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Chapter 2358: Xin Mi, Nine Desolate Universe Region


It's the secret of the boundless world.

As a powerful eternal realm powerhouse.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou survived for tens of billions of years.

He had known the coordinates of Infinity Boundary a long time ago and started the invasion plan.

It was definitely not a rash attack in person at first.

Rather, it is trying to detect intelligence and plan to move.

This also made Emperor Yuanmingzhou's understanding of the Boundless Realm far surpassing Dongfang Taiyi's half-step eternity.

Even Eastern One is a strong man born and raised in the boundless world.

As for eating evil.

This guy did not dare to show up when the boundless universe was prosperous, for fear of being killed by the strong.

So He has been hiding in a very remote place.

Even the Battle of the Boundless Realm didn't participate, just watched from a distance for a while.

Although he was born at the beginning of the universe.

But before meeting Su Lang, he had never stepped into the boundless world.

Therefore, his understanding of the Boundless Realm was actually very weak, and he could not tell Su Lang any valuable information.

at this time.

From the body of Emperor Mingzhou.

Only then did Su Lang get some secrets about Infinite Realm.

The boundless universe.

He even once teamed up with the rest of the universe to form a small force called the Nine Desolate Universe!

The Nine Desolate universe is composed of nine bottom natural universes, and has nine eternal realm powerhouses.

And that era was called the Hunyuan era.

The Hunyuan era is the most powerful era in the boundless universe, with a large number of half-step eternal strong men, and warriors in the early days are not uncommon.

The Buddhism eternal level secret technique ‘Hexintong’ and ‘Divine Realm Communication’ practiced by Su Lang.

It came from one of the natural universes called Tianfan.

The nine natural universes gather together, communicate with each other, and gradually develop and grow.

But at a certain moment.

The Nine Desolate Universe has been plundered from the higher universe.

Almost all of the nine natural universes suffered devastating disasters.

Take the endless universe as an example.

At that time, the eternal realm powerhouse died directly.

A lot of half-step eternity also vanished.

Infinity was not a continent at that time.

It is a super-giant planet with nine layers of space-time walls, and its name is ‘Wuyin’.

The space-time superstars of Yuanming Universe are nothing compared with them.

In that plunder of the upper universe.

Most of the "Boundless" was robbed directly, and the rest formed the Boundless Realm.

The core of the Boundless Realm contained in it was only a very small part of the ‘Boundless’, and most of it was looted.

As for why this is left, the circumstances at the time are not known and cannot be inferred.

After the Nine Desolate Universe was looted.

The eternal realms of the various universes fell one after another and became extremely weak.

To protect yourself.

The major universes have agreed not to disclose their space-time coordinates.

Immediately disconnected, each closed and self-contained, recuperating and restoring vitality.

After the long years.

In the nine natural universes of the Nine Desolation Universe, one after another, the universe reappeared in the eternal state.

But some, but there is still no eternal state.

Based on the understanding of each of the nine natural universes, one can roughly guess when the other party will be able to appear strong in the eternal realm.


As time goes by.

In the nine natural universes.

In some natural universes that have not yet produced the powerful in the eternal realm, their rulers have begun to worry and panic.

In this cruel world.

Alliances can only exist with equal strengths.

Otherwise, you will only have the remaining chips.

For example, three of the seven people of Xuanyuzi have mastered the coordinates of the higher-level natural universe, and can use them as a bargaining chip to increase their weight.

In the Nine Desolate universe.

The coordinates of the natural universe without eternity are known by other universes.

Therefore, it is very likely to become a hunted target.

In an extremely intense crisis.

The previous agreement not to disclose coordinates to each other became a piece of waste paper.

This is how the boundless universe was betrayed.

According to the information obtained by Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

It was the'Genluo Universe' in the Nine Desolate Universe, which leaked the coordinate information of the Infinite Universe to'Milan Universe'.

Exactly not long after, Emperor Yuanming Zhou hunted the'Milan Universe' and learned the news.

But ‘Genluo Universe’ is a chicken thief and has not revealed its coordinates.


Emperor Yuanmingzhou only got the coordinates of the boundless universe, and then started the invasion plan.

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