Meng Li didn't see Yao Yuena until half a year later.

After Yao Yuena came, she brought a batch of laser guns and let them practice shooting.

Meng Li

There's a sense of being a member of the underworld.

In fact, Meng Li saw the laser gun, is some heart, want to leave a self-defense.

What you want to do is more convenient.

But the laser guns used for their practice are very small in power. Meng can't be separated from the laser guns in the hands of coaches.

That's a good thing.

The powerful can turn people into ashes in an instant.

It's also a deterrent to them, and for self-defense.

Meng Li did what he wanted to do. Once again, he was grateful that he could use the power of space. When he thought of the power of space, the face of the demon king flashed in Meng Li's mind. I don't know if the demon king has ever been in this world.

He seems to go to any world without fear, but what if he comes to this world.

I don't know if the demon body of demon king is strong enough to resist the damage of high technology.

I guess I'll kneel.

Meng Li is a little disappointed. Only when he sees more of the world can he know how small he is.

Meng Li in order to get things at once, but also in order to run faster, she a person in the room repeatedly build space channel, tired to rest for a while, recovered, continue to come.

After a long time of preparation, he went to the toilet and built a space channel. In order to get to the coach's room at once, Meng Li tried to find the space node.

Fortunately, the distance is not too far, Meng Li felt for a long time, finally accurately entered a coach's room.

To Meng Li's surprise, the coach and a girl are doing indescribable things in bed.

Meng Li looks at the girl completely. The girl is the one who asked others for food last time.

The coach is also the coach who punished the boy for not eating for three days.

Meng Li is a little speechless. How did they hook up.

Is the plot the same?

Then why the girl was not selected, but after thinking about it, we can see that the coach doesn't want the girl beyond his control.

Girls are not fully developed, but the coach is very hard, occasionally flashed a twisted look on the face, and gave the girl a hard twist, probably, the coach is good.

The girl screamed, her face twisted with pain.

Moreover, the coach also yelled vulgar words, which means that if it wasn't for this place, he really couldn't see the woman.

It seems to be a great gift to girls.

But the girl looked as usual and didn't mind the coach's words.

Meng Li was silent and quietly took away the laser gun beside the coach bed. When he got it, he quickly slipped away.

Fortunately, there are no things that can detect unknown energy in the coach's room, otherwise Meng Li doesn't know whether he will be detected.

Since then practice shooting, Meng Li is more accurate, she arched, with a gun is OK.

However, it is not exaggerated, but conservative.

Rao is like this, Meng Li still attracted Yao Yuena's attention.

She looked at Meng Li and said:

"cute, you have made great progress."

Meng Li drooped his eyelids, covered his eyes and gave a fine hum.

Nothing else.

Yao Yuena smiles:

"still shy."

Meng Li's face turned red.

Yao Yuena looked at Meng Li carefully and said to the people around her:

"how is her performance these days?"

"Not hungry."

Yao Yuena turned her eyes and said:

"do you want to eat something else?"

Meng Li still didn't speak. It's always right to say less.

Now she can't really ask for it. If she wants to ask for a Manchu and Han banquet, Yao Yuena will be angry and make trouble for her.

"Just you."

Yao Yuena said a meaningful word, then did not talk with Meng Li again.

Meng Li knows that as long as she doesn't provoke other things, Yao Yuena will still choose her like in the plot.

All aspects of the overall quality is OK, plus Yao Yuena just can see her, all are caused by various reasons.

Of course, she will leave the planet with the help of Yao Yuena.

Plan again.

After Yao Yuena came this time, their training became more strict.

There are more training items, even involving the training of field survival.

There is no doubt that the higher the status, the higher the requirements of the people who protect him.

Moreover, there are some things that can't be seen in such a big family, which need to be dealt with by people around them.

The harsh training also made everyone feel more and more difficult. When Yao Yuena came back half a year later, there were ten people, but there were nine left.Sometimes, if Meng Li can help, he can.

Sometimes help of don't show a trace, not everyone is worth Meng to leave, put things in his hands.

Because Meng Li is not sure whether the other party will betray her.

The person who died, died of an accident.

In fact, in this year, although Meng Li's performance was moderate, he still suffered some strange punishment.

Give Meng Li a feeling of nothing to look for.

It's just that Meng Li can resist. All the principles of Meng Li are patience. He can't show off his temporary anger.

Yao Yuena first checked their training results, then pointed to Meng Li and another boy.

This boy is also selected in the plot, not the boy Meng Li gave nutrition.

"You two, very good. Come back to tatali with me." Yao Yuena said with a smile.

Meng Li said a good, the boy named minyali, obviously very surprised, did not expect that he can leave here.

It's always been speculated from the instructor's words that they want to choose the best from a group of people and take them back.

I don't know what to do when I go back, but I have an intuition that is better than here.

Going back is a new life, and choosing him proves that he is the best among them.

Those who have not been selected have very dim eyes and don't know what their next destiny is.

"Aren't you happy? Little cute Yao Yuena asked Meng Li, her red lips arc.

Meng Li nodded:

"I'm happy, but the surprise comes too fast, and I haven't responded yet."

Yao Yuena: "well You should be happy. "

"They..." Yao Yuena tilted her head, as if thinking about how to arrange the rest of the people.

"Miss, it's OK to stick to it till now. Why don't you try again?" The coach leaned over Yao Yuena and said.

Yao Yuena thought about it for a while and said:

"well, in a word, I spent money. There's no reason to lose money."

Two people and two words determine the fate of the remaining people.

The rest of the people are very complicated. They say they are happy even if they are not happy. Happily, they don't have to worry about life danger or being thrown on this planet.

Unhappily, they will continue to have such painful days.

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