186 You Are A Big Girl And I Trust You

Annalynne stared at the ring.

She grabbed Lucien’s hand and held the ring against the moonlight.

It was an authentic diamond ring. It was the most gorgeous ring that Annalynne had ever seen in her life.

“Does this mean that you and Alpha Ronan are engaged now?” Annalynne heard herself asking. She could barely believe it.

“Mhm,” Lucien answered.

Annalynne was amazed.

Ronan just proposed, and Lucien was able to extricate himself from his fiance and go home in time. Annalynne did not smell Ronan’s scent on Lucien. So they did not do it. Not even after Ronan proposed to Lucien.

Annalynne was not sure if she should say “Good job” or “Wow”. Either way, Lucien did not look happy.

“Lulu, is something wrong? You don’t look happy,” Annalynne bit into her lip.


Lucien sighed.

“He didn’t want to let me go. He wanted me to go home with him and marry him the next day.”


Okay, even that was rather rushed in Annalynne’s eyes. An Alpha’s wedding must be carefully planned and executed in a grand manner before the Holy Temple of the Moon Goddess! From the day they reported their intention to get married to the Werewolf Council, it usually took a few months until the actual wedding day!

“And honestly, I wanted that as well.”


Annalynne stared at her only brother, the man who shared the same face and hair as her.

She knew Lucien.

She grew up with Lucien.

Lucien was not some lovestruck dumbass who renounced everything in the name of love.

Lucien sighed again and squeezed Annalynne’s hand.

“Anna, I know that Mom and especially you dislike Ronan. But he and I, we have come to the point where we wish to get married and stay together. I am hoping to get your blessings for our relationship.”


Annalynne was so stunned that her soul might just leave her body on spot.

“Wait,” she quickly said before Lucien uttered another word to speak about his burning, passionate love affair with Ronan. She was not ready for this talk. She didn’t think that she would ever be ready.

Lucien pulled Annalynne into a hug.

“Sorry, I can’t continue playing the game with you again.”

Annalynne rolled with her eyes in response. She put both of her hands on Lucien’s back, huffing in exasperation.

“It was not supposed to be a game. I just want to keep my brother for as long as I can.”

Even without Alice mentioning it, Annalynne knew that she was being silly. She should not be jealous of Ronan but be happy for Lucien instead. She also was displeased that Lucien needed Ronan to be happy.

It felt as if Lucien was going far, far away.

As if he was not going to be her twin brother anymore.

“Silly girl,” Lucien whispered, pressing a kiss against the side of Annalynne’s head. “I will always be your brother. I will always be there for you.”

Annalynne pulled her lips into a thin line.

“So, can I do what I want with Lowell?”

Lucien took a deep breath. He loosened his embrace and grabbed Annalynne on the shoulders.

“Anna, I still think that it is too early for you and Lowell. Then again you are a big girl and I trust you. I just hope that you don’t make any rash decisions to regret it.”

Annalynne swallowed.

“That being said, if he breaks your heart, I will personally break his legs and then help you to raise any pup you have from him if he ever leaves you behind.”

Annalynne blinked and chuckled.

“You seem to be prepared for the worst.”

“I don’t want to, but I have to,” Lucien muttered. “I am your brother, after all.”

“Oh, Lulu... you are so adorable,” Annalynne crooned. “Don’t worry, I will not be dumb about it. I know that my actions will reflect on all unmarried young she-wolves in the pack. I don’t want to give rise to some unwanted development.”

Lucien patted Annalynne’s head.

“My Anna has grown up.”

Annalynne pursed her lips.

“It is Alpha Anna now!”

Lucien giggled.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“I am kidding!” Annalynne said with a visible shudder. “Don’t call me Alpha, ever again! For you, I will always be Anna. And for me, you will always be Lulu. So sorry but I am never going to refer to you as Luna Lucien.”

Lucien had to agree. The title “Luna Lucien” made him cringe.

“Agreed,” he said. “Between us, there is no need for pesky titles. We will always be Lulu and Anna.”

Annalynne put her arms around Lucien and cuddled her brother again.

“So, when are you going with him to report to the Werewolf Council?”

“In three days. Tomorrow, a group of movers will come to help me pack my belongings and send them over to the Infinite Eclipse Pack House.”

Annalynne tilted her head and stared at Lucien with a frown.

“Are you not going to tell Mom?”

“I will, as soon as we wake up tomorrow.”

“... Like maybe an hour before the movers arrive?”

Lucien cleared his throat. “Something like that.”

“I should consider myself lucky to find out tonight rather than tomorrow morning then,” Annalynne grumbled. “I am going to hate it to part with you so soon.”

“Hahaha, I am not going to leave right away tomorrow. I also have a few matters to settle around here. He and I agreed to meet at the Werewolf Council Headquarters in three days. And then, I will go back with him to Great Lake City.”

Three days seemed so short.

Annalynne hated to part from her brother, but she knew better than rain on her brother’s parade.

“I am going to miss you so much, Lulu,” she mumbled.

Lucien rubbed Annalynne’s shoulder and back lovingly.

“Me too. But feel free to come and visit. I will also come to visit you and Mom often.”

“You better do that, or I will file a complaint to the Werewolf Council regarding a missing brother.”

Lucien scoffed.



“I am so, so happy for you. Congratulations on your engagement with Alpha Ronan.”

A beautiful smile appeared on Lucien’s face. The man seemed to blush, but it was difficult to tell at night.

“Thank you, Anna.”

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