One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2546: The inheritance of Emperor Zhou

"It is said that after Nine Eternity..."

"You must perfect your life universe."

"The Life Universe is different from the Crystal Wall Universe. It is the first inner world created by the warrior. It is the core and foundation of this human-shaped universe. It is extremely important."

"But because of this, the perfection of the universe of life has become more difficult."

Emperor Xiu Ning put down his teacup and said, "I don't know how many eternal realms can appear in the endless universe."

"What level is Your Majesty Dou Xiu?"

Su Lang asked, "Have he never seen Jiu Zhou Eternal?"

"The ancestor of fighting repair is the eternal realm of the eight universes."

"And in the Eternal Realm of the Eight Universes, the gap between warriors and warriors is very terrifying."

"The ancestors of fighting repair are just the more ordinary Eight Eternal Realm."

"As for the Nine Universe Eternal Realm... the great power who taught Taoist Su Lang..."

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou didn't finish speaking, and looked at Su Lang with beautiful eyes.

"do not know."

"I haven't actually seen him with my own eyes."

Su Lang smiled and lied.

"That's it."

"That kind of character, it is true that the dragon sees the head but not the end."

"However, one or two may be glimpsed from the inheritance."

"Now that we sincerely form an alliance, Daoist Su Lang is even more grateful to the next."

"Therefore, I decided to give the inheritance to fellow Taoists first. By comparing Daoist Su Lang, he might be able to infer the true state of that mighty power."

His Royal Highness Xiuning said with a smile, and neatly took out a space ring.

She did not put it on the table, but cherished it and handed it to Su Lang.

The space ring contains the most important core content of Emperor Dou Xiu's inheritance.

In fact, Xiu Ning didn't even think about giving Su Lang all the cherished inheritance at once.

But in that battle, Su Lang saved her life and directly helped her unify the Doudu universe.


His Royal Highness Xiu Ning made up his mind and directly gave Su Lang the core content of the inheritance.

"His Royal Highness Xiuning has such trust, really embarrassing me."

"In that case, Lai Xia will also inherit and present it to His Highness Xiuning."

Su Lang smiled faintly, took the space ring, and immediately waved, a large number of exercises originally appeared in the room.


Not on the case table, but in the room.


There are so many exercises!

All kinds, exuding bright light and endless profound meaning, the eternal realm cultivation technique that almost drew the heaven and earth avenue, piled up like ordinary pebbles in the room.

Layer after layer was piled up, until the heart of His Highness Xiuning was overwhelmed!

Such a scene.

In an instant, His Highness Xiuning's expression changed drastically, as if struck by lightning, her delicate body trembled slightly.

"The Eternal Realm Cultivation Method was originally!!"

"All are the original eternal level techniques!"

"How come there are so many, this is incredible!"


His Royal Highness Xiuning is also a rich woman among eternal warriors.

But I saw the original of these eternal realm techniques thrown by Su Lang.

Still dumbfounded by the shock, the voice trembling!

Without him.

The quantity is too much.

The key is all the original!

The exercises were originally extremely rare, and the exercises in the eternal realm were originally even rarer.

Even if the inheritance left by Emperor Dou Xiu, there are only four original eternal techniques.

Two of them are in the hands of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou, and two are in her hands.

As for the rest of the exercises, they are basically passed on by word of mouth.

But even if it is passed on by word of mouth, the meticulous teaching of the elders to the younger generations is not comparable to the original practice!

"These eternal techniques are part of the inheritance of the techniques I got."

"But these exercises are actually not very good, so they are just ordinary."

Su Lang pointed to the original eternal level exercises piled up in the room and said with a smile.


"So many eternal level techniques are originally part of the inheritance!?"

"Moreover, these exercises are not very good!? Fellow Daoist Su Lang, don't be joking, every eternal level exercise originally cherished!"

"So many eternal realm cultivation methods, if they are known to the rest of the higher-level universe, they will definitely attract a large number of powerful enemies, and they will break the blood!"


His Royal Highness Xiuning stared at Su Lang closely, the disbelief in his heart still did not dissipate, but turned into a stormy sea, constantly beating her vast breast.

So many eternal techniques originally!

Su Lang didn't care, as if he looked down!

This is even more shocking!

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