One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2403: Expansion of Shifang Life Cosmic Planet

This kind of thing.

Su Lang had already done it once in the boundless world.

So this time, I became more proficient, and soon dug out the innate core fragments of the incomplete planet of Genluo Universe!

no surprise!

The core fragments of this congenital planet in the Genluo universe are more than the infinite universe.


What this universe was like since it was plundered by a higher-level universe last time has hardly changed.

Because during this period.

No one in the Genluo universe can be promoted to the eternal state, and it is almost impossible to use these innate core fragments.

When Emperor Genluo Zhou had just been promoted, he ushered in the disaster of no roof.

Not only did the Black Ice Tower and Lingyu Wanjie Pavilion descend, but Su Lang, a big enemy, also came!

This time.

The dead one is called a thorough!

At this moment.

Su Lang has dug through the entire crescent-shaped incomplete planet.

All innate core fragments were dug out and placed in front of them.


"There are so many innate core fragments!"

"This is completely comparable to the sum of my ten life universe planets now!"

"Now, let's sort them into categories!"


An excited smile appeared in Su Lang's eyes, and soon those innate core fragments were classified according to their attributes.


These innate core fragments are divided into ten parts.

"Clone dispatch!"

With a thought, Su Lang dispatched ten clones into each life universe in an instant.


The powerful breath descended on the universe of life one by one.

"He is the great Creator, the supreme Emperor Zhou, Your Majesty Su Lang!"

"His Majesty Su Lang has descended into our universe. It is great. It is my lifetime glory to see His Majesty Su Lang with my own eyes!"

"You are waiting for what you do, don't hurry up and put down the things in your hands, and worship the great Su Lang together!"


The intelligent creatures living on the planet of life suddenly all boiled, crawling down in ecstasy, and worshipping continuously.

"My people."

"This life universe is about to usher in earth-shaking changes. Get ready for the new world."


Su Lang's clone was suspended above the nine heavens of the life planet, and his voice spread throughout the planet.


Countless creatures are even more excited!

"Our world will change drastically!"

"This is a change under the control of His Majesty Su Lang. There must be no harm, only good!"

"Yes, the universe we live in is about to usher in a new life!"

"Thanks to the great Su Lang for hanging the curtain!"


Countless wise creatures are discussing, guessing, and are fully prepared.

This scene.

Naturally fell into Su Lang's eyes.

next moment.

"The Power of the Universe·Space Avenue!"

Su Lang's thoughts moved, and the clone immediately displayed the space avenue, squeezing selected innate core fragments directly into the life planet through the force of space.

In an instant!


There were huge vibrations in countless places on the planet.

The underground of the entire planet began to bulge upward, as if some monster was about to break out of the picture.

But it got out of the ground.

A giant peak that really exudes terrifying cosmic energy!

As Su Lang put in more and more congenital core fragments, the entire planet expanded in a big circle at a speed visible to the naked eye! !

In the eyes of those creatures on the planet.

The whole world suddenly became more extensive.

Countless new caves and blessings have appeared in the world, and the energy of the heavens and earth is directly doubled than before!

"The new world has come!"

"The planet we are on has directly become bigger in the hands of His Majesty Su Langzhou, the great creator!"

"Oh my God, with the concentration of energy in the world, this more obvious power of rules, I have the hope of breaking through to the level of Emperor Wu!"

"Worship your majesty Su Lang!"


The creatures on the planet watched their world become more and more expansive, the energy concentration of heaven and earth is getting higher and higher, all of them are shaking with excitement.

And such a thing.

Occurs in all ten life universes including Blue Star!

Every life universe is full of turbulence, and the whole world is caring together!

This also allowed Su Lang to obtain a wave of incense aspirations and inhale into the Void Spirit universe.

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