One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2363: Three Nine Wilderness Universe Coordinates

There are more than 15,000 eternal realm clones to help.

Su Lang got the origin of the universe much faster than others!

"I really want to try it now."

"Anyway, the clones are now finished."

"[Jinghua Shuiyue] In the Void Dragon Vein Celestial Realm, those incense souls are also on the right track, and no longer need the guidance of the'Life Mentor'."

"The liberated clone is temporarily used to reverse the origin of the universe. I don't know how much can be reversed in a day?"


A light of thought flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and he immediately decided to return to the boundless universe, and then began to execute the plan.

of course.

Before that.

It is also necessary to leave an eyeliner in these more than forty natural universes.

It is the best choice to choose forty-eight Baiying clones as eyeliner.

Anyway, if they stay here, it won't prevent them from refining the origin of the universe for Su Lang.

Just do it.

Su Lang first took "Zhou Yuan Refining the Truth" to the villain Xiwu to wash his face.

Then left one clone in each of the forty-eight natural universes.

Immediately after.

Then returned to the boundless universe.

Back to the boundless world.

Su Lang did not refining the origin of the universe for the first time, accumulating cultivation.

Instead, he sent a clone to sink into the bottom of the Boundless World, and began to search for the coordinates of the natural universe in the Nine Desolate Universe.

At that time, the time-space barrier channel of the natural universe that was about to be completed in the boundless realm was the array method used.

For Su Lang, it is easier to find!

The divine consciousness that covers a radius of one trillion light-years unfolds, and only needs to search in the earth veins.


Su Lang found the existence of some suspected formations.

"The channel formation at the time was very badly damaged!"

"It turned into such a crushed state!"

"Fortunately, I have the formation control function, and now I have reached the eternal state, and can perfectly analyze the residual fragments of these formations."


Su Lang frowned slightly, and various thoughts emerged in his mind.


His eyes lit up!

Because he analyzed the space-time coordinates of a natural universe from an inconspicuous array fragment!


"Found one!"

"Unfortunately there is no name. I don't know which of the eight natural universes this space-time coordinate represents?"

While thinking about it, Su Lang kept the space-time coordinates firmly in his mind.


He continued to search and analyze the coordinates with the clones.

In a blink of an eye.

He has searched the entire boundless world.

The boundless world is really huge, very vast.

But in front of Su Lang at this time, it was nothing at all, the divine consciousness of a trillion light-year radius could directly cover a quarter of the boundless world!


It is the pure analysis link of space-time coordinates.

After spending a little time.

Su Lang successfully resolved the coordinates of the three natural universes, and there was nothing more.

"There are only three."

"It seems that the original endless universe did not dare to contact all of the eight natural universes."

"And these three natural universes are probably presumed to be universes without eternal realms."

The corner of Su Lang's mouth raised slightly, and a smile was outlined, "In that case, go and take a look when things are almost done here."

The remaining forty-eight natural universes have been cleaned up.

just now.

It's the turn of the endless universe.

Because this is a grassroots universe.

So Su Lang didn't plan to stay here for a long time, but planned to pack everything away.

Including the vast continent of Boundless Realm, it must be taken away.

"With my current formation skills."

"There is no need to build a shuttle formation with the help of the earth veins like the previous infinite powers, just find a place."

"Cavages, go, pack all the planets of the boundless world."


Su Lang thought, and finally sent the clones out again.

And he himself.

Then entered the land of exile.

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