Moreover, Meng Li said that he was not afraid of hardship and fatigue, so he was willing to lose his life.

In order to closely follow the pace of her husband, to stand shoulder to shoulder with her husband, share weal and woe.

Nowadays, men and women are equal. They can't wait for their husband to come back and support her at home.

To be a woman in a new era.

Meng Li doesn't want to be with Zhang Qi if he wants to.

But this is a task, she naturally will not let things follow the track of the original plot.

At least we can't let Zhang Qi go out alone and get everything in the plot.

Zhang Qi felt helpless.

If my wife is bothered in my heart, are those beliefs of equality based on slogans?

It's better to be a dog than a tiger.

But now Zhang Qi hasn't seen the world and has no serious idea of divorce. He just regrets why he got married early and had children. He still has such a woman.

Meng Li makes Zhang Qi speechless and can only reluctantly agree to take Meng Li.

Anxious to sell the house, the price is cheap, and soon the success of the sale, the things inside also gave a new buyer.

When they were packing up, Zhang Qi's expression was very wonderful, which changed a little bit.

I wish SA Ya Zi had run away and left people here in vain.

But in the heart crazy thought like this, actually cannot drum up the courage.

After finishing packing, Zhang Qi takes a step, and Meng Li follows him. Finally, Zhang Qi comes to the only Inn in the town. The owner of the inn also knows Zhang Qi. Looking at Zhang Qi with his wife and children, he asks:

"is this a long journey?"

Zhang Qi nodded depressed.

Guo Liujun stood at the top of the stairs, leaned forward, looked at Zhang Qi and cried:

"Zhang Qi, you are here."

Zhang Qi's eyes brightened and looked at Guo Liujun. He suddenly remembered that there was still a wife and children behind him. He responded with embarrassment:

"Miss Liu Jun."

Meng Li looks at Guo Liujun. She has neat bangs and curly hair. She is wearing a black skirt and a white button top. She is also holding a book in her hand. The book is full of flavor.

Some intellectual and some lively, youth.

Guo Liujun said with a smile:

"just call me Liu Jun directly."

She didn't seem to notice Meng Li who followed Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi smiles, nods to Guo Liujun, and says to the innkeeper:

"open one room, no, open two rooms, let's live."

The boss was a little surprised. He took a look at Meng Li, who was standing by silently. Then he looked at Zhang Qi and asked:

"two rooms?"

Zhang Qi's ear tips were a little hot and nodded.

The boss doesn't ask. It's good to charge more for a room. Zhang Qi takes the key and wants to go upstairs. Meng Li keeps up with him.

Guo Liujun leaned against the wall and looked at Zhang Qi askew:

"will it be released early tomorrow? Is there anything else to deal with? "

Zhang Qi shakes his head, and Meng Li's baby's eyes turn around and smiles at Guo Liujun.

Guo Liujun also laughed, she said:

"ah, child."

When she looked at the child, she suddenly thought of something, and her expression became strange. She said:

"I guess this child belongs to you, just like you." She looks at Zhangqi.

Zhang Qi nodded. Guo Liujun looked at Meng Li and said, "is my sister-in-law here to see me off?"

Meng Li said faintly:

"I didn't come to see you off. I went to Haicheng with you."

Guo Liujun was surprised. She looked at Meng Li:

"are you going with me?"

Meng Li nodded.

Guo Liujun took a silent look at Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi said:

"OK, go to bed, and start early tomorrow morning."

He handed Meng Li the key in his hand, and Meng Li said to Zhang Qi:

"I'm not feeling well today. You take your child to bed for one night."

Not willing to sleep with her, as if she would like to sleep with him.

When a person sleeps soundly, he simply lets Zhang Qi take his child with him, so that he can practice soundly.

Zhang Qi: "I don't think you are uncomfortable."

I didn't follow very closely before.

Meng Li sighed:

"I didn't tell you about my discomfort. Now I tell you about it."

Zhang Qi: "but I don't sleep with children."

Meng Li: "you can learn."

Guo Liujun was a little embarrassed and couldn't help saying:

"my sister-in-law is not comfortable, so I'll take it for her."

Meng Li: "thank you."

Guo Liujun

I don't think this person is polite. Are all the people who haven't received education in small places like this?Zhang Qi quickly took the child from Meng Li and said:

"I'd better take it myself."

The child struggled and raised his hands to the child, intending to return to Meng Li's arms.

Guo Liujun smiles awkwardly. Meng Li takes the key, carries the burden, looks at the key in his hand, and finds the room to go in.

Guo Liujun said to Zhang Qi:

"I didn't expect you to come out with your wife and children."

I don't know why, but I'm not happy, but I can't say anything.

And the impression of Zhang Qi is a little bit different. Before I chatted with him, I was full of passion and passion. But now I think that some of my children are affectionate and I have to drag my family when I go out.

Can such people really devote themselves to the cause of revolution and fight against the aggressors?

Zhang Qi explained:

"it's her who wants to follow, so she's almost forced to die."

Zhang Qi's words misled Guo Liujun. Meng Li just chanted the slogan of equality and freedom, sharing weal and woe, but he didn't make a fuss.

It happened that Guo Liujun had a picture of an ignorant woman who was afraid her husband would leave her.

Guo Liujun suddenly sympathized with Zhang Qi. She sighed a long time and said:

"I really sympathize with you. I think you can't bear to think that she really did something stupid."

Zhang Qi nodded and said:

"I went to rest with my baby."

Guo Liujun looked at the child and said:

"you are such a good man."

They are willing to take their children to sleep, unlike the old-fashioned men who are not willing to take their children.

In fact, Zhang Qi also felt that he shouldn't hold a child like a woman. He didn't feel free and easy enough.

I heard that Guo Liujun was going to take care of her children. The key is that the woman is going to take care of her. He must not work hard for Guo Liujun.

Zhang Qi and Guo Liujun both go back to their respective rooms. Meng Li sits in the room and practices with his knees crossed. From time to time, he releases his mental energy to check Zhang Qi.

The main thing is to look after the children. If the children cry too much, they can't do it.

In the story, the child and the client separated too early. At that time, the child knew that he had a mother before he could remember much. As he grew older, his memory began to blur.

Later, when he asked Zhang Qi, he found a word and sent it away.

The child makes a little noise at night. Maybe it's because Zhang Qi is afraid of disturbing the people in the inn, so he immediately sits up to coax the child. Looking at Zhang Qi, he can't open his eyes and has to play with the child in the middle of the night. Meng Li says he doesn't feel guilty.

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