One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2530: Ten thousand clones are still too slow

If his current clone function is to be upgraded, it needs 100 million cosmic origins.

The rest of the functions need to be upgraded, and even the cheapest one-key empowerment function requires a million cosmic origin.

If you rely on the clones to refining the origin, the speed of obtaining the origin is still too slow.

Compared with the speed at which the one-key practice function can obtain the cultivation base, it is almost equal to stagnation.

Of course.

Su Lang thinks so.

If Xiuning and others knew what he was thinking, he would vomit blood...

If they can help refining the origin of the universe with more than 10,000 eternal subordinates, their faces will probably bloom.


Su Lang thought that the speed of refining the eternal body was too slow to obtain the origin of the universe, and decided to hand the eternal body to the nest of civilization.

After eating these eternal bodies, the Nest of Civilization can give birth to a more powerful race of wisdom.

This can greatly increase the average combat power and maximum combat power of countless worlds and intelligent creatures in Su Lang.

Wisdom creatures become stronger, not only can contribute more incense aspirations.

It can also enhance the human power of the Crystal Wall Universe, making Su Lang's cosmic power even more terrifying.

The point is that the nest of civilization is very special.

From the beginning, she had the characteristic of devouring the strong and turning it into her own strength.

Not only power, but the genes and inheritance of the strong can be stolen.

Moreover, she digested the eternal body very fast, and could digest an eternal body of the same level as herself in a moment.

Then, as many spores as constant sand were born, countless different intelligent races were cultivated.

In short, it is to deal with the eternal body and develop its value quickly.

"The eternal body is left to the Nest of Civilization."

"Surely we can cultivate a large number of intelligent creatures with good talents."


Su Lang lay down lazily, resting his head with both hands.

Other colors of thinking came out of his eyes.

At present, he has come to the upper universe directly from the lower and basic universes.

It can be regarded as a small goal set in the boundless universe.

it's here.

His time flow will exceed countless middle and lower natural universes.

Plus one-key training, one-key martial arts speed.

His growth rate has formed an extremely terrifying crush on the creatures of the middle and lower levels.

After a hundred years of cultivation here, only a few minutes have passed since the middle and lower universes?

What can you do for those middle and lower level creatures in a few minutes?

I can't improve my cultivation level at all.

But Su Lang had already improved his cultivation base.

"The disadvantage of the middle and lower universe is too great."

"In the eyes of high-level cosmic powerhouses, they are completely arbitrary objects."

"Relatively speaking, the middle- and lower-level Tianjiao can't match the growth rate of ordinary warriors in the upper-level universe. After all, the difference in time flow rate is a million times!"

"The cosmic energy of the middle and lower universes, because of the time flow rate, also spreads slowly. Therefore, the eternal realm of heaven, material and earth treasures are scarce in quantity and not of high level."

"To me now, the middle and lower universes are basically useless."

"Even if you send your avatar to hunt those coordinates you just got, you're lazy."

"The clone hunted for an hour in the lower universe. I have been here for more than a thousand years."

"I have been practicing for only half a year, more than a thousand years...Perhaps I have already reached the pinnacle of the eternal state."

"If there is a higher realm, perhaps all have entered a higher realm."

Various thoughts burst into Su Lang's mind, and he became interested in the realm above the eternal realm.

The eternal state is already an existence beyond the natural universe, and it is a human-shaped universe.

So, what level is above the eternal state?

According to the current path of practice, the Crystal Wall world is filled with the origin of the universe to form the Crystal Wall universe...

So, above eternity, is it aimed at forming a humanoid universe?

The same as this endless universe, a humanoid universe with an endless crystal wall universe! ?

This seems very reasonable.

But Su Lang was not sure.

"Forget it."

"all will be good."

"At that time you will know what the realm above eternity looks like."

"In the lower universe, how to deal with the natural cosmic coordinates obtained from the Black Ice Tower and Lingyu Wanjie Pavilion?"

"Well, you can leave some more hidden universes as dangerous hiding places."

"The rest will be sold according to the original plan. It just happens that the Xiyitai gang wants to rely on me, so let them do it."

While thinking about it, Su Lang dispatched his clone to the natural universe presented by Xiyitai.

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