Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 984 - Killing for Treasures

Chapter 984: Killing for Treasures

“What is this?”

Buck, the wild boar looked at it for a long time, but he did not think that any big clan in Black-corner City would have such a cute design as their clan’s battle emblem.

“Huh, it’s the symbol of the Sugar House!” another cousin with a green birthmark on his face said.

“What is the Sugar House?” Buck, the wild boar asked in confusion.

His cousin explained the concept of a sugarhouse vividly.

Buck, the wild boar and the others were dumbfounded when they heard it.

Coming from the simple and honest Red Creek Town, they never dreamed that there would be such a decadent place in the world.

“By the ancestors’ spirits! They didn’t pursue mighty and majestic elephant girls, bear girls, or tiger girls, but they like such weak cat girls and rabbit girls?”

“How shameless!”

“D*mn it! A real man should conquer the strongest woman. How perverted must he be to fall in love with the weak cat girls?”

“Exactly! The cat girls and the rabbit girls are all evil. The bosomy elephant girls are the real choice for a man!”

“Wait, Green Eyebrows, how did you know about the Sugar House?”

Everyone looked at the wild boar warrior with a green birthmark around his eyes suspiciously.

Green Eyebrows blushed and spoke after a long while. “I-I overheard it. While I was drinking the other day, I overheard two guys I didn’t know. It’s true!”

“Forget it. Let’s not talk about this stupid thing.”

Buck, the wild boar waved his hand and kicked the rat man. “So, this kid is a servant in the Sugar House?”

“He should be.”

Green Eyebrows said, “I know… No, I heard from the two guys that I didn’t know that the Sugar House likes to use rat men as servants because rat men are the most despicable. They don’t dare to reveal the secrets of their guests. Even if they do, no one will believe the rat men’s words. Killing them casually is nothing worth mentioning.”

“I see…”

Buck, the wild boar fell into deep thought.

His small red bean eyes grew bigger and bigger, almost jumping out of his eye sockets. The muscles on his face also began to twitch rapidly. His face bloomed with delight, and his laughter was like a flood. He patted his thigh repeatedly and said, “Haha, hahahaha, I didn’t expect this. I really didn’t expect that Big Buck, hahahaha, the Big Buck of the Blood Hoof Clan is actually such scum!”

Suddenly, his laughter came to an abrupt end.

His expression became extremely ferocious.

He poked the rat man with the mop head again and said with a hideous smile, “Kid, tell me honestly, which sugarhouse are you a servant of? Is Big Buck of the Blood Hoof Clan a regular customer of your place?”

The rat man widened his eyes, his face full of shock.

He was just trying his best to dodge, so how could he leak the information of a distinguished customer?

“B*stard, do you really think that the warriors of Red Creek Town won’t dare to stomp a tiny rat to death in Black-corner City?”

Buck, the wild boar’s patience had finally run out. His brute strength exploded, and he stabbed the mop’s head forward with great force. The mop brushed past the rat man’s face, and with a boom, the wall behind the rat man was easily pierced into a big hole!

If Buck’s hand had trembled slightly, the shocking hole would have been in the rat man’s face.

His terrifying aura and the words “Red Creek Town” finally broke the rat man’s nerves.

He shrieked and tried to crawl through the middle of the warriors like an actual rat.

However, he was caught by Green Eyebrows and thrown to the ground.

He could only curl up into a ball, hold his head, and scream, “Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! I’ll tell you everything! Everything! Everything!”

Just like that, the rat servant told them everything as Buck, the wild boar threatened him.

Only then did the five wild boar warriors discover that Big Buck of the Blood Hoof Clan had humiliated them outside.

“Little Buck from Red Creek Town!”

F*ck, it was not just an insult to Buck, the wild boar alone.

It was an insult to all the wild boar warriors from Red Creek Town and even to the ancestral spirits that had guarded Red Creek Town for thousands of years!

Some of the wild boar warriors flew into a rage and brandished their maces, wanting to smash the rat servant into meat paste to vent their anger.

Others beat their chest with their hoofs and knelt down to beg for the ancestral spirit’s forgiveness.

It was due to their incompetence as juniors that the ancestral spirits suffered such an undeserved disaster.

However, if their ancestral spirits had witnessed this, they would have definitely found their enemy and washed away such a great humiliation with their enemy’s blood and bone marrow.

Buck’s cousin, who had long, narrow eyes, and a relatively calm nature, stopped his excited companions.

He dragged the rat servant who was scared out of his wits to the side, frowned, and helped the rat man clean up the blood and stains on his body. “Don’t be afraid. You’re not the one who said those things. We are all true warriors. As long as you’re willing to tell us the truth, we don’t want to dirty our hands with your dirty, rotten, and filthy blood,” he said amiably.

“Tell me, did you hear Big Buck say this with your own ears?”

Perhaps it was his attitude that had bewitched the rat servant…

Or perhaps, the moment he said that Big Buck was a VIP of his house, the rat man servant had no choice but to give up.

He shook his head. “No, I heard it from Golden Bell. Oh, Golden Bell is a cat girl from our place. She likes to tie four little golden bells around her wrists and ankles. When she dances, they jingle continuously. It’s very nice and popular.”

Slender Eyes took a deep breath and said, “So, Golden Bell heard it from Big Buck personally?”


The rat servant quickly shook his head, “Golden Bell heard it from Big Whiteball. Big Whiteball is a rabbit girl. Her tail is big, round, and white. It’s furry and very beautiful. As for whether Big Whiteball heard it from Big Buck personally, I-I don’t know.”

“I understand.”

Slender Eyes smiled and said, “In short, this matter has already spread throughout the sugarhouse, right?”

Although he kept smiling…

The rat servant shivered deeply and could not say a word.

Slender Eyes patted the rat servant’s shoulder and beckoned Buck, Green Eyebrows, and the other wild boar warriors to a corner.

“Buck, since things have come to this, it’s impossible to resolve this properly.”

Slender Eyes solemnly said, “The humiliation that Red Creek’s ancestral spirits has suffered must be washed away with blood, either Big Buck’s blood, or yours.

“Otherwise, all the warriors from Red Creek Town will become the biggest joke in the entire Blood Hoof family!”

“I know.”

Buck, the wild boar no longer had his frivolous attitude from when he drank bad wine. He gritted his teeth and nodded. “I will challenge Big Buck again and fight him to the death in the arena!”


Slender Eyes blinked, and he called for everyone to move their heads closer. In a low voice, he said, “Didn’t you hear what this servant said? Big Buck is a frequent customer of the sugarhouse. Do you think that when he goes to the sugarhouse, he will swarm the place in groups of three or five?”

Wild boar Buck was slightly stunned.

He started to ponder with his companions.

“You mean…”

Wild boar Buck’s small red bean eyes narrowed too.

The red light in his eyes became darker and darker.

“After all, this is the Blood Hoof Clan’s territory. If they tamper with the arena, it will be very difficult for us to defend the glory of the ancestral spirit in a fair and aboveboard way.”

Slender Eyes said, “It was Big Buck who trampled on the glory of a Turan warrior first and even insulted the sacred ancestral spirits. In that case, he can’t blame us for being ruthless.

“Moreover, Big Buck also has a powerful totem armor that perfectly covers his upper body!”

At the mention of the totem armor, all of the wild boar warriors’ small eyes lit up.

Wild boar Buck contemplated for a moment and gritted his teeth. “I only want Big Buck’s life, not his totem armor—all the spoils of war will belong to you!”

“How can that be? We are brothers. Your hatred is our hatred, our spoils of war are also your spoils of war.”

Slender Eyes said, “The totem armor that perfectly covers his upper body, no one can eat it in one bite—the person will suffer the backlash of totem power and become an Origin Warrior.”

“The full set of his partial body armor will be divided equally among the five of us. Each of us will eat an armguard or a piece of chest armor. That will be just right, what do you think?”

The few wild boar warriors looked at each other and saw the greed in each other’s eyes.

“Then let’s do it!”

Wild boar Buck decided.

Only Green Eyebrows was still a little hesitant. “Will we be discovered? This is Black-corner City, and the other party is a warrior of the Blood Hoof Clan!”

“Of the five of us, we only have one target, and we’re in a very quiet alley. As long as we finish the battle quickly before our target can react, we won’t be discovered. As long as we do it cleanly and don’t leave any evidence behind, even if everyone knows that we did it, the Ironhide Clan will definitely protect us. This is especially so when we have such a good reason for revenge. In such a situation, perhaps everyone will sing praises about our clean and efficient methods!”

Slender Eyes said, “As for how to shorten the target’s reaction time, it’s best if he doesn’t even have time to put on his totem armor. For that, we’ll have to ask our dear rat man friend.”

The wild boar warriors muttered for a while.

Buck, the wild boar, Slender Eyes, and Green Eyebrows returned to the rat servant’s side, looking at him with a smile.

Their smiles made the rat servant’s hair stand on end, and he desperately crawled toward the corner of the wall.

“Don’t be afraid. As long as you listen to us, we won’t be bothered with stomping you to death.”

Slender Eyes pulled the rat servant out of the corner, grabbed his neck, and asked with a smile, “Since Big Buck is a regular customer at your place, do you know when he usually visits the sugarhouse?”

“Every-Every three or five days, he’ll visit.”

The rat servant said in a trembling voice, “He should be there today. The other day, I heard Master Big Buck and Big Whiteball agree that Big Whiteball would not be allowed to accompany anyone today. She’ll just-just accompany him!”


Slender Eyes raised his voice. “When exactly?”

The rat servant’s eyes began to roll back as a result of his strangulation. After Slender Eyes let go, he held his throat and panted for a long time before he said in a hoarse voice, “He should be there now.”

“He’s already in the sugarhouse?”

Slender Eyes frowned slightly. He looked at Buck and the others before he said in a deep voice, “When does he usually leave then?”

“During the moment of the worm!” the rat man said without hesitation.

“Master Buck always goes back around the moment of the worm.”

The wild boar warriors looked at the sky.

If it was the moment of the worm, they still had enough time to prepare everything.

“How do you know?”

Buck suddenly revealed a fierce look and spoke to the rat servant viciously. “You remember so clearly… Are you lying to us?”

The rat servant was so scared that he almost fainted again. He waved his hand repeatedly and said, “I wouldn’t dare. I wouldn’t dare to lie to the lords. I-I have served Great Master Buck many times. There were a few times when he asked me to remind him to pay attention to the time. Naturally, I remember it clearly!”

“Buck, don’t scare him. I can see that he’s very smart. He must know the consequences of lying to us. It will be a hundred times more painful than death.”

Slender Eyes put his hands on the rat servant’s shoulder and approached his neck, which seemed to be too fragile to hold. After that, he spoke with a smile. “These old men are quite satisfied with your answer. Now, whether or not you can keep your little life depends on your actions.

“Take these old men to the sugarhouse’s vicinity and the path that Big Buck must pass through. Let’s go!”

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