One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2402: Excavate the core fragments of the Genluo universe

"Ajia pays respects to the master!"

In the previous battle, this guy worked hard and suffered a little trauma.

"Get up."

"There are many more materials, but most of them are ordinary goods."

"If you evolve, it's definitely not complete, it can only be enhanced."

Su Lang nodded to Ah Jia, "Be prepared."


"Ajia, thank the Lord for his gift!"

Qi Ling Ajia bowed down again, and then returned to his body.

Immediately after.

Su Lang strengthened the eight-sided shield of Tianjiao twice.

This weapon was originally the One Eternal Realm plus three enhancements, reaching the top level of the Two Eternal Realm.

At this time, it will be strengthened twice again, and it will immediately reach the intermediate and advanced level of the Three Eternal Realm!

After Su Lang swallowed the clone, the strength of the pinnacle of the Four Universes was spurred, and the warriors of the same level did not even want to shake it again, unless they had the offensive weapons of the Four Universes!

The eight-sided shield of Tianjiao has been strengthened.

Qi Ling Ah Jia worshiped Su Lang three times, then returned to his body and turned into a pattern on Su Lang's clothes.

"There is some material left."

"Strengthen the sword of life."

After thinking about it, Su Lang immediately strengthened the sword of life.


The Sword of Life has also initially reached the Three Eternal Realm, and one sword can restore a lot of power.

"The materials are almost consumed."

"Keep some spare, save some more."

Su Lang glanced over the other weapons, the mirror of reincarnation and the nest of civilization were enough for the time being.

Three eternal incense weapons such as the piercing lock, you can wait for more special incense power to evolve!

The improvement of weapons has come to an end temporarily.


Su Lang began to organize the exercises and books, and the three secrets of formation alchemy were naturally included in it.


The pill formula obtained this time is not worth mentioning, they are all ordinary.

In terms of formation.

But got three eternal formations!

One kind of sleepy formation and two killing formations can be arranged jointly, and the power is equivalent to the level of the four universes!

This is the formation from the Black Ice Tower.

But even Hei Binglou himself, because he didn't have enough formation knowledge and materials, couldn't create a formation.

Otherwise in the previous battle.

It would be more difficult for Su Lang to kill a few of them.


"Three eternal formations!"

"With my knowledge of the formation, together with the other formations, it is possible to create a stronger combined formation!"

"Not to mention entering the Five Universes and reaching the eternal peak of the Four Universes, there is no problem at all!"

A smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, then he put the formation into the storage space, and read the Taoist classics again.

In these ancient books, they record different refining methods in various natural universes. These methods have their own merits, but in general, the essence is the same.

For Su Lang, he also mastered several tricks of refining.

In addition.

There is also a refining formula and technique for the weapons of the Second Universe Eternal Realm.

For the general eternal realm, this is definitely a treasure, and it can save them a lot of detours on the road of refining.

But for Su Lang, it didn't have that much effect.

"The system, activate the one-key pill refining function, and refine all the pill that can be refined for me."

After reading the classics, Su Lang began to activate the system function to refine alchemy, synthesize and strengthen it.


One after another cherished perfect-quality pill appeared in the storage space.

Su Lang smiled slightly, and flew straight towards the crescent-shaped incomplete planet.


Just arrived at the near void of the planet.

As the nascent universe that was also plundered by the high-level universe, the innate planet of the Genluo universe is more complete than the infinite universe.

"really not bad."

"In my ten-party life universe, the planets created by the infinite core fragments can finally be further improved."

The corner of Su Lang's mouth raised slightly, and he immediately came to the surface of the planet, put all the intelligent creatures away, and dropped them into many crystal wall universes.

Immediately after.

It is to excavate the remaining core fragments of the planet!

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