One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2871: This kid must be pretending


"let's start."

Su Lang nodded and smiled slightly.


"Xia Xia is currently practicing a technique that can accelerate the perfection of the Crystal Wall Universe."

"However, during the training process, I encountered a difficult point, so I asked Taoist Fellow Su Lang for advice."

"As we all know, in order to complete the crystal wall cell world into a crystal wall universe, it must be filled with the origin of the universe..."

Fang Gan did not rush to explain his difficulties.

After speaking.

He smiled and looked at Su Lang.

In fact.

He already has an answer to this difficult point.

But it took a lot of time and hard work to realize it.

The reason Fang Gan talked about this difficulty was to see if Su Lang could answer it.

If it can't... then Su Lang is just a general in terms of cultivation techniques.

If you can, just look at the time to comprehend the answer and how perfect the answer is.

"It turned out to be the problem."

Su Lang touched his chin and made a thoughtful gesture.

Le Zhengnan next to him was also lost in thought. He felt that this problem was very difficult, and for a while, he couldn't even find a clue.

‘Fang Gan really has a problem! ’

‘Such a difficult topic, I don’t know how many years it will take to solve it. ’

‘Su Lang’s side, although it’s good, but even if it can be unlocked, it will definitely take a long, long time. ’

‘It seems that this topic has been discussed for thousands of years! ’


Le Zhengnan squinted at Fang Gan, and immediately prepared for a long-term discussion on the Tao.

Fang Gan also had a leisurely look, holding a teacup and drinking lightly, without a trace of eagerness at all.

Obviously, he also thought that Su Lang would not be able to solve this problem in a short time.

But at this moment.

"This question of fellow Daoist Fang Gan."

"It can be easily solved with a very simple trick!"

Su Lang said faintly, and took a sip from his teacup. His movements were natural, like flowing water.

This statement came out.

Fang Gan, who was also drinking tea, suddenly stagnated!

'what! ’

‘He actually knows the answer to this difficult point! ? ’

‘No, I discovered this problem by accident. I asked many colleagues, but they didn’t know it! ’

‘But Su Lang... he doesn’t really know the answer, right! ? ’


A thick shock and suspicion rose in Fang Qian's heart, and after a pause, he continued half of the tea-drinking action.

He drank the tea, concealing his surprise, his expression gradually calmed down.

On the side, Le Zhengnan looked slightly stunned, and his eyes fell on Su Lang's body involuntarily.

‘He, he figured out a way so quickly! ? ’

‘It’s impossible. For such a difficult problem, even if he is better than me, it is impossible to come up with a solution in such a short period of time! ’

‘This guy...just kidding! ’

With horrified thoughts in Le Zhengnan's heart, his eyes fell on Fang Gan's face again to see what he did.


"Unexpectedly, Daoist Su Lang happened to have encountered this problem, and he also came up with a solution!"

Fang Gan laughed, yes, in his opinion, Su Lang must have happened to have encountered this problem, and then happened to untie the answer.

Otherwise, could it be that Su Lang immediately figured out a solution after hearing the problem?

In his opinion, this is simply impossible!

"Ah this!"

"Fang Gan Daoist misunderstood."

"I also heard this question for the first time."

Su Lang listened to Fang Gan's words and said with a smile, "Perhaps it's an analogy. With a flash of inspiration, he came up with the answer."

'impossible! ’

‘This kid must be pretending! ’

Fang Qian thought decisively in his heart, and a trace of uncomfortable flashed in his heart.

If you have solved this problem before, you will admit that it has been solved before.

I have to say that the answer came up on the spot, what kind of pretense?

He was calm on the surface, frowned slightly in his heart, and then sneered.

‘What about the answer? ’

‘Whether you said whether you came up with the answer you came up with on the spot or the answer you came up with before, it still depends on the quality of the answer. ’

‘I have been studying for many years before I came up with the perfect answer. Let me see how far your answer can be! ’

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