Played for a while.

Su Lang began to do business again, that is, to transfer the life planets and continents in the crystal wall universe in the eternal body.

The life planets or continents in the crystal wall universe are naturally inferior to the eternal life universe.

But the victory lies in the number!

The crystal wall universe of more than one hundred and thirty eternal powerhouses has reached more than 300,000 gai in total!

This number is almost five times that of Su Lang's Crystal Wall World.

even though.

Every one of Su Lang's more than 66,000 crystal wall worlds had a planet or continent.

But this does not mean they are filled.

In many crystal wall worlds, there is only one planet or one continent, how lonely.

And the quality of some living planets or continents is very poor.

In Su Lang's eyes, it was a pile of loose crisp stones or simply mud.

This kind of life planet and life continent can be squeezed and kneaded to make them firmer.

If you pinch it tightly, your body will be smaller, and you can free up more space to add new land!

"The first step is to transfer creatures to other places!"

"The second step is to add new planets or continents and make improvements."

"The third step is to transfer the creatures back."


After Su Lang thought about it, he just said it.

First, all living beings were transferred to some of the life continents and planets that did not need improvement.


It is to transfer the crystal wall world of the more than one hundred and thirty eternal powerhouses one by one to their own crystal wall world, combining with the existing life continents and planets.

Under Su Lang's terrifying power, these planets and continents merged with each other, forming a harder earth.

When Emperor Dou Xiu built the Doudu Continent, he did the same, using countless planets to create this supercontinent that even Su Lang feels vast!

at this time.

Su Lang is in the world of crystal walls.

Many new life continents or planets were born.

They are all very huge, the surface of the earth is extremely wide, and the above is full of the energy of heaven and earth

——These energies are naturally drawn from Doudu Universe.

Most of the cosmic energy is transformed into cultivation bases by the one-key cultivation function.

But a part of it was integrated into Su Lang's own life universe and crystal wall world.

Countless creatures absorbed these energy for cultivation, which to a certain extent could help Su Lang assimilate these newly absorbed energies from heaven and earth.

And the Crystal Wall Universe can transform these cosmic energies into the powerful force of the eternal realm, the force of the universe.

Time passed slowly.

With more than 130 eternal bodies and more than 300,000 gaps of crystal wall universe, all the creatures and land were transferred into his body by Su Lang.

At present, his ten-square life universe, the eternal life universe captured by more than two hundred, the more than 66,000 crystal wall worlds and crystal wall universes, are all filled with even more vast and vast continents.

There were dozens of times more creatures living on it in an instant!

This made Su Lang feel that his humanity has been greatly increased!

The power of incense absorbed by the Void Spirit Universe is also very much, while strengthening itself, while integrating into the four void dragon heaven realms.

Now the coverage of the Ethereal Universe is becoming wider and wider.

Originally, its enveloped range had already exceeded Su Lang's mental power detection range, and at this time it had exceeded a hundred times!

Once Su Lang unfolded the virtual spirit universe.

In a spherical area with a radius of trillions of light-years, all the power of incense will be sucked away by him, including those incredibly powerful incense creatures.

of course.

Su Lang is not doing that now.

The countless creatures in his own body can generate more incense aspiration power every second than expand the Void Spirit universe to draw the incense aspiration power once.

So there is no need to take the initiative to absorb the power of incense.

at this time.

The Crystal Wall Universe in the Eternal Body is completely processed.

Su Lang gave all the eternal body to the nest of civilization.

Because he found that the speed of refining the origin of the universe was too slow.

Even if he had so many clones of the same level, he could be divided into more than 10,000 eternal-level Hundred Shadow clones.

But the universe's origins that have been refined are still too few and too few.

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