Meng Li wants to find opportunities to give his nutrition to the boy, but under the surveillance of others, he still needs to find opportunities.

After practicing physical training, the boy's whole state is not very good, his head is heavy, his feet are light, and his feet are empty.

And at noon when the food, really no boy's share, the boy suffering from hunger, can only stay in the side quietly.

Meng Li seems to be tired too. When passing by the boy, he accidentally tripped him.

I fell to the ground myself.

Maybe the boy is really tired and tripped by Meng Li. Instead of struggling to get up for the first time, he lies on the ground, which is a rare relief.

He wanted to lie down all the time, and the boy found it hard to stand.

Meng Li seems to get up, her hand pressed the boy's hand, put the nutrient in the boy's hand, and clenched the boy's ten fingers.

The boy felt the touch in his hand, and he could not understand the touch of nutrients more clearly.

The expression is stupefied, for a moment there is no reaction. Meng Li winks at the boy. The boy suppresses his impulse to speak and finally reacts.

The heart beats like a drum

It's nutrition. She's going to give herself nutrition?

How can there be such a stupid person, like him.

"What's the matter?" The man came and looked at Meng Li and the boy on the ground.

Meng Li got up in a hurry with a look of panic:

"sorry, I didn't notice."

The boy clenched the nutriment in his hand and stood up with all his strength:

"I I don't have the strength. I'm sorry. "

The man looked at the boy, sneered, didn't speak and walked away.

Both the boy and Meng Li were relieved at the same time.

The boy knows that Meng Li can't be found out about giving him nutrients. If he is found out, Meng Li's experience will be the same as his own.

The boy didn't want to take this nutrient in his heart, because everyone didn't have much. If he gave it to himself, she didn't have it. However, the strong hunger in his stomach made him unable to refuse.

If there is a chance, he must repay her.

In three days, Meng Li saved two tubes of nutrients for the boy, which was enough to maintain the boy's life.

Every time the boy looks at Meng Li, he looks with gratitude and some complicated eyes.

I'm worried that Meng Li has nothing to eat, but she can always find a way to give it to herself, but she can't find a chance to give it back to her.

The boy didn't know that if Meng Li didn't want to give him a chance, he certainly didn't have one.

And Meng Li feels that he is easy to do, just good-looking to help, but the boy's grateful eyes make Meng Li a little uncomfortable.

The point is, don't show it.

I also know that for her, it is a matter of two tubes of nutrients, but for boys, it may be a matter of life.

The boys were in good condition. On the morning of the fourth day, Meng Li gave the boy a tube of nutriment, hoping that the boy could get something to eat in the afternoon.

In other people's eyes, the boy didn't eat for three days, and could take part in exercise normally. In the afternoon, the boy didn't let Meng Li down, and he really got food, which surprised everyone.

Even the men who trained them, the so-called coaches, were somewhat surprised.

When the boy got the food, the people who didn't get the food chose to fight for the food in the boy's hands.

Although I don't know how boys get food and how they still have physical strength, I always feel that if they grab people who have nothing to eat for three days, they have a better chance of winning.

The boy's heart trembled, a sense of incomprehension and pain.

Is that human nature?

In their eyes, he is a person who hasn't eaten for three days. Such a person hopes to live on this food, but someone chooses to rob him.

Do you want him to die?

This is a cruel world.

And vicious humanity.

The boy was so angry that he not only kept his food, but also beat the man who robbed him.

The player was in a hurry to beg for mercy, but the coach didn't say a word to stop the boy. He stood high on the side, so the boy continued to fight regardless.

Here, if you don't win in robbing other people's food, you will basically face the situation of being beaten. No matter how hard you are beaten, no one will take care of you.

So called coaches support this practice and are willing to cultivate cruel people.

Therefore, sometimes it's also because you beat me today, and tomorrow I'll find a chance to retaliate. That is to say, among the ten people, although there is no communication, there are big and small grudges between them.

Even, sometimes I think of the hard life, seize the opportunity to beat others, but also to vent their anger.

Last time, the male coach came up to the boy:

"yes, you can still get food. Can you tell me, how can you still get it?"As soon as the boy heard this, he was afraid. He pretended to be calm and stammered: "I I don't know. I I just want to live

The coach stares at the boy's eyes half a time, suddenly smiles and says:

"it seems that in the face of life and death, people's explosive potential is infinite."

The boy bowed his head, his body trembled slightly, and he did not dare to speak.

The coach glanced at the others and asked:

"did anyone give him food?"

When the boy heard the speech, he clenched his fists tightly. The veins on his hands were protruding, and his body was shaking even more.

Everyone denied it in a hurry. The coach took a few steps and asked one by one.

Asked Meng Li, Meng Li denied with his head down.

"Look me in the eye." The coach ordered.

Meng Li raised his head, four eyes relative, the coach did not find a little panic in Meng Li's eyes, there is no guilty.

But in recent days, it seems that only this girl is the most suspect.

The coach was cold and said:

"really not?"

Meng Li shook his head firmly:


The coach said:

"what if?"

Meng Li just said:

"let it be dealt with."

The coach pulled the corners of his mouth and went up to the boy. He said to the boy:

"tell me if she gave you food."

The boy lowered his head, felt his heart was about to jump out, gasped and said:

"no, really not."

"Well, to tell you the truth, if I tell you the truth, I can give you food every day of the year." Coach lured.

The temptation is not big, the boy's heart is also taste thousands of conditions are very exciting.

But if she really agreed, her fate would be miserable.

The boy thought of his situation at that time and all kinds of tastes at that time. After some inner struggle, he finally said firmly:

"really not."

The coach took a look at the boy and Meng Li. He turned around and walked away. His steps were farther and farther away. The other coaches took Meng Li to their room.

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