One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2359: Clean up the source universe

When trying to explore the situation of the boundless universe.

Origin Mingzhou Emperor discovered.

There is a space-time shuttle channel in the natural universe that is about to be built, relying on the veins of the Infinity Realm.

This natural universe space-time shuttle channel must be connected to the rest of the universe in the Nine Desolate Universe.

No matter what the previous purpose was.

At this time, this passage that is about to be built is likely to become a way for the boundless world to obtain support.


In the middle of the war.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou deliberately crushed it into four broken continents.

Destroyed the space-time shuttle channel to be built in the veins.

"So this is the ins and outs of things."

"The ruler of the Genluo universe speculated that there was a strong eternal realm in the Infinite Universe, so he acted first to be strong and leaked the coordinates."

"Sure enough, Emperor Yuanmingzhou got the coordinates and came to invade the boundless universe. It was so successful."

"If it were not for me, the boundless universe would have fallen into the eternal night."

"Tsk tsk, this trick to provoke a tiger and drive a wolf is quite easy to use."

Su Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sneer was slowly drawn at the corner of his mouth.

According to the information obtained from Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

There are still fragments of the space-time barrier passage in the deep veins of the Boundless World, and inside it contains the coordinates of the other eight natural universes!

Emperor Yuanmingzhou was very happy to plan to reverse the Boundless Realm, and immediately searched for the coordinates and continued to hunt the rest of the universe in the Nine Desolate Universe.

of course.

He has no chance!

"The coordinates of the other eight natural universes belong to me!"

"Gen Luo Universe, right? When I finish dealing with things here, I will find time to be a guest!"

There was a dangerous light in Su Lang's eyes.

The Boundless Universe is his territory. He was betrayed by Genluo Universe and almost finished. How could he just laugh it off?

Adhere to the principle that hatred must be avenged, and the world has no hatred.

Su Lang immediately decided that he must retaliate back!

of course.

before this.

There are more important things to do.

That is to search the natural universe of Xuanyuzi and others first.

This is a ready-made trophy.

"Let’s start with Yuanming Universe first!"

"There are still some remnants of Emperor Yuanmingzhou in this universe."

"These guys were also sinners who invaded the endless universe!"

Su Lang's eyes were cold, and the icy killing intent almost frozen the surrounding void.

next moment.

"The one-click treasure hunt function is activated."

"The auxiliary function ‘Soul Soul’ is activated!"

With a thought of Su Lang, he immediately let the treasure hunting ancestral glider return to Yuanming Universe, and immediately launched his ‘hunting soul’ ability.

Those twenty-odd and half-step eternal strong.

All the treasure hunting ancestral gliders have been seen, and naturally it is very easy to start the soul tracking.

Not long.

The treasure hunting ancestral glider, who possessed the eternal speed of one universe, found the first half-step eternity.

This half-step eternal prostrate in a quiet room with a very respectful posture, trembling slightly, waiting for the winner to come.

His life is closely related to Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

Emperor Yuan Mingzhou fell, he felt it for the first time, and was seriously injured as a result.

But it's not dead.

So planned to surrender to the next eternal strong.



The treasure hunting ancestral glider with black gold stripes appeared in front of him instantly.

"Xia Nu knock to see seniors!"

"There is still value in being a slave, please forgive me!"


In this half step, the eternal strong man grabbed the ground with his head, banged and banged, and his whole body was thrown to the ground with five bodies, which was extremely humble.


No matter how humble, there is no use for eggs.

"Clone dispatch!"

Su Lang dismantled the avatars of Xing Cuanyun and soon dispatched one of them.


An indifferent clone appeared before the half-step eternity.


The half-step eternal and stern begging for mercy just came to an abrupt end.


Su Lang's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to give orders, taking away his eternal life one and a half steps.


Treasure hunting ancestral gliders and clones cooperate.

Started to hunt down eternity one and a half steps.

No matter where those half-step eternal powerhouses escaped, they couldn't escape the treasure hunting ancestral glider's soul search method.

There is only one word in the final end, and that is death!

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