Under the scourge of huge trees whose branches were covering a part of the sky partially.

Morbius's muscles tensed as he observed the evolved beasts in the clearing, his hunter's instinct kicking into high gear. Without hesitation, he launched himself into action, darting towards the creatures with precision and agility.

As he closed in, the beasts noticed his approach and turned to face him, their primal instincts sensing the impending threat. With a roar, they charged at Morbius, their fangs bared and claws extended.

Morbius swiftly evaded their initial onslaught, ducking and weaving between their attacks with grace. With each movement, he assessed their strengths and weaknesses, formulating a strategy to overcome them.

Drawing upon his years of training, Morbius countered their fierce assaults with calculated strikes, aiming for vital points with pinpoint accuracy.

The katana in his waist still remains sheathed showing that he didn't need to take on these weaklings.

Stepping on the hard ground, he shot forward creating a small dent underneath.

His fists and feet blurred as he delivered a barrage of blows, each one landing with devastating impact resonating all around.


Despite their ferocity, the evolved beasts soon found themselves outmatched by Morbius's skill and determination. One by one, they fell before his relentless onslaught, their roars of defiance silenced by defeat.

But just as Morbius thought the battle was won, a massive beast emerged from the shadows, towering over him with intimidating size and strength.

As the massive rock python slithered into view, its scales glinted in the dim light, reflecting on Morbius's eyes. With a hiss that echoed through the cavern, it coiled its muscular body, ready to strike. Morbius squared his shoulders, tightening his fists in anticipation of the impending clash.

"An emperor level beast…Do they not care about the cadets' well-being?"Morbius muttered, tilting his head.

The general level of their age was still at Martial Master so with such strong beasts, some were bound to be screwed.

With lightning speed, the python lunged forward, its jaws gaping wide, aiming to crush Morbius in its powerful grip.

But Morbius dodged with a swift grace, sidestepping the attack with fluid movements. With a roar of defiance, he launched himself at the serpent, his fist meeting the python's scales with a resounding impact.


A destructive shock wave echoed and as Morbius jumped back, his eyes flashed with awe as he saw the python hardening its scales like rock

"It suits its name of Rock Python."

A creepy gleam crept on his lips.

"You are strong buddy but not enough for me to pull my sword."

With the declaration, he channeled his qi into his fists forming a coating on it.

Morbius weaved between the python's strikes, his fists a blur of motion as he landed blow after blow. The cavern shook with the force of their clashes, sending rocks tumbling from the ceiling and dust swirling in the air.

Despite the python's immense strength, Morbius held his ground, his fist technique a testament to years of disciplined training. He exploited every opening, every weakness in his opponent's defense, striking with the precision of a master craftsman.

But the python was relentless, its coils tightening around Morbius with crushing force

The cavern resounded with the clash of fists and the hiss of the python as Morbius and the serpent engaged in a primal battle.

The rock python whipped its tail, which Morbius evaded but everything the tail struck was decimated into pieces and turned into piles of dust.

Morbius darted around the python's strikes, delivering a flurry of punches with precision. The serpent struck with lightning speed, its coils tightening, seeking to ensnare Morbius. But Morbius countered, his fists finding their mark with each blow.

The python retaliated, snapping its jaws and lunging forward, but Morbius dodged and struck back with ferocity. The cavern shook with the force of their clashes as Morbius and the python exchanged blow after blow, each refusing to yield.

Despite the python's size and strength, Morbius held his ground.

Jumping up, he threw a rain of punches.

A shattering sound echoed in the air tearing everything apart.

Many pairs of pressurized masses of fists started raining down on the ground like meteors creating craters and shockwaves.

And then, in a moment of opportunity, Morbius unleashed a final, devastating blow, sending the serpent crashing to the ground in defeat.

With a grunt of effort, Morbius summoned all his strength and sneaking in, he appeared over the python's head.

Then clenching his fists, he pounded against its scaly head with all his strength


Then intervening with his finger, he directly struck the head which suddenly exploded into many pieces.

Pieces of flesh and bones scattered with blood spraying like mountains.

Wiping the blood from his face, Morbius smiled.

"As expected, you don't deserve to get killed by my katana."

"Then what about mine."

Morbius's senses screamed and he jumped as a beam of light shot out.

The beam passed through the place he stood and then struck the tree decimating it into tatters and creating a wreaking havoc.

As Morbius landed on the floor, his gaze saw a silver-haired beautiful elf walking through the thick foliage with heavy foliage.

"Yo rank 2…Let us have some fun."


Back at the circular hall where the trip brackets were all currently gathered, Lumen turned towards the elf and spoke, "You've got a good seed, Arwin"

Currently, many of them are watching the live footage display of Morbius and Ael. Although they were all here because of other things, they were still keeping an eye on the other talents in the human domain.

Arwin simply smiled and responded, "He still has a long way to go compared to that human Morbius" Arwin replied, directing all the praise to Morbius. His live footage was also being displayed.

A bitter smile etched on Aaron's smile, noticing their gaze.

How couldn't he understand their thoughts?

Though Morbius was at second, the humans were at the bottom table.

Along with the individual ranks, there are also ranks of race where all the points scored by each member of the race are counted.

And this time humans were at last

Lumen's gaze suddenly shifted towards Ge , who was simply gazing at the screen silently, his mouth curling up into a huge grin as he teased.

"Say, Gwen I didn't think this generation of humans would be this weak. You might want to ask your council to check if something must be wrong somewhere!" Lumen finished his remark with hearty laughter, his laughter reverberating through the hall.

But unlike what one would have expected, Gen instead of offended smiled.

"Ha! What can they do? It's all because of that monster.


Everyone's brows furrowed and frowns appeared on everyone's face.

Arwin raised her brows as if remembering something. She had heard some news and keeping a close on eye it

Bolthar, who always ignores general affairs, asked in excitement," Which monster are you talking about?"

Despite the topic making them uncomfortable they wanted to pry more into it.

"The one who is responsible for diminishing the upper officers and creating many vacancies. He killed many talented young ones. Though he is 21, he is an absolute monster...No even calling a monster wouldn't make sense. He is already beyond the league of common sense so I didn't let him enter..."

Though they were surprised and awed, their last word of Gen somehow offended them.

"What do you mean by that?"Boltar screamed.

"Are you saying that our young seedlings can't compare to him.."

Gen just rested his head on the seat and cast his everlasting mysterious smile.

"You guess..."



In the VIP stand, with one hand caressing Su Lin's hair gently, Leon focused his gaze on the screen.

Except for the scenes displayed on the screen, all other sensations around him blurred as he solely focused on the screen.

'It was really interesting...'

'The top 10...no if his guess was current, the top 40 in Emperor realm while the top 10 were almost in peak Emperor realm.'

'And every one of them was a protagonist. Surprisingly, the girls fighting in the top spots weren't heroines but female protagonists like Feng Ruoxi but it was really hard for her to take the spot.'

Out of everyone he was impressed by the silver-haired elf at the top...That guy was quite a beautiful and handsome prick.

While the second also followed similar footsteps but...

'What is this dogshit name...Whatever...'

His protagonist template was also quite ordinary. Except for luck, he didn't have any golden finger-like system or treasure-

hunting system.

He was just as normal a protagonist as Lin Fang.

As for his personality, it had to wait.

He just hoped he didn't have to kill him.

Though it was his task to keep balance by killing from both sides but if just killed everyone then he had to take care of shits and upcoming danger by himself.

So, he wished most of them didn't turn out to be assholes.

As he caressed Su Lin's hair, his eyes scanned around the arena and then paused on Gwen.

"Hey, sis tell me?"

"What is this deal with Black Demons."

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