This time.

He no longer uses time acceleration.

It is to use the power of the Bayan Realm conventional level.

With the help of Yingwa's ‘past’ level of time rules, the use of time slowing down and even stagnation is a means!

"His Majesty Su Lang will use my time power!"

"It's great, the old man must give up his life to help!"

Ying Wa is also a strong man who swears to resist Tianmi Continent and Yuanmingzhou Emperor.

How could he desperately want to kill the powerhouse of the Primordial Beginning Realm in Tianmi Continent at this time?

And as a strong man who is about to join Su Lang's subordinates, he also wants to show it!

"Everything goes against the flow, condenses!!"

Ying Wa waved the weapon of the Great Beginning Realm in his hand, showing an extremely powerful time slowing force!

With the help of the "lever" profound meaning developed by the Wu Clan, his power has reached the peak of the Qiyan Realm!

Immediately after.

He handed over the control of this force to Infinity.

Then Su Lang, the actual controller of the Infinity, took over!

"The power that time continues to slow down!"

"Achieving great success is eternal stagnation, if reaching the extreme is time going backwards!!"

"At present, this time deceleration force has reached the point where it is approaching permanent stagnation."

Su Lang felt this power of time, and several thoughts flashed in his mind, and then he poured all the power of the Boundless into it!

this moment!

Almost all the powerhouses who settled in the Infinity have been emptied of energy reserves, including Su Lang himself!

And that group of ‘all things counter-current’ time power has also completely entered the realm of the eight emperors, which is the level of permanent stagnation of time!

"go with!!"

Su Lang's heart moved, and this group of power suddenly spread.

The power of permanent stagnation in time instantly enveloped the attacks of Monk Kongchan and others, as well as him!

The next moment.

The attack methods of Kong Chan and others froze instantly, floating motionless in the air!

The power of time contained in it is directly assimilated!


"This is the power of time stagnation!!"

"A terrifying method that could only be used in the Bayan Realm in the early days!"

"It's over, we're over, we can't resist it at all!!"


Monk Kongchan and all the powerhouses of the Primordial Beginning Realm showed horror, and countless fearful thoughts arose in his heart!


They didn't even have a chance to ask for help, so they were directly frozen by time.

Not only the expression on the face, but the body motions are motionless, and even the mind completely stops working!

Those more than forty divine beasts were temporarily frozen by Su Lang's time power.

Because they accepted the order to attack.

They will not stop unless the controller issues a stop order or the controller dies.

at this time.

This continent suspended in the dead void has been completely solidified by Su Lang's time power.

Everything stopped working!

Kong Chan and others are completely reduced to lambs to be slaughtered!

"The golden figure of Buddha Mi Ling can leave Tian Mi Continent."

"Can't waste time, kill them first!"

Su Lang's eyes flashed with killing intent, controlling the Infinity to fly to the vicinity of Monk Kongchan and others.

Immediately after.

A flash of brilliance flashed, turning into an extremely huge sword and appeared in the hands of Infinity, it was the Youtian Sword!

"Cohesive and twisted power! Kill!"

With a thought, Su Lang sprinkled a large amount of recovery pill while waving his hands, and conveyed the order to all the strong in the Infinity.


"Your Majesty Su Lang!"

At the beginning, he picked up the extra pill that was in front of him and swallowed it, and immediately began to gather his twisting power.

Although the move just emptied their energy, with Su Lang's pill, they recovered very quickly!

Moreover, Su Lang pumped the power of the sun into the Wuyin, and then distributed it to the early powers.

As the Qiyan Primordial Realm, Yingwa first received energy allocation.

Because he can condense the highest quality distortion force!

After three breaths.

Su Lang's sun has been drawn to dim!

The horrible twisting power rushed out from every strong man, and Baichuan Nahai generally poured into the Infinity, and Su Lang took over!

Immediately after.

"Broken a sword——!!!"

Su Lang raised his hand and slashed, and the Boundless also raised his hand simultaneously, swiping the Youtian Sword with countless twisting power, condensing a terrifying broken sword!

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