One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2010: The future of good fortune will accelerate

"Future good luck!!"

With a thought, Su Lang mobilized the conventional power of the Bayan level, and used his future good fortune mysterious arts to reach the founding level to use the time acceleration method!

This is the best way to fight time slowdown! !

And it can easily break the time rule of the ‘now’ level.

But I saw countless platinum storms condensed in the hands of Infinity.

Immediately, it was like a star exploding, forming an incomparably terrifying force, blasting together with the power of more than 80 primordial powers such as Kong Chan!


"How is it possible for a mere conventional force to oppose the time force of the'past' level!"

"The next moment, you will be caught in the vortex of time slowing down, and gradually become stagnant!"

The thoughts of disdain flashed in the hearts of Monk Kongchan, Master Huijue, and Monk Shi Yu.

Most of the rest of the primordial strong think the same way.

Think that Su Lang's side cannot withstand his own attack!


Something that horrified them had happened.

In the platinum storm displayed by the super giant in the sky.

The subtle Dharma they displayed has started to die out at an accelerated rate!

Almost instantly.

Except for the ‘past’ level time power displayed by the three Qiyan Taichu.

The rest of the time forces are all calmed, assimilated, and accelerated, and various powers are transformed into primitive heaven and earth forces in an instant, dissipating in the universe.

Even the power of the ‘past’ level time displayed by Monk Kong Chan and other Qi Yan Taichu.

Because I am not proficient in the exercises

——The ‘past’ level Taichu exercises they practiced are basically at the beginner and minor level.

And because of their own fighting, the energy to mobilize the power of time is insufficient.

So even if the level is higher, it is still gradually offset by Su Lang's attack!

"how is this possible!!"

"How could they display such a terrifying time acceleration method!?"

"Quickly, use time means to offset their time to accelerate the attack!"


Monk Kongchan and the others looked at the Infinite Ship controlled by Su Lang in horror.

Everyone's eyes burst open, their mouths wide open, and their eyes are full of incredible!

Immediately after.

They used their best efforts and constantly displayed the power of time.

It even ordered those controlled mythical beasts to perform all kinds of desperate secret techniques and launch attacks regardless of all losses!




The beasts uttered painful screams, but they could not disobey the orders, they could only use desperate means to attack the Infinity!

"My family!!"

"Your Majesty Su Lang, please save them!!"

In a certain core component, Phoenix showed grief and sent a request to Su Lang.

Originally as a Phoenix family.

When the Boundless World was intact, he couldn't look down on the rest of the beast races.

But times have changed, and he has long been able to put down his arrogance and accept those of his fellow race.

They even feel heartache because of their tragic experience.

Also heartbroken, there is Bi Ye Rin in another part.

She has become a blue-blooded unicorn of the primordial realm, fighting for Su Lang in the Infinity!

In the land of exile, her dream is to return to the Tianting Continent and save the Tianting Continent.

Although she knew it was impossible, she still clung to that dream forever.

After following Su Lang, Bi Yelin found that her dream was getting closer to reality!

"I want to save you all and contribute everything!!"

Bi Yelin roared in her heart, and unexpectedly displayed the racial secret technique, bursting out a powerful force, all poured into the Infinity!

"rest assured!"

"I won't hurt them!"

Su Lang felt the expectations of Phoenix and Bi Yelin and nodded immediately.

Even without Phoenix and Bi Yelin's expectations and requests, he would do his best to save the beasts.

At this moment.

Monk Kongchan and a large number of mythical beasts performed terrifying attacks.

Su Lang's previous acceleration force of time was immediately cancelled out.

"Ha ha!"

"Two attacks can offset one of my attacks! What are you fighting against me?"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and his thoughts moved, and he sent an order to the Wa!

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