One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2364: You successfully seized the opportunity

"The time acceleration effect of Exile has been greatly reduced."

"I am now equivalent to a complete universe."

"The place of exile created by Zhaoyu's life's painstaking efforts has been transformed by me to its current appearance, but unfortunately it can't keep up with my pace."

"The effect of time acceleration has almost no effect on me."

"Fortunately, the energy transmission network of the Celestial Void Realm is still useful and can condense the extremely high concentration of cosmic energy."

Su Lang thought so, and immediately looked at his cultivator villain.

After this time.

Its color has all become golden again, and it is still continuing to cultivate more!

"So many cultivation bases can almost perfect a lot of Crystal Wall Universe!"

"But now I don't convene much, save more cultivation base, and wait for me to test whether the three incense weapons can evolve."

Su Lang touched his chin, and immediately a thought flashed in his heart, summoning the biting evil.

Evil Devouring is in the land of exile.

Called by Su Lang, he rushed over.

"Meet the great Lord!"

Evil Devouring turned into a human form, kneeling before Su Lang, trembling, respectful.

"Look at what this is."

Su Lang nodded slightly, and immediately stopped selling it.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the Qibao Miaoshu, the Purple Gourd and the Heart-piercing Lock and placed them in front of the evil spirits.

"This is... an incense weapon!?"

"Using endless special incense, condensed, an incense weapon with strange characteristics!"

Devouring evil is worthy of being an innate creature with incense. He could see the details of the three weapons at a glance, and he was stunned in surprise.

Incense will power is omnipotent.

It is not uncommon to use it to build weapons. It can be used to create creatures.


If it is Qibao Miaoshu and other three pieces of up to half-step eternal grade, and the characteristics are extremely pure incense weapons.

Eat evil has never imagined!

Because it requires too much special incense power!

Even if he is an innate incense creature who has an instinctive means of controlling incense aspiration, it is difficult to create such a wonderful, but extremely pure weapon.

The most arrogant thing about eating evil is his control of the power of incense.

But Su Lang could **** his incense aspiration power at any time, and at this time he could create such a terrifying and pure incense weapon.

This made him doubt about life, whether he was a creature of innate incense!

Perhaps, he is not, Su Lang is! ?

"Not bad."

"This is the weapon I made with the special incense willingness."

"But they have no weaponry, they cannot control the avenue of time, and it is difficult to sublimate to the eternal state."

"Therefore, I want to ask you if you are interested in being a tool for them."

"If you succeed in becoming their spirit, then you will evolve to the eternal state in a very short time, and your subsequent ascension will be easier."

Su Lang smiled slightly, he had already given the chance, and it was up to him whether he could grasp the evil spirit.

"Subordinates are willing!"

"Great Lord!"

"Subordinates are willing to be the spirit of these three incense weapons!"

Ji Xie did not hesitate, and immediately kowtowed to Su Lang with an excited expression.


"You successfully seized the opportunity!"

Su Lang smiled slightly, "Trust me, you will be thankful for it."

"Subordinates believe the Lord's words unconditionally."

Ji Xie kowtowed again, and then hesitated, "The subordinate has a question. There are three incense weapons, but there is only one subordinate..."

"You don't need to worry about this."

"I have prepared a solution."

"Come here, I will instill an eternal realm technique for you!"

Su Lang smiled faintly, and gently waved at the biting evil.


"Eternal Realm Technique!?"

"To instill in subordinates!?"

"This, this, my subordinates thank the Lord for your kindness!"

After listening to Su Lang's words, Ji Xie was so excited that he was shaking all over.

The eternal realm's exercises!

He devours evil, although he is an innate incense creature, he has a great advantage.

But it is precisely because of this.

He is not only a child with no father and no mother, but even no class.

The rest of the wise creatures can have various inheritances, but he only has two inborn too elementary methods, eating the hearts of demons and crossing time and space.

Do not even think about the eternal realm's exercises.

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