Eh, Meng Li thinks this heavenly master is so obscene.

What tastes good? Isn't it true that the Heavenly Master can eat human flesh.

It seems that the Heavenly Master specially chose such a secret place this time. Maybe he planned to kill them.

Meng Li thinks it's time to test herself. She looks at the casual appearance of the Heavenly Master, obviously playing a trick on others.

She raised her hand, built a space beside the master, slowly compressed inward, and the master was trapped in it.

Zheng Xian retreated with his double swords and stared nervously at the Heavenly Master.

At the beginning, the master didn't think so. He just thought that this was the last time.

Disdain flashed in his eyes, trying to break the space wall constructed by Meng Li, but unexpectedly it didn't break, Zheng Xian couldn't help laughing.

Heavenly Master: "eh?"

There was a flash of doubt and surprise in his voice, and then he took it more seriously, but still didn't break the wall of space that trapped him.

"Well, what's the matter with you this time?"

The Heavenly Master sneered.

Meng Li didn't answer the question and reduced the space step by step. The Heavenly Master felt that the space was going to squeeze him out of shape. He laughed darkly and echoed in the basement.

Zheng Xian holds a pair of swords in front of her chest and is very defensive. Meng Li stares at the Heavenly Master and suddenly feels a concussion in her space. He sees the Heavenly Master's body soft in the space.

And the space appeared a man's soul, the man gives people the feeling is very evil.

He was dressed in a black and red chivalry suit and a pair of boots. He looked like a Western noble knight. His facial features were three-dimensional and his eyes were deep.

He moved his neck, gave an evil smile, and said:

"the body is good and bad. If you don't have a body, you can't find a woman to enjoy it. If you have a body, it's always in the way."

This time, he successfully broke the space wall constructed by Meng Li with his soul state.

His soul looks like a real person, walking towards Meng Li and Zheng Xian in his boots.

Meng Li suddenly had a concept in his mind and said to Zheng Xian:

"maybe I have to get rid of my body to get rid of him."

After Meng Li finished speaking, he broke away from his body. Meng Li's soul appeared in the space. The Heavenly Master was not surprised when he looked at Meng Li. He said:

"he looks good, but he has no body."

Meng Li hooked his lips:

"what's the matter with you? Disgusting stuff. "

She reconstructs the space wall. This time, she integrates the boundary force, which makes the space wall more solid.

What we are comparing now is to see who is deeper in the perception of the power of space between her and this heavenly master.

Once again, the master of heaven was trapped by Meng Li, who quickly and continuously constructed layer after layer of space walls.

One layer of paper may be easy to break, but ten layers, one hundred layers, one thousand layers

Is it still that easy to pierce?

The continuous construction of layer after layer of space wall makes Meng Li's soul very tired, and the feeling of being unable to do what he wants is more and more obvious.

Meng Li gritted her teeth and insisted, her soul seemed a little dim.

The master of heaven has been trying to break it, but he is surprised to find that even if he is in a state of soul, he can't break the space wall constructed by Meng Li.

This makes the Heavenly Master very irritable, and the look in Meng Li's eyes is full of murderous.

The more space the master Meng has, the better he can't escape from the spirit.

However, it has been compressed all the time, and the Heavenly Master in the state of soul can't die in it.

Mengli can only compress the space into a very small ball, which contains the Heavenly Master. Then she holds the Heavenly Master in her hand, and the Heavenly Master yells at Mengli with a ferocious face. Instead of using the power of space to break the space constructed by Mengli, she tries to destroy Mengli's space violently.

The roaring sound of the space is mixed with the angry curse of the Heavenly Master. The attack of the Heavenly Master is black, which makes the space black and blurry.

Meng Li simply cut off the sound.

Meng Li's whole soul seems to be overdrawn after finishing this. With her last strength, she goes back to the body of the original master. After merging with the body of the original master, she puts the Heavenly Master away. Meng Li sleeps without any resistance.

Zheng Xian is still in a state of ignorance.

That's it?

This process looks very short, there is no soul stirring, not to mention a fierce battle, it feels very easy to solve.

The power of space is something that every Tasker needs to understand. Zheng Xian is even more fascinated by it, but he has never had the chance to understand it.

She thought Meng Li was just entering the body fusion, but after waiting for a long time, it didn't take so long for the fusion?

She squatted down and saw Meng Li lying on the ground. She cried anxiously:

"ah Li?"

"Wake up?"

She put spiritual power into Meng Li's body, but it didn't seem to work.Zheng Xian is pinching Meng Li and turning his eyelids, so he has to give Meng Li artificial respiration

Zheng Xianna: what's the matter?

She thought about her belongings in her mind and what could wake Meng Li up.

Meng Li was sleeping, and slowly felt a strange feeling, which forced Meng Li's consciousness to return gradually and become clearer and clearer.

Meng Li opened his eyes, watched Zheng Xian wring his brows, holding a bottle in his hand, and asked:

"what are you thinking?"

Meng Li smashed his mouth, felt something in his mouth, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"what did you feed me?"

Zheng Xian said pleasantly:

"are you awake? Is this medicine so effective? "

Meng Li asked again:

"what's in my mouth?"

Zheng Xian lowered his head:

"don't blame me for saying that."

Meng Li felt that the medicine was in her mouth, and now it was not suitable to spit it out. Thinking that Zheng Xian would not feed her a mess of medicine, Meng Li swallowed it and said faintly:

"I won't blame you."

Zheng Xian said awkwardly:

"it's the kind of medicine that makes people particularly excited. I made it myself, and the effect is very strong..."

Meng Li silently looks at Zheng Xian and stops talking.

Zheng Xiandao:

"I didn't expect it to be really useful. I was worried about your accident, so I was anxious to wake you up, but if I didn't wake you up, I couldn't prick you with a needle..."

Meng Li doesn't want to talk, because she has already felt excited and wants to

get into a fight?

Or jump?

In a word, it's a sport that needs sports. It's OK to run a crazy circle

Meng Li stood up, forced to suppress the excitement, and gritted his teeth and said:

"thank you

Zheng Xian said weakly:

"you're welcome?"

Meng Li doesn't want to pay attention to Zheng Xian. He pace in the space, feeling that there is no place for him, so he wants to jump up, jump up, hi.

Meng Li repressed himself over and over again. Finally, he couldn't help telling Zheng Xian, "don't feed me such a mess in the future."

"If I do this again, I'll be angry."

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