Lin Youxi shared her thoughts and changes with Xia Yuan and Mei Fang, while also sharing the beautiful memories that belonged exclusively to her and Mei Fang with Xia Yuan. Touched by Lin Youxi’s openness and sincerity, Xia Yuan began to think about reciprocating by sharing her and Mei Fang’s exclusive memorable moments.



The most memorable thing from my childhood with Ah Fang is running away from home.

But Youxi was also involved in that, so it doesn’t feel like there’s much to say…

Aside from that, there was the time we confronted our homeroom teacher in middle school.

But Youxi was also involved in that! She even stood up for me!


All Xia Yuan could think of were things like secretly napping with Mei Fang during lunch breaks while Lin Youxi was asleep; or the sneaky “licks” with Mei Fang during the sports festival while Lin Youxi was competing; and of course, the most despicable act of all——

Stealing Ah Fang’s first kiss under the guise of secret training.

I said it would only happen once, but during the New Year holidays, I took advantage of the situation and did secret training every day! Any of these secrets, if shared, would make Youxi and me become enemies and part ways!

Xia Yuan hugged Lin Youxi and cried, feeling moved by Lin Youxi’s words on one hand, and feeling ashamed of her own despicable actions on the other.

If it weren’t for her overwhelming love for Mei Fang, and the fact that they both didn’t seem to mind sharing, she would almost choose to step back voluntarily, letting Mei Fang and Lin Youxi live happily together.

Of course, aside from feeling guilty, Xia Yuan also wanted to express her apology through her actions.

For example, she decided that she would give Lin Youxi and Mei Fang more opportunities to spend time together after New Year.

Like taking a longer time in the shower, or offering to take Aunt Liang out shopping, creating intimate opportunities for the two.

Once Ah Fang and Youxi have also kissed, then my kiss with Ah Fang won’t be so sinful!

Oh, poor little Yuan Yuan! She didn’t even notice the signs that Lin Youxi and Mei Fang had already taken a step further. She even held back from what could have been the last secret training session this year, letting Mei Fang catch the bus to Baizhou instead.

After returning to the quaint big house in Baizhou, Mei Fang felt a lot more relaxed.

It’s rare for him not to be glued to Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, probably no more than around 10 to 20 days a year. He had to seize this hard-to-come-by opportunity and properly enjoy his single status.

Oh, speaking of which, I was so busy playing games with Youxi over the New Year that I didn’t get to play with Zhang Ming.

Recently, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi have been playing League of Legends. Just how popular the game would become in the future was something that didn’t need explanations from Mei Fang

Previously, he and Lin Youxi would duo in the bottom lane, with him supporting Lin Youxi as Annie. Even on her very first try, Lin Youxi played as Vayne, and their bot lane duo absolutely demolished the enemy in every game, to the point where Mei Fang didn’t believe Lin Youxi’s claim that she had never secretly played DotA before.

During their second and third years of middle school, he and Lin Youxi were obsessed with climbing the ranks, to the point that Mei Fang didn’t even have time to reply to Xia Yuan’s messages, let alone play games with Zhang Ming.

However, during the New Year holidays, the two of them often discussed things concerning game design online. Zhang Ming asked many questions related to game design proposals. Since Mei Fang was almost always on his phone, he had time to reply, or they would directly call and talk which also helped solidify their friendship, just like from their previous life.

Although he received the smallest year-end bonus at the gathering before the New Year, Zhang Ming was greatly affected by it afterwards. Initially, he joined Mei Fang in making games with a tentative “let’s give it a try” attitude. But later on, seeing the game’s soaring sales figures and the real money pouring in, he felt a sense of emptiness.

Zhang Ming’s family had many high-achieving graduates from prestigious schools. But even if they worked extremely hard to get into a good university and worked hard to land a good job, it seemed like that was the extent of what they could achieve. In contrast, his middle school friend Mei Fang was not only making games but also writing songs and creating his own website, making himself a legend that no one had heard of yet.

Zhang Ming realized that while he had been trying to keep up with Mei Fang’s academic achievements and competing with him in exams, it now seemed somewhat naive and laughable.

Mei Fang sensed Zhang Ming’s enthusiasm but also reminded him not to neglect his studies. This wasn’t just for future career prospects; if Zhang Ming focused too much on game development and his grades dropped, his parents would notice and not support him.

The opposition and disapproval of his parents would make it impossible for him to help Mei Fang with game development. At least until their game Cloudy Journey was released, Zhang Ming couldn’t afford to fall behind.

Cloudy Journey was a project Mei Fang and Guo Yun discussed before the New Year. Its English title was GLOUDY, a coined term derived from “cloudy” (overcast, dark clouds), while also carrying the meanings of “confounded” and “gloomy.”

The “G” in the title came from Guo Yun’s surname, essentially making the English title a play on her name. This naming was the result of brainstorming by the trio of Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin You Xi, who treated Guo Yun as the main character.

Guo Yun, who had been highly valued by Mei Fang since the New Year profit-sharing, was not one to disappoint. While Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi were happily enjoying the winter vacation, Guo Yun shut herself in at home to draw.

When Mei Fang arrived in Baizhou on the 14th day of the lunar month, Guo Yun presented him with the initial drafts of several concept designs. The scenes were almost on par with GRIS in terms of quality, and in some areas, even surpassed it in Mei Fang’s opinion.

Mei: 【The detailed color scheme here connects to the theme of this chapter, right? The dark tones reflect the feeling of being watched and ridiculed, like someone walking with their head down… The atmosphere is fantastic. Should we let you have free rein without specifying art requirements in the future?】

Guo: 【No way! It’s because your art requirements are so clear that I can do a good job. Without your documents and creative support, I wouldn’t be able to draw these.】

In their conversation, Guo Yun expressed her admiration for Mei Fang, which he accepted while also reminding her to rest properly.

Mei: 【I didn’t rush you to produce results, so why spend the whole winter break drawing these?】

Guo: 【Because I love it. I really enjoy drawing these… It’s a way for me to express my emotions and it feels very fulfilling.】

Mei: 【No matter how much you love it, you still need to rest. Also, as I mentioned, even if you’re incredibly talented, one person can’t ensure quality and efficiency alone. You need to help me recruit some classmates from your school who are interested in game development to assist you.】

Guo: 【(distressed.jpg), To be honest, this is harder than drawing. I’d rather just draw more.】

Mei: 【You’re already very beautiful now. Everyone’s attitude towards you has improved a lot, you can see that too, right?】

It’s precisely because of that… that I feel uncomfortable instead.

It makes it seem like everyone is so superficial and judges solely based on appearances.

Of course, there are people who don’t judge by appearances too.

Guo Yun lay on her bed, looking at Mei Fang’s messages. She recalled their eye contact from before the New Year, and her face blushed instantly. She tossed and turned, trying to calm herself.

Calm down…

You know it too, Guo Yun.

Mei Fang only appreciates your talent, not because he has feelings for you.

Although… even before he knew about your talent, he was always kind to you…

But that’s because Mei Fang is a gentle person, not for any other reason.

He treats me with such kindness, so I’m sure he treats other girls the same way.

If anything, there are only two girls he shows a different kind of kindness to.

Guo Yun held her phone, imagining Mei Fang’s future wedding.

In the not-so-distant future, who would be the one holding his hand and walking down the aisle…?

Lost in her thoughts, Guo Yun almost dozed off, until her phone fell onto her face, jolting her awake.

No, no… I haven’t done my squats for today… I need to get up and finish them before I can sleep!

Guo Yun was both drawing and working out at home, not neglecting either.

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