Chapter 1272: Airborne Terror!

Looking at the current situation, splitting up into two groups was indeed the best choice.

Meng Chao took the suicide passage, while Ice Storm took a long detour, one to two days behind him.

In this one to two days, Meng Chao would leave a special mark that only the two of them understood along the way from Scarlet Peak to the summit of the Holy Mountain.

If it was possible to enter the Holy Mountain temple, he would leave the same mark inside it.

The two of them had already acted separately many times before, and they had a considerable degree of tacit understanding.

Moreover, in the worst case scenario, Meng Chao could still take the risk of access the “spiritual link” to use the Ancient Dream Saintess’s eyes and ears to observe the situation on Ice Storm’s side.

Of course, he also promised Ice Storm that he would not act rashly. When the space changed, he would cling to the mountain peak and carefully observe the airspace below to make sure that he could clearly see Scarlet Peak. Only then would he take the risk to jump down.

If it did not seem ideal to take the shortcut, he could only walk back with Ice Storm obediently.

Now that he had doubled down on it, there was no better option.

Ice Storm and Meng Chao discussed a series of secret symbols that could transmit complicated information. Then, Ice Storm tied the Ancient Dream Saintess to her back and gazed at Meng Chao deeply. She crawled back into the crevice not far away, which was protected by Holy Light magic.

Meng Chao was alone now. He waved the Skull Crushers on the highest point of Thousand Blades Peak and hacked away continuously. He carved dozens of footholds on the rock wall that was as smooth as a mirror. In doing so, once the spatial crevice appeared, he could move quickly, adjust his angle, and exert his strength to the maximum.

After everything was done, Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and looked far into the distance. He found that the sea of clouds’ southwestern side was gradually being covered in layers of golden brilliance. It looked like a burning fireball was about to jump out of the “sea’s surface.”

In the depths of the Holy Mountain where space was distorted and spirit energy was chaotic, it was difficult to tell the time precisely.

Ice Storm had only told Meng Chao that, in the human soldier’s dying memory, when the spirit energy of the flames in the southwest was condensed to a certain degree, the next change in space would begin. The space gap between Thousand Blades Peak and Scarlet Peak would also open.

As expected, when Meng Chao looked away, the howling of the fierce wind had intensified, going from deafening to earth-shattering.

Deep in the sea of clouds, the dense fog was surging like a raging wave hundreds of meters high. It was still “growing” at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually covering half of the gray sky.

Meng Chao blinked his eyes quickly.

His eyeballs still felt sore and painful, like a hundred red-hot steel needles and a hundred cold ice needles were stabbing his eyes at the same time.

His facial muscles were constantly twitching due to the strong wind, and his mouth was pulled back like plasticine, revealing his back teeth. The nerves in his teeth were also twitching due to the cold wind blowing thousands of meters in the air.

Even the indestructible Thousand Blades Peak was trembling like a clothes-drying pole in from the impact of the seemingly divine wind.

Not to mention, his hands and feet, which were clinging to the rock wall, were enduring the tremendous tearing force. As a result, his knuckles and ankles were cracking.

It was no wonder that the poor human soldier from three thousand years ago had been blown down from Thousand Blades Peak and smashed into pieces despite the help of climbing tools and Holy Light magic.

The entire planet’s wild magnetic field seemed to gather at this point and explode. As expected, it was not something that a human could resist.

Meng Chao could not resist for long either.

He summoned his totem armor to protect his physical body, which was covered in goosebumps. Meanwhile, he widened his eyes and observed the depths of the surging sea of clouds.

Soon, he saw a magnificent and unbelievable scene.

Since a large portion of the sea of clouds had been swept up by the spatial ripples and turned into raging waves, a narrow window actually appeared right below Thousand Blades Peak.

There was no trace of clouds inside the window. It was so pure that it looked like a telescope made of sapphire.

Through the “telescope,” he could indeed see Scarlet Mountain’s diamond-shaped ridge and the blood-red waterfall!

“It has appeared. A spatial crack!”

Meng Chao had renewed hope.

The good news was, the spatial crack overlapped with the “safe zone” that he had checked out earlier, where there were no air turbulence and spirit energy vortexes.

As long as one paid attention to the speed and angle of the spatial crack, it was likely that the spatial crack would be able to pass through to its destination completely.

The bad news was, the wind at a height of three thousand meters was getting stronger and stronger. Due to the rich spirit energy, the fierce wind was mixed with ice particles of all sizes. The speed was not much slower than a bullet, and it made crackling sounds as it hit his body. Not only did it cause his blood to almost freeze, even his spirit magnetic field was greatly disturbed.

The environment was so harsh that Meng Chao could not feel his fingers and toes even after he leaned against the rock wall for three to five seconds to observe.

He could not guarantee that he would be able to fly at the predetermined angle, speed, and trajectory after he jumped down.

However, the opportunity was fleeting.

The spatial crack would close at any time.

The human soldier from three thousand years ago had clung to the rock wall for too long. When he fell down, he had crashed into the space barrier and turned into a meat patty.

When the ice particles condensed from spirit energy hit Meng Chao’s body like bullets and froze his blood vessels and spirit meridians, the apocalyptic flames that would destroy Dragon City in the future gushed out naturally from his mind, thawing his blood vessels and spirit meridians. They set his blood and vitality magnetic field on fire.

Meng Chao took a deep breath.

Ignoring the pain, which was comparable to having two icicles inserted his nose, he quickly crawled two steps forward on the rock wall like a gecko, finding the best angle and posture to exert force.

Then, he exerted strength into his waist, hips, and four limbs at the same time. The tidal force continued to blast at the rock wall, creating a crater-like dent with a diameter of more than ten meters. With the help of the powerful reaction force from the rock wall, he was no different from a cannonball loaded with several hundred kilograms of high explosives. He shot toward an unpredictable vortex from thousands of meters high in the air!

As expected, it was one thing to lean on the rock wall and calculate the flight trajectory in his head.

It was another thing to maintain a stable and precise flight trajectory when the wind was howling, spirit energy was roaring, and even the space itself was being shattered and reassembled.

Meng Chao felt himself exerting every hair on his body.

His brain cells were “killed” or injured in the calculation of his flight trajectory, which he adjusted hundreds of times every second.

Even though his totem armor had covered every inch of his skin tightly, he still felt like a ragged beggar, shivering in the snowstorm.

When he had kicked himself off the rock wall, countless pieces of gravel had fallen with him.

They had been blown into the space within a thousand meters by the strong wind.

Most of the rocks had crashed into the air turbulence and the spirit swirl.

Fire, ice, and ball-shaped lightning were now popping up around him, as though colorful fireworks had been set off.

Meng Chao was terrified by the scene.

However, it also helped him to figure out the range of the air turbulence and the spirit swirl around him.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth, and streams of biological electric currents shot out from his central nervous system. Enhanced by spirit power, he “grabbed” onto his muscle fibers that were like wild horses that had escaped from their reins and controlled his flying posture with great difficulty. He adjusted his speed and angle slightly, trying his best to get as far away from the airspace, where the rocks were crushed, burned, and frozen, as possible.

The most thrilling time, a fist-sized rock fragment exploded silently less than half a meter to Meng Chao’s left, and then turned into a purple spark.

Even though he was separated by the thick totem armor, