Mei Fang had so much homework this winter break that even with Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi lending him their assignments to copy, he still needed a pen, a lamp, one night, and a miracle to complete his own.

That night, Mei Fang only slept for four hours. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi knew this, so they let him sleep a little longer and only woke him up when it was almost time to leave.

Xia Yuan tried patting Mei Fang’s cheeks, but he didn’t respond. She then looked back at Lin Youxi, who immediately understood and put her hand under Mei Fang’s blanket.

Mei Fang instantly jumped up.

“Woah, that’s so cold!”

“Stop complaining. We have to go for school enrollment today, hurry up and get up.”

Mei Fang yawned and rubbed his lazy head.

“Will classes start in this afternoon after enrollment?”

“Yes, haven’t you looked at the schedule?”

While Xia Yuan was speaking, Lin Youxi proactively handed Mei Fang his clothes.


Mei Fang started putting on his clothes but dozed off again when he looked down.

Xia Yuan pinched Mei Fang’s cheeks to wake him up, and Lin Youxi immediately helped him adjust his clothes.

“Do you want me to help you put on your clothes?”

“Youxi! Don’t spoil him too much!”

“But if we keep waiting for him like this, we’ll all be late,” Lin Youxi pouted. “Look at how sleepy he is.”

“It’s his own fault…”

Seeing Mei Fang’s drowsy appearance, Xia Yuan got annoyed, “I told him to remember to do his homework a long time ago, but all he knows is to sleep in and play games every day.”

Despite her scolding, Xia Yuan started helping Mei Fang put on his clothes as well.

The two of them gave Mei Fang the treatment of being helped with putting on his clothes, a luxury he hadn’t experienced since he was five years old.

“Look at you… so lazy. You’re only this brazen because Aunt Liang isn’t here. Just wait until Aunt Liang comes back tomorrow, then let’s see if you still dare to be so undisciplined.”

Xia Yuan patiently zipped up Mei Fang’s jacket and straightened his collar, then cupped his cheeks, squishing his face.


Xia Yuan pursed her lips, smacked them together, and then swallowed some saliva.

It had been four whole days since their last secret training session.

No, no… Didn’t I promise to quit that?

I’ve already betrayed Youxi’s feelings by sneaking this far; if she sees this, she’ll definitely hate me…

Xia Yuan swallowed hard and suppressed her desire to be affectionate with Mei Fang, then, together with Lin Youxi, pushed him to move.

After having breakfast prepared by Lin Youxi, Mei Fang felt a bit more awake. The three of them walked to school together. Despite it being the start of a new semester, there were noticeably fewer parents accompanying their children.

Small groups of students walked together, all wearing the same winter school uniforms. The jackets looked thin but were surprisingly warm and windproof, with an inner lining for extra thickness, though they did make the students look somewhat bulky.

Now, as Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi walked on the road to Jiangcheng NOHS, they were often stared at by the students around them. Initially, this made them feel awkward, but they had since gotten used to it.

Undoubtedly, the popularity of the song Bare Face continued to grow over the winter break.

It had become one of the few works created by high school students to reach over 100,000 views on C Site.

The concept of high school students creating content was quite sensational, and with Mei Fang and Xia Yuan performing a duet love song, coupled with their attractive appearances, it sparked significant discussion among C Site users.

【This is what youth is all about!】

【I’m so jealous. I regret not studying hard in high school.】

【Youth is so beautiful!】

【Be together! Be together!】

【This song reminds me of my first love.】

【I’ll definitely buy the album if they release one.】

【Shut up and take my money!】

Over time, these patterned bullet comments gradually formed the unique culture of C Site.

Of course, relying solely on netizens to discover these patterns would have been too slow. As a result, Mei Fang, one of the admins of Site C, actively promoted the development of bullet comment culture by injecting various interesting bullet comments from the future into the site’s comment sections.

Due to stricter membership requirements compared to Mei Fang’s previous life’s B Site (Bilibili), C Site’s growth was a bit slower than he had anticipated. However, some investors had already approached him, albeit mostly small and unknown companies. Instead of giving up company shares to these investors, Mei Fang preferred to wait for the big players, like Tencent, to invest in C Site.

