Chapter 985: Foolproof

The rat man attendant widened his eyes.

He seemed to have realized something and shook his head desperately.

“The boss will kill me!” he said with a sad face.

“Won’t we kill you?” Buck, the wild boar roared.

The rat man attendant was so scared that his eyes rolled back and he almost fainted.


Slender Eyes stopped his cousin’s recklessness. He slightly let go of the rat man attendant’s throat and said very patiently, “Don’t worry. As long as you take us to the main road of the big bar, the rest of the matters have nothing to do with you, and we won’t kill you. You know who we are and what we’re going to do, right?”

The rat servant nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head desperately.

“No, I don’t know anything. Let me go, everyone. I don’t know anything!” he said in a sobbing tone.

“It doesn’t matter. We are not afraid of anyone knowing what we are going to do.”

Slender Eyes said, “Big Buck insulted our ancestors like this. It is only right and proper for us to wash away our shame with his blood. We are not afraid of him even if we tell others about it. Why should we kill you?

“However, you should also know the seriousness of this matter. If you continue to dawdle, it won’t be a big deal for the warriors from Red Creek town to stomp a rat from Black-corner City to death!

“Besides, your companion is dead drunk. He won’t wake up until the rooster crows. As long as you don’t go around talking nonsense, who will know that you leaked Big Buck’s whereabouts to us?”

Under his pacification, the rat servant calmed down slightly.

“Yes, you won’t kill me. You have no reason to kill me.”

He comforted himself and looked pitifully at Buck, the wild boar and Slender Eyes. He put his palms together and begged, “I definitely won’t tell anyone about the old men. The old men will definitely not kill me, right?”

“Of course.”

Slender Eyes laughed and patted the rat servant’s shoulder lightly, “Our target is Big Buck. I promise, as long as you lead us to Big Buck, we won’t have the time to kill a nobody like you.”

As he spoke, he handed half a bottle of inferior wine to the rat servant.

The rat servant was flattered. He bowed his head and took the bottle with trembling hands.

He couldn’t wait to take a big gulp, but he coughed loudly due to the stimulation. Tears and snot came out of his eyes.

Such an unsightly appearance made the wild boar warriors frown again and spit in their hearts.

The rat servant also realized his wretched appearance, which made the masters unhappy. He hurriedly pulled a bunch of weeds that grew from the wall roots and wiped his face.


After drinking the bad wine, the rat servant’s face burned badly, but he still squeezed out a habitual flattering smile. He rubbed his hands and said, “I’ll take the masters to the sugarhouse now?”

Two wild boar warriors walked in front of him, one on his left and one on his right.

Buck, the wild boar, Slender Eyes, and Green Eyebrows slowed down and fell behind.

“When do we kill this rat?” Buck, the wild boar asked.

“We’ll talk about it when Big Buck appears.”

Slender Eye explained, “After all, we are outsiders and are not familiar with the environment of Black-corner City, especially those complicated streets and alleys. If this rat is lying, or if Big Buck changed his schedule at the last minute, or if he encountered something and left the sugarhouse early, we will have nothing to do.

“Let’s keep this rat for now. In case Big Buck doesn’t show up tonight, we can think of another way.”

“Okay.” Buck, the wild boar nodded.

Under the lead of the rat servant, the five wild boar warriors quickly arrived at the street where the sugarhouse was located.

This was the residence of the rat laborers in Black-corner City.

The laborers who lived here had a slightly higher status than the slave laborers who worked to death in the foundry. They could enjoy limited freedom.

Naturally, they could not be compared to the clan warriors, nor were they qualified to live together with the lords.

They could only squeeze into this layer upon layer of slums that looked like a three-dimensional labyrinth.

The past half century of prosperity had caused the population of Black-corner City to explode. Among them, the population of the rat people had increased several times faster than that of the warriors.

The advanced orcs, who had a rough personality, naturally would not clean up every street, especially the alleys in the depths of the slums. There were piles of debris and garbage everywhere. There were also clothes and cloth hung outside by the rat people, the temporary tents severely blocked the traffic and obstructed the sight of passers-by. It was a good place for an ambush.

The target of the five wild boar warriors was too big.

They took the rat servant walked around the depths of the alleyway with Slender Eyes first.

According to the instructions of the rat servant, they bought a mask made of paper at the entrance of the alleyway to cover their faces symbolically.

If they met the customers of the sugarhouse, they would not arouse suspicion.

Then, they walked around the five roads near the sugarhouse.

Even from the top of a three-story building that had half collapsed, they could see the narrow door with the pattern of cat ears in the distance, which was the entrance of the sugarhouse.

Looking down from above, they looked down and remembered the surrounding terrain.

Slender Eyes took the rat man back to his companions.

He gave a brief introduction of the situation.

Then, he used a mandala branch to draw a very rough map on the ground.

“There are five paths out of the sugarhouse, all leading to the outside world. Which one would Big Buck take?” Buck said with a frown.

The five wild boar warriors all looked at the rat man.

The rat man trembled and pointed at the map in fear. “This, this one.”

“You’re lying!”

Slender Eyes suddenly grabbed the rat man’s neck and pulled him to the front. He changed from his previous soft words, but his eyes were wide open and his voice was fierce, “You said that Big Buck would rush back to the Blood Skull Arena every time he reached the moment of the worm, but the closest road from the sugarhouse to the Blood Skull Arena should be the one on the left. Why did you point us to the one on the right?”

The rat man was so scared that his soul left his body, and his legs were shaking like chaff.

His mouth was wide open for a long time, then he explained in a sharp and thin voice, “By the ancestors, I wouldn’t dare to lie to the masters. What you said is to go to the main gate of the Blood Skull Arena, which is the gate for the audience to enter the arena. If we go from the sugarhouse, we should go to the left.

“But the Blood Skull Arena is very big. The spectator stands like Big Buck live in the southeast side of the arena, which is close to the area on the right.

“There is a small door over there that allows the people of the arena to enter and exit freely.

“After leaving the sugarhouse, walk down the road on the left. After making two turns, you will arrive at the back door of the Goldfinger Casino.

“Walk through the entire Goldfinger Casino and exit through the main door. After walking a few hundred steps forward, you will be able to see the small door on the southeast side of the Blood Skull Arena.

“If you take this route, not only will it save you thousands of steps compared to going left, taking the main road, and passing through the main door, but if you bump into someone you know, you can also say that you just played a few rounds in the Goldfinger Casino, and it won’t arouse any suspicion.

“So, Big Buck has always taken this route.”

Slender Eyes and the wild boar, Buck looked at each other.

With a cold snort, he let go of the rat servant.

“If you are smart enough, you have already taken the initiative to tell everything that you know.”

Slender Eyes said, “If you are not smart enough, I will give you another chance. Think carefully, what else should be said that you haven’t said?”

The rat servant shook his head desperately.

“No, I know everything. I’ve really told the masters everything. Please, please let me go!” he said cautiously.

“What’s the rush? Wait for Big Buck to appear, and we’ll naturally let you go.”

Slender Eyes made a gesture.

Green Eyebrows immediately went forward. Without saying anything, he used the dirty rag that he had prepared earlier to block the rat servant’s mouth. He also used two bundles of tough hemp ropes that had been soaked in resin to bind his hands.

The rat man widened his eyes and struggled desperately. He squeezed out a “wu wu” sound from the gap of the rag.

“Don’t be nervous. I’m just afraid that you’ll scream because of the old man’s murderous aura and disturb the good dreams of the neighbors.”

As he spoke with his long, thin eyes, he put a torn pocket on the rat man’s head to block his line of sight.

After getting rid of the rat man, Buck, the wild boar, Slender Eyes, and Green Eyebrows discussed their strategy with the map.

“Since we are sure that Big Buck will go this way, it is best to set up an ambush at this corner.”

Slender Eyes pointed at the map with a branch, “It is quite a distance away from the sugarhouse. If we act here, it will not be easy to be discovered by the guards in the sugarhouse. Moreover, when Big Buck walks here, his mood will gradually relax. He’d never think that someone would be waiting for him here.”

“Then, why isn’t it in the first section?”

Wild boar Buck said, “The first section is more secluded. There are no windows on both sides of the buildings, and there are no street lamps. It is so dark that nothing can be seen clearly.”

“It is because it is so dark that nothing can be seen clearly. When Big Buck walked there, it was impossible for him to relax his vigilance.”

Slender Eyes explained, “And in the later part, we can gradually see the windows and lights. It’s about to become lively. It’s like passing through a very long, very dark cave and finally finding the entrance. At this time, people are definitely the most relaxed and the least vigilant.”

“That makes sense.”

Green Eyebrows said, “However, almost all the guests who left the sugarhouse were wearing masks, and many of them were wearing hooded capes. How do we know which one is Big Buck?”

“Let’s have buck lie down on top of the building in front of the sugarhouse from a distance. There won’t be too many guests coming out of the sugarhouse at the moment of the worm, at most one or two. The Turan, wild boar, elephant man, and Centaur have very different physical characteristics. Even if they are wearing hooded cloaks, it will be easy to recognize them.”

Slender Eyes said, “There will only be one or two Turan who left sugarhouse at the moment of the worm. Buck, you should be able to recognize the enemy who humiliated you and the Red Creek ancestral spirit from these two Turan, right?”

“Of course. I’ve fought him for 300 rounds. I can recognize his shoulder width, arm length, two horns, one big and one small, and the way he shakes his arms when he walks!” Buck, the wild boar gritted his teeth and said.

“That’s good. Then when you discover that Big Buck has left the sugarhouse, run along the rooftops and run straight here. Cut the clotheslines hanging on the rooftops and let all the clothes fall down. This is the signal you sent us.”

Slender Eyes pointed at the map, “As for the four of us, we’ll ambush here, here, here, and here. When we see Buck’s signal, we’ll be ready to act. Oh right, Green Eyebrows, when you see the signal, kill that rat first. Is there a problem?”

“No, killing a rat with its eyes covered, mouth stuffed, and hands tied behind its back. What’s the problem?”

Green Eyebrows grinned.

All the wild boar warriors started to chuckle.

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