Loud cheers reverberated through the large coliseum as every student cheered loudly for the youths being displayed on the screen.

Unlike the VIP stands, which had the option to choose what footage they wanted to watch in their booths, the students in the coliseum, unfortunately, didn't have that option; they all had no choice but to watch whatever was being displayed.

The cheers around the coliseum increased in intensity whenever people saw whoever they were rooting for.

There was currently a huge display on top of all the screens showing the rankings of all the youths taking the test.

The ranking was constantly changing as the youths kept killing more and more beasts. But the top 10 in the ranking remained unchanging.

Below it, there were different screens displaying different live streams of different youths all fighting and defeating magical beasts. The footage of the youths that was displayed depended on the ranking, with only the top 100 being shown.

But out of all these screens, what most of the students were focused on were the 10 largest screens at the top, each of them displaying the live footage of 10 different youths.

On one of these screens, a member of the Wolf Tribe Daisy cuts through the air with speed, utilizing her fire element to propel herself through the air.

Over the years, Daisy never neglected her training. Although it wasn't as intense as during the time her father had been training her, Daisy still trained very hard. During this time, she had been able to level up her power for the glory of the Heavenly Wolf tribe.

Daisy's eyes scanned the area, searching for beasts to kill and gather more points. In just a few seconds, she spotted a reptilian-looking beast a few meters away from her right.

Daisy swiftly veered to her right, increasing the intensity of the steps and with a stomp, she shot at blistering speed towards the beast on the ground. It was a Martial Lord-level beast.

Getting near, Daisy released her Martial Spirit Flame Wolf soon encased her body in flames.

The beast swiftly turned its neck in her direction, its gray eyes spotting Daisy. It immediately opened its maw, and almost immediately, a crimson glow started forming.

The crimson glow intensified as Daisy's figure neared, and almost instantaneously, it shot at fast speeds toward Daisy's figure in the air.

Reacting immediately, Daisy propelled herself away by releasing a blast from her right leg, and then simultaneously, she released another on her left leg, stopping her momentum.

With her entire body coiling like a spring in mid-air, Daiasy heightened the flames in her hands to unprecedented levels.

Suddenly, she unleashed a colossal burst from her legs, propelling herself at supersonic speed toward the looming beast.

The fiery spectacle left a trail of scorching brilliance in its wake as she surged forward.

Before the beast could even react, it suddenly experienced a brutal force on its head, the force was so intense that its head immediately imploded on impact, scattering blood and gore through the air.

Daisy landed on the floor gently. She raised her arm, clicked the smartwatch, and swiftly navigated to the ranking section.



As Daisy gazed at her rank, she scrolled upwards, looking for others

"Huh! I am the only one in the beast race and I am in the top 8, still, it's too low."


On another screen, a red-haired elf girl was shown. Lila stood nonchalantly as she faced a towering massive beast, more than 5 times her size.

The beast let out a huge roar,


Its intensity shakes the earth. But Lila simply stood there without a change in expression, just as the beast was about to lunge at her; suddenly, thick green vines shot out from the earth underneath the beast, and before it could react, its entire massive form was wrapped tightly with thick vines making it unable to move an inch.

Lila gazed at the beast coldly, and with a single thought, the vines tightened around the beast, enveloping its limbs and head, and it started pulling in opposite directions.

The beast tried to let out a cry, but the vine surrounding its neck tightened even more obstructing its windpipe, and without missing a beat, all its limbs and head were brutally separated from its torso, a spray of blood painting the forest floor.

Throughout the brutal scene, Lila's expression didn't change. She raised her arm and clicked on her artifact, swiftly navigating to the rankings.




She clicked her tongue seeing her rank.

"Her eyes frowned seeing a boy named Morbius on the second...What kind of disgusting human name is this?"

"Is this guy a beast or human…"She snickered as the name for some reason annoyed her.

$Just pray that you don't meet me."

Then her eyes fell on number one see which she sighed.

'As expected from the playboy asshole..'

On the largest screen, amidst the bustling coliseum, all eyes were fixed on the silver-haired elf known as Ael.

His presence exuded an aura of calculated lethality, his broadsword resting ominously on his back among an assortment of other weapons.

With each step, Ael moved with regal dignity, his silver locks swaying gently with his movements as he navigated the dense forest with uncanny ease.

His senses were finely attuned to the slightest rustle of leaves, the faintest hint of movement and his ear twitched as if it was devouring every minute sound.

When confronted by a beast, there was no hefty showdown nor there was any meaningless struggle.

Instead, Ael's actions were swift and decisive. With a fluid motion, his blade danced through the air, cleaving through flesh and bone with chilling efficiency.

The forest floor bore witness to the aftermath of his onslaught, littered with the dismembered remains of his adversaries. Limbs lay strewn haphazardly, bodies split asunder, and pools of blood stained the earth crimson.

Yet, amidst the chaos and brutality, Ael remained eerily clean. There was not a single stain of blood on his clothes.

He looked at ranks with dull silvery eyes and looked at second rank.

"Morbius….I should just go and look for him instead of strolling with puppies."

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