With revenue from his games, the financial pressure on C Site had lessened significantly. However, the income from Flappy Bird had noticeably slowed down, so to keep his accounts looking good, Mei Fang needed to discover more yet-to-be-famous works quickly.

It’s already 2012…

Mei Fang still remembered Bitcoin. He regularly checked his Bitcoin keys to ensure his coins were still there.

In his memory, Bitcoin would experience a significant increase in 2013, reaching nearly $1,200 per coin.

Though this was nothing compared to the peak of $70,000, that wouldn’t happen until 2021, a ten-year wait, which felt overly long. This made Mei Fang feel that Bitcoin was somewhat impractical for immediate needs.

Even without any urgent need for money, he still decided to continue making money primarily through game development…

Mei Fang’s money was currently deposited in the bank, amounting to 10 million yuan, earning 300,000 yuan annually in large fixed deposits.[1]

He did consider using more advanced financial methods like stocks, but in his previous life, he wasn’t familiar with the stock market, only knowing that buying shares in Maotai and CATL seemed safe.

Moreover, as a minor, there were some restrictions on stock trading. He might need the help of his sister Yue Yue, who was an economics major and had a CPA certification, to manage his finances.

After paying all the enrollment fees, Mei Fang parted ways with the girls and returned to his seat in Class 3.

As soon as Mei Fang walked in, he saw Xiang Bingbing and Wan Chaoxiong frantically scribbling in their seats.

Seeing Mei Fang, they reached out to him as if he were their savior, pleading, “Mei Fang, did you finish your math homework? Can I borrow them to copy?”

Xiang Bingbing expressed dissatisfaction towards Wan Chaoxiong, “I asked first, I get to copy first!”

“Then we can split the papers. There are plenty of sets.”

“Ask Mei Fang if he even finished them first.”

“Of course, he finished them. There’s no way he didn’t.”

While putting down his backpack, Mei Fang shook his head and shamelessly said, “You guys still have the nerve to say you’re from Jiangcheng NOHS? You can’t even finish your winter break homework and have to copy from others. It’s embarrassing.”

“That assignment was added by Teacher Yuan later on, many people didn’t get notified and had already left. At the time I was in a hurry to go home, so I didn’t know we had to do this…” Xiang Bingbing said with a troubled look.

Wan Chaoxiong nodded, “Same here. I was just playing gaming at home. At school, I’m even worse at making friends.”

“Didn’t anyone in the class help notify you? No, you probably didn’t ask either.”

“I did, but I don’t have a computer at home. I was super busy during New Year and barely used QQ.”

Xiang Bingbing pushed her bag of snacks towards Mei Fang, “I’ll give you some chestnuts! Please let me copy it.”

“Alright, alright…”

Mei Fang took out his math homework from his backpack. Xiang Bingbing and Wan Chaoxiong eagerly crowded around him. Predictably, Wan Chaoxiong was pushed aside by Xiang Bingbing and had no chance of getting it.


Despite failing to grab the papers, Wan Chaoxiong wasn’t discouraged. He leaned in and asked if Mei Fang had done the English homework too.

“You didn’t even do the English homework from our homeroom teacher?”

“I just randomly filled in some random English words. If Tyrant Dong finds out, he’ll skin me alive. Please, save me, considering all the video edits I’ve done for you.”

“Alright, alright… I’ll give it to you.”

“Great! Boss Mei, you’re my hero today!”

“Hero might be a bit much…”

Once word got out that Mei Fang had finished his winter break homework, other classmates began to come over, trying to curry favor with him. The most exaggerated was Wang Jiayu, a fanfiction writer from the front row.

“If you let me copy your physics homework, I’ll call you ‘dad’!”

“I’ll give it to you, just cut that out…”

Wang Jiayu continued cheekily, “Quick, spread the word: call Boss Mei ‘dad’ and you can copy his homework!”

Mei Fang, having completed his winter break homework, was constantly being called “dad” by the boys in his class who were borrowing his homework.

At this moment, Mei Fang, who had “done” his homework, was their hero. Even the girls came over to join in the fun.

However, although Mei Fang was willing to lend out his homework, he refused to be called “dad” by the girls.

That’s something reserved for my Youxi, Yuan Yuan, and our future children to call me. I don’t want them to misunderstand!

Translator's Notes:

  1. Roughly $1.37M and $40K in today’s exchange rate. ↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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