185 The Ridiculous Agreement

It was 10.30 PM at night, and Annalynne kept staring at the clock.

“Anna,” Alice Clearwater showed up in the living room in her sleeping attire. “Should you not go to sleep? You planned to have an important meeting with all elders tomorrow.”

“Hmm, I will sleep in a bit,” Annalynne said while stealing surreptitious glances at the clock again.

Alice groaned and took a seat in front of Annalynne.

“Don’t think that I don’t know about this silly arrangement that you have with Lucien.”

Annalynne widened her eyes for a second before she quickly averted her eyes in avoidance.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Mom.”

Alice pinned her daughter with a glare.

“I know that you and Lucien have this ridiculous agreement to remain pure until marriage.”


Annalynne sulked.

“Mom, it is not ridiculous. Besides, did you not also want him to stop fooling around with Alpha Ronan?”

Alice sighed. She leaned on the couch and stared at the ceiling above her head.

“I did. But now they are happy together as a couple. They are both adults. They should know what’s good for them and what’s not.”

“Really? Then why are you two against my and Lowell’s wedding?”

Alice lowered her head and pursed her lips at her silly daughter.

“Anna, how many days do you know Lowell altogether? Can you two even compare with what Lulu and Alpha Ronan went through?”

“We also went through the war,” Annalynne quipped. “Other than that, Lowell did not go whoring around and break my heart. In that sense, our relationship is a lot healthier than theirs.”

Unfortunately, when Anna was right, she was right.

Alice was out of excuses to support Lucien’s relationship with Ronan. She thus stopped arguing with her daughter.

“Anyway, don’t make things difficult for your brother. He suffered enough. Let him be happy with someone who he loves.”

Alice rose to her feet, gave Annalynne a kiss on the cheek, and then left to go to sleep.

Annalynne stubbornly stayed behind. She gnawed at an edge of a pillow out of spite while she was waiting for her brother.

10.50 PM.

Only ten minutes left until the time was up. Annalynne started rocking back and forth on her seat restlessly.

Five minutes later, Annalynne started walking in circles in the living room. A lot of things went through her head. Maybe something happened to Lucien.

She should give him a call. She should.

Annalynne went to grab her phone from her bedroom.

The screen showed that it was 10.58 PM.

Annalynne groaned in frustration and put her phone on the tea table.

She must be a fool to expect Lucien to keep his word. Obviously, he was entangled with Ronan again. He was never able to resist the horndog that he was dating.

Lucien was not going to come home. Not tonight. If Annalynne was lucky, he might come home the night after!

Annalynne threw the pillow that she had been gnawing back on the couch and marched toward her bedroom.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Annalynne looked at the screen and saw that it was Lucien who called.

“Well? Where are you? Are you calling to tell me that you are going to spend the night with Ronan?” Annalynne snapped as soon as she picked up the call.

A long sigh came from the other end of the call.

“Lulu? What’s wrong with you?”

“Come up here.”

“...? Up? Up where?”

“I am on the roof.”


Lucien was too lazy to explain further.

“Just get up here. You will understand.”

If any other man but her beloved brother asked her to climb the roof in the middle of the night, Annalynne might tell him to go to hell.

Since it was Lucien, Annalynne found herself scaling the steep slope of the pack house’s concrete tile roof a while later.

Lucien sat on top of the roof, his silhouette looked impressive against the moon as a backdrop. All alone, he looked as if he was lost in thought.

Anna poked her head and shouted, “Lulu!”

Lucien turned his head in Annalynne’s direction.

“Help me!”

Lucien rose to his feet and pulled his sister up to the roof.

The first thing that Annalynne saw once she was standing on top of the roof was the huge piece of curious-looking cloth that looked a lot like an overlarge blanket.

“Come and sit,” Lucien said, patting the spot next to him.

“What’s that?” Annalynne asked as soon as she took a seat.


“... Oh.”

And then, an awkward silence fell around them.

Annalynne peeked at Lucien’s face. Her brother seemed somewhat pensive. He did not look like someone who just came home from a first date with his lover.


Annalynne’s heart went cold.

Ronan Silverback, that bastard.

Did he do something against Lucien’s wish? Was that why Lucien was so depressed?

Or, good Goddess, did he break up with Lucien because Lucien refused to sleep with him???

What a belligerent asshole!

Annalynne threw herself at Lucien and hugged him tight around the shoulders.

Leaning her head against Lucien’s neck, Annalynne sorrowfully mumbled, “Lulu, don’t be sad. I am here for you.”

Lucien furrowed his brows, unsure about what his sister was referring to.


Annalynne loosened her hug and grabbed Lucien’s hands.

“You will never be alone. I will always be there for you. I promise,” she said with a serious face and tone.

Lucien could not help but chuckle.

“Oh, Anna,” Lucien sighed. “It’s not what you are thinking about at all.”

Lucien rubbed at his forehead. The wool gloves felt rough when he tried to massage the aching spot between his brows.

“Then... What happened?” Annalynne asked carefully.

“It’s just...”

Lucien opened his mouth a few times but ended up closing it again and again. For some reason, he was unable to find his words. In the end, he simply took off his left glove and showed Annalynne the sparkling diamond ring on his ring finger.

“Ronan proposed. I accepted.”

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