher and said:

"about this high."

Zheng Xian held out his hand to compare, and asked suspiciously:

"is the teacher of heaven so much higher? How high does it have to be in the shoes? "

"Tired feet."

Meng Li said solemnly:

"you can raise it a little today, reduce it a little tomorrow, and reduce it a little every day. Just get used to it."

"But you are suddenly short. You must be doubted."

Zheng Xian did not doubt that there was him, and nodded. Meng Li asked:

"are you here to play the role of Tianshi and Wenxuan?"

Zheng Xian turned his head and said mysteriously:

"so don't worry, I have an excellent way."

Meng Li said hello and took Zheng Xian back to the general's residence. Zheng Xian said:

"that man is just trapped by you, isn't he dead?"

Meng Li said:

"I don't think we can solve it first. After all, there are still some things we want to find out."

Zheng Xian said:

"well, I'll leave it to you."

Zheng Xian told Meng Li about his plan. After this toss, they simply washed their hands.

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