Han held his fist up to his mouth to stop himself from laughing as he saw Gregory’s confused expression. I can’t believe he hasn’t learned even that yet! You’re sixteen Gregory! Sixteen!! I’m sure a lot of people already got pregnant and aborted those pregnancies at your age!!

But it’s fine! Of course, he hasn’t learned about the birds and the bees yet, he’s been in prison all this time! But don’t you know that if you try having sex with one of these chosen women without knowing how to handle it, they could break you! Let me grant you knowledge!

Han sighed with a smile and Gregory suddenly got the feeling that he wouldn’t like where this was going at all! He tried to get out of Han’s grip again, but it was not even going to happen! Han’s hands were like metal!!!

He finally found someone that he could teach like a son, Han wouldn’t let this opportunity go no matter what!

“Come, my unfortunate son!! Let your father bestow wisdom upon you!! The beauty of the female body is something only a man like me can teach you about and I won’t rest till you’ve learned it all! Before the week is over, you shall bed that woman!!”

Gregory really wasn’t going to enjoy this!!


Han and Gregory stayed on the fiftieth floor for a while after that fight. Han was talking with Paravell about what he remembered from his time on the higher floors. Paravell didn’t remember much because he was too busy fighting for his life. But he told Han that the fiftieth floor had some sort of interface when you tried to cross over. It gave Paravell something that nobody on these lower floors had.

Han immediately activated his Assimilation skill and his eyes widened when he saw the new tab that was right below Paravell’s level.

[Class: Swordman]

It seems that the people above were categorized in more ways than just by their Stars. Han always knew that the Star system was too unreliable, so he wasn’t that surprised. Han asked about everything concerning the sorting of classes. There were seven classes and the one you pick was permanent for life. The classes were:








Paravell didn’t remember everything about the description of the classes, but the class you pick would determine what sort of skills your system gives you, so you will be a lot more focused on one set of skills rather than just getting anything thrown your way. Swordsmen got a lot of skills relating to swords. The same goes for every other class.

As a swordman. Paravell had a lot of sword-based skills that could dish out high damage. It was this class that allowed him to have more than fifteen skills above two hundred and even three skills that were above three hundred! Han could see why this man is the strongest on the lower floors. He has a lot of strong skills because of his class

The only other thing Paravell could tell Han was that he should be careful up there. It was dangerous but it was also unknown. People could die and nobody would know anything about it because nobody will be coming after them. If Han goes up there, he is on his own.

Gregory, meanwhile, started meeting up with Cersai every day since they arrived here. After Han gave him ‘the talk’, Gregory was mortified and couldn’t say anything for close to an hour. He just sat there and tried to reorganize his mind into a sensible form. Han even started to worry that he broke Gregory, but after that hour, Gregory started to come back to the world of the living. He realized that Han wasn’t that bad at explaining things. Han gave him the talk in a way that was both terrible and interesting. Gregory couldn’t help but be curious now!!

He first started to meet up with Cersai because he just wanted to fuck. No, really, he is a growing boy who just learned about the wonders of sex from a pervert himself. Gregory just wanted to fuck a beautiful girl, and to him, Cersai was as beautiful as beautiful gets.

But as time went on, he found himself enjoying the time he spent with her and even forgetting about the fact that he wanted to just have sex. The crazy girl always made him train! Always dragging him to the training yard and the two of them would go at it like mad dogs till they couldn’t even move! Training, not fucking!!

It wasn’t until one day that Cersai looked him straight in the eyes when they were both panting and tired from a training session and said.

“Hey, do you think I’m beautiful? You’ve been looking at me all this time and you haven’t tried anything. Why?”

That day Gregory finally found his courage and pushed her down like a man! Han whooped from the opposite side of the fiftieth floor – almost ten miles away! Han wasn’t the type of person that enjoyed watching people much but he decided to just make sure Gregory was doing alright. What? It’s my student and I have to make sure he’s using my training properly!! And Han couldn’t help but care for Gregory like a father would worry about his son.

That’s my boy! Go get her! Wait, are you guys going to do it there? Shit, you guys are kinkier than I thought. She’s tearing clothes off like it’s nothing! That’s an open training ground, y’know. Well, at least no one’s there. I’ll just give you guys some privacy. Han turned off his eyes and went to handle other business.Â

The next day, Gregory had the stupidest smile on his face all day and Han couldn’t stop himself from smiling proudly. The entire fiftieth floor was shaking from the force of yesterday’s pounding!! Han couldn’t believe that Gregory got himself an older woman! This lucky bastard!

Gregory was a prince and he was quite handsome so he was very popular among the ladies of both the White Rose and Red Arrow Redemption guild. Cersai must’ve been feeling like she would lose him to someone else if she didn’t speak up that one time. So now she was something like Gregory’s girlfriend. Han said ‘something like’ because he was sure that even with the talk, Gregory didn’t know shit about what a girlfriend really was. But it would take some time for him to adjust, so Han wouldn’t rush him.

Han and Gregory were given a change of clothes after they stayed there for about four days. Han got a white set of trousers and a white shirt with a red long jacket over it all while Gregory just got black slacks and a black shirt. He really liked black for some reason.

They went back to the first floor and Han told the girls he would be leaving to the upper floors very soon. Most of the girls didn’t really understand the sort of danger he was about to put himself in. They thought that the upper floors were just like the lower floor. Han didn’t want to scare them into being worried for him, so he just didn’t tell them.

But Yuuma already knew what was going on. She has been speaking with Han about those upper floors for some time now and she knew just how dangerous it was. But she didn’t say anything to Han when the other girls were there, instead, she waited for night to come so they could have their usual chat. Han was behind the bar again and she was drinking, like usual. He had gotten rid of his outer jacket because he thought it was too flashy, so he only wore the white shirt and trousers.

Yuuma couldn’t believe it was already time to go to the upper floors. She knew that Han was doing this partly because of the favor she asked him not so long ago, and even though she tried to not feel guilty, she was still feeling some guilt. This is something she needed to do for her people and Han was the only one that can do it! But the truth was that she just didn’t want him to die up there!

“You’ve been looking at me with those sad eyes for a while now. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were worried about me. Hey, Yuuma, don’t tell me you’re getting soft on me”

Yuuma blushed as Han handed her another drink. She knew that these nightly chats were destroying Han’s profits for the drinks, but he never complained even once. The food was bringing in more than enough money for all of them to live comfortably so he didn’t see any point in stopping her. As they had more and more of these conversations, she found herself getting closer to Han without intending to. She couldn’t describe what she felt for him now, but it was very different from how she felt in the beginning! Yuuma took a sip and sighed! Han was getting even better at this! He was surely not this good at mixing drinks in the beginning!

“Ah, you’re getting better at this, Han. You’ll make a great husband for sure! You’re probably already a husband anyway, but you know what I mean!!”

Han chuckled as he waited for her to say what was really on her mind.

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