245 The Poison Attack

“Leave us,” Lucien said when all four of them arrived at the audience hall. Cassie and Quinn exchanged worried glances.

“Maybe we should stay,” Cassie offered.

“No,” Lucien replied curtly. “I wish to be alone with Miss Woodland.”

The Beta’s mate and the Gamma thus left, not without throwing glances at the remaining two repeatedly, as if worried that they might claw at each other when left alone.

“What is this about?” Lucien asked without preambles.

Lillian gave him a polite smile.

“I beg the Luna to speak about his demand first.”

“Ladies first.”

“No, the Luna first.”


Lucien heaved a sigh.

“There is, as you might notice, some tension within the pack. I guess people are confused about the relationship between you, Ronan, and me.”

“Seeing that you are pregnant with my mate’s child and we are both now part of the same pack, we will have to see each other a lot in the future. It is best to talk about what to do and what not to do. We don’t need to offend each other in the future, do we?”

Lillian swallowed.

It was very considerate, coming from someone in his position. Under normal circumstances, Lillian too would love to talk more about how to carefully walk around each other in the future.

Unfortunately, now, she had no time to waste playing house with Lucien.

When Lillian looked at Lucien’s pale face, all she could think about was the poison that was coursing inside the man’s blood.

Two weeks.

Only two weeks.

“Yes, of course,” she heard herself say.

“Is there anything that you require from me in order for this arrangement to go smoothly?”

A magnificent idea popped up in Lillian’s head.

“Yes,” she quickly answered. “I need you to help me with my baby shower.”


Lucien was stunned when he heard what Lillian had to say.

“You want me to do what, again...?”

“I want you to help me arrange for a baby shower,” Lillian repeated, no matter how absurd it sounded.

Lucien stared at Lillian.

“I will get Cassie and Quinn to help you,” he then said. “By asking about your requirement, what I mean is in the long run...”

Unexpectedly, Lillian approached Lucien’s chair and grabbed his right hand.


“No. It has to be you. Please.”

Lucien narrowed his eyes at Lillian.

“Miss Woodland, I am a man,” he pointed out. “I know nothing about baby showers.”

“I am pregnant with your mate’s child,” Lillian insisted. “Please. This will relieve the tension within the pack. Don’t you want that?”


Of course he did, but it did not necessarily mean that he wanted to engage in such events.

“Just, accompany me. Stay with me. I will handle everything,” Lillian demanded.

“If you can handle everything on your own, what do you need me for...?”

“I feel lonely,” Lillian quickly said. “It’s scary to be a mother. This is my first time.”

“Your mother can accompany you.”

“No! Please! It has to be you! Take Cassie and Quinn with you, but you must be present!”


Lucien was baffled by Lillian’s stubborn demand.

Either way, Lillian did make sense. The baby was Ronan’s son. So to say Lucien’s stepson in the future. It made sense for Lucien to host a baby shower for Lillian, right?

“Fine,” he gave in at last.

Lillian heaved a deep sigh out of relief.

When Ronan came back in the afternoon and heard about the news, he was not too happy.

“What the hell were you thinking?” He snapped at Lillian. “Lulu is unwell! He has to rest! Are you trying to work him to death?”

“Watch your mouth,” Lillian hissed.

Thankfully, she already prepared herself to answer Ronan’s outburst. Otherwise, she would be really pissed off by the Alpha.

“Until now he has been the victim of social media. He has been harassed and bullied because the public sees him in a bad light.”

Ronan stared at Lillian, up and down while crossing his arms before his chest.

“Is that not your fault?”

Lillian prayed in her heart for utmost patience and compassion.

“Yes. It is. So I am trying to make a change. If Lucien sees what I do day in and day out, he will know that your affection for me and my son is nothing but a farce. It will clear up a lot of misunderstandings, right?”


Ronan hated to say it, but Lillian had a point.

Who knew? Maybe it would take the heavy stones off Lucien’s heart and fix their Mind Link. Biting each other during intercourse, unfortunately, failed to do the magic.

And thus the preparation for the baby shower began. Just like Lillian said to both Lucien and Ronan, she merely needed Lucien to be present and watching. He was not required to lift even one finger. Naturally, neither was Lillian. Lillian’s five maids and Cassie and Quinn were the ones who ran around to make things happen.

Lillian had more pressing matters to attend to.

One, prevent Lucien from standing up and helping.

Two, keep him busy without draining his energy.

Third, maintain his health.

The first was easy enough. The second too was manageable. The third though, was out of Lillian’s control. She had to watch helplessly every time Lucien excused himself to go to the bathroom.

He locked himself inside for a long time, throwing up the content of his stomach into the sink, be it food or water.

Whenever he came back, he looked paler than before.

“Are you alright?” She asked, full of concern, after Lucien threw up for the third time in the day.

“Nothing to worry about,” he said dismissively.

Lillian did not understand. If nothing triggered the poison, then it should not cause further attacks, right?

Lucien could see with his own eyes that every image, every video that Lillian posted on social media about Ronan showering her with love and affection was nothing but blatant lies.

That being said, he should not have gotten hurt.

In fact, he looked bored by the hype.

So why was he still throwing up so violently day by day?

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