One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2872: Fang Gan, a shocked but unconvinced


Fang Qian thought coldly in his heart, on the surface he condemned the teacup lightly, and said with a smile:

"So that's it, Daoist Su Lang is truly peerless and intelligent! I don't know, what is Daoist's answer?"

As everyone knows.

A small part of his thoughts has been seen by Su Lang silently and mysteriously.

"Friends of Taoism have a good reputation."

"The key to this question lies in the efficiency of the integration of the time avenue and the growth of the cell wall when the crystal wall cell world is transformed into the crystal wall universe."

"The specific difficulties and corresponding answers are divided into seventeen pairs!"

A smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, "Now, I will talk about my own experience in detail."

He didn't care about Fang Gan's sneer. As long as he told the perfect answer, Fang Gan couldn't laugh anymore.

"Then it will work!"

Fang Gan nodded and said solemnly.

This statement came out.

Le Zhengnan next to him also pricked his ears attentively.

"Then I will start now."

"These seventeen pairs of difficulties and answers, the first one lies in the time and space of the Crystal Wall Universe."

"Time and space are one of the basic rule avenues of the universe, and also the most advanced rule avenue."

"So the first difficulty is the integration of time avenues."


Su Lang's expression was calm and confident, and the words in his mouth were not rushed or slow, and clearly organized, without any sloppy eyes.

In other words, ‘all dry goods! ’

Listen to Su Lang's explanation.

At the beginning, Fang Gan still had some disdain in his heart. After waiting for Su Lang to finish speaking, he would point out Su Lang's shortcomings.


Soon, all his thoughts were squeezed away by astonishment!

Because Su Lang's explanation was even more detailed and perfect than the answers he himself had drawn over the years!

Many of these details, after listening to Su Lang's explanation, he suddenly realized, like a divine enlightenment!

After the consternation.

It is endless horror and incredible!

'How can it be! ’

‘How could he have such a perfect answer! ’

‘He must have encountered these problems a long, long time ago. He must have been studying for longer than me! ’

‘This is the only explanation, and it also means that he can’t be the answer he just came up with! ’

Fang Qian thought with horror, and then he felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Because in his opinion, Su Lang is just pretending! This is already a real hammer!

at the same time.

"That's it, that's it!"

"I didn't expect the answer to such a difficult question to be so simple and clever."

"Friend Su Lang is indeed very knowledgeable!"

Le Zhengnan whispered inaudibly, and immediately thought; ‘I don’t know if these answers are compared with Fang Gan’s own understanding, who is stronger and who is weak? ’

Thinking so.

He turned to look at Fang Gan

——But seeing Fang Gan’s face is already showing unconcealed surprise, occasionally a glimmer of surprise flashes in his eyes.

See here.

Le Zhengnan already knew the answer.

‘It seems that the answer given by Su Lang is more perfect than Fang Gan thought of himself! ’

‘If it’s a temporary idea, as Su Lang himself said, then his understanding is terrible! ’

‘Ten thousand steps back, even if Su Lang did not come up with the answer temporarily, but solved it before as Fang Gan said. ’

‘But the answers he gave, the main points of the explanation, are so perfect that people can’t find any flaws! ’

‘Now, even Fang Gan is shocked by it, and he is shocked to judge him! ’

Le Zhengnan thought in his heart, his impression of Su Lang suddenly improved a lot.

at this time.

"For this question, this is my answer."

Su Lang smiled slightly, "Perhaps there is something wrong, it's all about learning, and then I will invite fellow daoist Fang Gan to speak."

Talking about Dao and Dao is naturally arguing with each other.


Fang Gan's own answer is not as good as Su Lang's, so how can he debate it?

"Friends of Taoism are too humble!"

"The answer you gave is perfect!"

"Thank you fellow daoist for dispelling my doubts for many years!"

Fang Gan laughed, waved his hands and said, "There is no need to debate this issue. Let's start the next topic!"

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