244 Bad Tension In The Air

When morning came, the Alpha and Beta left the pack house to attend to their role in society, mingling among human beings and hiding their identity as werewolves.

During the day, they were normally not involved in the pack matters. Everything was handled by the Luna, the Beta mate, and the Gamma, who stayed behind to take care of the pack.

The days in the Infinite Eclipse Pack used to pass rather peacefully.

The pack was prosperous, the members were well taken care of. Women helped each other to raise pups. Werewolf pups grew up and adapted well to their surroundings.

Now, there was a certain tension in the air.

This tension cast a darker shade upon the Infinite Eclipse Pack.

Unattended, the tension grew higher with the passing days.

It naturally had to do with having Lillian Woodland in the pack.

The pack members were somewhat lost. If Lucien Clearwater was the Luna, then what was Lillian Woodland?


How were they supposed to refer to a high-born Alpha’s daughter who was carrying their Alpha’s pup but was not conferred the title of Luna?

Dane Silverback at least managed to keep his dirty laundry and the consequences out of the pack.

Up to the moment of their separation, the pack members never had to serve two women.

What about this time?

How were they supposed to treat Lillian Woodland?

The pack members understood how sensitive this matter was. They also knew that Lucien’s health was not at its peak. That’s why these questions were directed to Cassandra as the Beta’s mate instead.

“I wish I had a dime every time they asked me,” Cassie said with a shrug.

“If you were the Luna, what would your answer be?” Quinn asked her while pouring them both cups of tea.



Cassie leaned closer to Quinn. “If it were me, I would not even need to answer. I would murder my mate and then myself.”

She then proceeded to drink her cup of tea.

Quinn’s jaw dropped open.

Before she had the chance to give a response, a cold male voice went ahead of her.

“Is this a counsel given by the Beta’s mate?”

Cassie whipped her head so fast that her neck cracked.

“Lu... Luna!!!”

Cassie choked on her tea right afterward.

Blood drained from Quinn’s face.

“Luna, are you feeling well? I... We thought...”

Lucien heaved a sigh.

He suffered from a bout of nausea and now everyone treated him like a dying person.

“I am fine,” he said. “Is there any urgent matter to attend to?”

“None!” both of them answered in unison.

Goddess knew that anything urgent must be handled by them, and if they could not do it, Ronan would do it.

The Alpha had specifically given the order to not burden the Luna with anything, lest his illness became worse.

He himself kept a tight schedule at work, finishing everything as soon as possible to come home and accompany his mate.

In fact, Ronan would rather stay at home to keep Lucien company day in and day out. Unfortunately, the conscientious Luna refused to let him slack off and shove his tasks and responsibilities under Jake’s nose.

Lucien made sure to kick Ronan out of their shared apartment every morning and only welcome him back past working hours.

Jake was very grateful for that.

Ronan, not at all.

Although Cassie and Quinn insisted that there was nothing for Lucien to do, the latter was not blind and deaf. He could sense the restlessness within the pack. As a Luna, it was his job to put an end to this abnormal condition.

“I wish to visit Lillian Woodland,” he announced. “Where does she live at present?”

Quinn’s jaw dropped open again.

In an attempt to redeem herself, Cassie hurriedly answered, “Reporting to the Luna, she chose to live in the ground floor apartment at the southeast apartment...”

“Mm, okay, take me there.”

Lucien turned on his heels to leave, but Cassie stopped him.

“Lu-Luna! Why not ask her to come here? You are the Luna! You should not have to visit an average pack member!”

Upon referring to Lillian Woodland as an “average pack member”, Cassie bit into her lower lip in self-reproach. Did it make her seem cold and unfeeling toward the woman who was pregnant with the Alpha’s heir?

Not to mention that Lucien overheard her saying one or two things about her murder-suicide plan.

“She is pregnant,” Lucien said with a sigh. “It is inconvenient for her to move.”

The red-blonde man moved past a stunned Cassie.


Cassie pulled her lips into a thin line.

Lillian Woodland was convenient enough with five maids attending to her every need! Heck, she even turned them into her personal social media team. Cassie almost vomited blood when she saw them running around to take Lillian’s pictures and videos.

Lucien left the center building, heading for Lillian’s current dwelling despite Cassie’s incessant protests.

“Luna, I assure you that she is not that...”

Cassie’s words were cut when a red Lamborghini stopped in front of them. The person that they had been talking about stepped out of the luxurious car’s driver seat while holding onto her pregnant belly.

Stylishly dressed in a baby-blue maternity gown with white stripes under a dark blue coat and a pair of white high heels, she looked as stunning as ever.

Cassie could not believe her eyes. When she was pregnant, she refused to wear shoes. It was either slippers or barefoot. Where did this pregnant goddess come from???

Lillian Woodland took off her tinted glasses and exchanged glances with Lucien. She had an unreadable expression on her pale face.

She did not look smug.

But she also did not look humble.

In Quinn’s opinion, she looked like someone who was served bile and prepared to eat it.

“Hello, Luna,” she greeted Lucien. “May I request an audience?”

Lucien fixed her with a stare.

“What a coincidence,” he said with an unhurried tone. “I was just about to come and find you.”

Lillian widened her eyes in surprise. She stared back at Lucien for a while before she snapped back into reality.

“Ah, yes,” she said. “I am glad that our minds are connected somehow.”

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