One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2547: Guliang deserves to be taught by me


"It's really not as precious as your Highness said."

Su Lang smiled and shook his head. These exercises were synthesized by him using synthetic functions, and they were generally at the level of the two universes and three universes.

Only a few are the eternal level of the five universes.

As for the technique of the Six Eternal Realm...

He has a few natural techniques of the Five Eternal Realm.

That was obtained by killing many of the Seven Realms masters of the Jade Cultivation faction.

However, his synthesis function is not yet able to be synthesized using Five Eternal Techniques as raw materials.

Only after upgrading the one-key synthesis function and getting enough ten five-plane eternal natural exercises, can you synthesize the exercises of the six-plane eternal realm.

of course.

The Five Eternal Realm techniques are already very awesome.

This level of exercise is probably the best exercise that the Seven Eternal Realm can master, and it is also the most practiced exercise in the Eight Eternal Realm.

The techniques of the Six Eternal Realm are estimated to be extremely cherished for the Eight Eternal Realm.

"Friend Su Lang!"

"This, so many of the original exercises, I dare not accept it."

"Their value is too great!"

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou's voice came again, with a hint of perseverance in his tone, and a strong determination.

"His Royal Highness Xiuning doesn't have to be like this."

"These exercises were originally useless to me."

"I originally planned to use it to sell the origin of the universe."

"Now, in exchange for part of the inheritance of His Royal Highness Xiuning."

Su Lang smiled slightly, he did not dare to say that most of the exercises here, he had already practiced.

Otherwise, Xiuning would definitely be as if an ordinary person saw a ghost, staring at a dog.

at this time.

Finished talking.

Su Lang gathered the original exercises from one place and turned them into a long dragon, flying towards Xiuning.


Hesitation appeared under Xiuning Hall.

But at this moment.

"Open the universe of life!"

Su Lang heard some serious voices.

"it is good......"

Xiu Ning shuddered, still opening the universe of life.


The long dragon formed by Su Lang with supernatural powers just entered the body of Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou, uh no, the universe of life.


In a flash.

The long dragon entered at the end and disappeared.

"Friend Su Lang."

"I am really ashamed..."

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou took a deep breath, a trace of shame in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness Xiuning doesn't have to be like this."

Su Lang smiled, "In this Doudu Universe, Xiu Ning Guliang deserves to be taught by me."

"Thank you Daoist Su Lang!"

His Royal Highness Xiuning no longer declined, but stood up solemnly and bowed to Su Lang.

"His Royal Highness Xiu Ning first look at the original exercises."

"Many of these exercises, I have practiced to the original state."

Su Lang nodded, "If your Royal Highness has any questions, you can come and ask me."


"These exercises Su Lang Taoist Fellow has already practiced many books!?"

"Moreover, they have reached the level of founders!?"

His Royal Highness Xiuning looked at Su Lang in disbelief, and couldn't help but exclaim in his open mouth.

As the Eternal Seven Universes, Xiuning's group is at the helm.

She naturally knows what level of proficiency the founder level represents.

That is the same level as the founder of the eternal exercise method!

Even lower-level exercises are fine, but it is almost impossible for eternal realm exercises to reach the founding level!

But Su Lang said, he did it!

And not one book, but many books!

This is really incredible.

If it hadn't been for His Highness Xiuning to know that Su Lang was extraordinary, he would never believe it at this time.

And this time.

She chose to believe in Su Lang, but she also felt a little unacceptable.

Oh my god.

What level of genius is needed to accomplish this horrifying achievement! ?

"No wonder!"

"No wonder that mysterious might choose Su Lang as the inheritor!"

"Just this kind of aptitude and understanding is absolutely unparalleled in countless high-level universes!"


His Royal Highness Xiu Ning looked at Su Lang, her beautiful eyes trembled, and the image of Su Lang in her heart couldn't help but become more magnificent.

Shocked for a while.

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning finally retracted his gaze and began to check the original of those eternal techniques.

But her heart was a little hard to be quiet, and she couldn't help but look at Su Lang from time to time.

Seeing that Su Lang had already opened the space ring she had given him at this time, he looked at it with joy.

"Fortunately I didn't hide it."

"What is given is the core content of Dou Xiu's ancestors' inheritance, not leftovers."

His Royal Highness Xiuning couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Su Lang smiling.

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