Meng Li, who has been practicing all night, checks his gold bracelet and a dagger again. He thinks that there are nutrients in the system space, so he has more confidence.

Gold bracelets can be exchanged for some money, daggers can be used for self-defense, and nutrients can not make people hungry.

He has also cultivated his spiritual power.

After going out to wash, Meng Li went back to practice.

Guo Liujun got up early. She knocked on Zhang Qi's door. Zhang Qi opened the door. Guo Liujun looked inside and saw the child sitting on the bed with a small object in his hand.

I'm very obsessed. I don't cry.

Guo Liujun said with a smile:

"the child is very good."

Zhang Qi asked subconsciously:

"do you like children?"

Guo Liujun nodded his head for a moment, and then said:

"however, the revolution has not yet been successful, and now there is no way to consider children's love."

Zhang Qi nodded and said with approval:

"you have a country before you have a family. As a woman, you still have such awareness, but I Ah, it's a shame. "

He had a sad look on his face.

Guo Liujun also sighed.

"The road is long and dangerous. I don't know if my sister-in-law can stand it." She said anxiously.

Zhang Qi shakes his head to express his helplessness. Meng Li comes out, stands behind Guo Liujun and says to Zhang Qi:

"don't you hurry? I'm here to chat. "

Zhang Qi: "just when you come, look at the child, I go to wash."

Meng Li nodded.

Walking in, the child looks at Meng Li and reaches out to hug him. Meng Li holds the child in his hand. Zhang Qi takes a look and goes out with a towel.

Guo Liujun also came in, sat next to Meng Li and said:

"sister in law, when did you and Zhang Qi get married?"

Meng Li said faintly:

"it's been two or three years."

Guo Liujun let out a cry and asked:

"my sister-in-law is not twenty years old."

Then he shook his head and said:

"it's too early to get married."

Meng Li looked at Guo Liujun with a smile and said:

"what's the matter with you?"

"You're 25 years old. I don't know if it's right to call my sister-in-law."

"Just call me by name."

Guo Liujun's face was stiff. She stood up and said angrily:

"you are a man. Calling your sister-in-law is respect. I didn't expect that you are so difficult to get along with. I really feel sad for the Zhangqi brothers. There is no good wife in the family and there is no peaceful day."

Meng Li glanced at Guo Liujun and said:

"so, and then?"

"Do you need to worry about other people's marriages?"

Guo Liujun said:

"Zhang Qi is my friend. Of course, I have to worry about him."

"A wife like you will only drag down her husband's steps, but you don't know it and offend his friends. It's a pity that I'm generous and won't be angry with Zhang Qi. If someone else is afraid to be angry with him, you will only bring him trouble."

Meng Li said:

"do you mean I don't deserve to be around Zhang Qi?"

Guo Liujun said:

"I didn't say that, but now it seems that you should correct yourself. I think you are hostile to me. This is your stubborn and foolish thought. You think that men and women should not have too much contact with each other as before. Now it is an open era, and women can go out to socialize and have male friends."

Meng Li:

"don't worry about that. You're not as beautiful as a fairy. You can't take my Zhangqi away."

Guo Liujun was angry, his lips moved, and finally said:

"I don't reason with you, an ignorant woman. After all, it doesn't make sense when I tell you. It's because you are such a fool that Chinese people are bullied by the invaders."

Meng Li wanted to laugh, and she said:

"please go out."

Guo Liujun snorted and angrily turned away.

After a while, Zhang Qi came in. The inn was not big and the sound insulation was poor. Before, Guo Liujun and Meng Li said a few more words, which made Zhang Qi vaguely hear some, but not all.

He asked:

"what did you say to Liu Jun?"

Meng Li: "the young lady said that it was because of people like me that they were bullied by the invaders."

Zhang Qi:?


Zhang Qi picked up his things and said to Meng Li:

"we went out to buy some dry food and set out. If we can meet donkey cart, it's OK. If we can't, we can only walk to the county."

Meng Li nodded. Zhang Qi hesitated and said: "it's very hard, or you'll wait for me here and come back to pick you up later."

Meng Li shakes his head, and Zhang Qi gets up all of a sudden and picks up his things without saying a word.When they pack up, Guo Liujun and two men are waiting. These two men are also dressed in long clothes with a light burden on their back. At first sight, they change clothes and plan to go into battle light.

It's Zhangqi's backpack. It's full of children's things.

Bao Xingfa and Ji Hongyi are also good friends of Zhang Qi, among whom Bao Xingfa has been to Haicheng once before.

He also went to Zhang Qi's house to have a drink. Naturally, he met Zhang Qi's wife and children. Looking at Meng Li, he thought of what Zhang Qi said his wife would follow.

I didn't expect to come.

At this time, I didn't ask many questions, but patted Zhang Qi's shoulder sympathetically.

It's a real drag on his wife and children.

Guo Liujun looked at Meng Li unhappily, intending to ignore the man and said to Zhang Qi:

"let's go."

Everyone nodded, went to the street to eat a full meal, and bought a lot of pancakes to carry.

Meng Li said to Zhang Qi:

"the burden is on my back."

Zhang Qi twists his brows. He takes a bundle from Meng Li. Meng Li says to Zhang Qi:

"is there another one?"

Guo Liujun frowned and said:

"Zhang Qi has two burdens. What about you?"

Meng Li: "what's your business?"

Guo Liujun pointed to Meng Li: "you..."

Unreasonable woman.

It's not fair that all things are carried by husband. Who is not a human being in such a long way?

Can feel tired.

Feeling Guo Liujun's support, Zhang Qi said to Meng Li:

"well, let's carry one by ourselves."

Meng Lihao looked at Zhang Qi in his spare time:

"you may have forgotten that I have a child on my back."

Zhang Qi looks at Meng Li's back. The child carries it with cloth and turns his eyes. He is very curious about the new things outside and doesn't say a word.

Small hand holding a piece of pancake, stained with saliva, looking a little disgusted.

"A child is as heavy as two burdens. If you carry your child, I'll take these two burdens." Meng Li said.

Hearing this, Zhang Qi quickly takes over Meng Li's burden and turns away.

The picture of an old man carrying a child on his back is really

Guo Liujun looks at Meng Li and confirms that he is not easy to get along with, that is, he does not care enough for his husband.

Looking at Zhang Qi's tolerance to her, she felt that Zhang Qi was not worth it.

We walked along the main road for two hours, but we met donkey cart in the middle, but we couldn't take them.

I have to bite my teeth and go on.

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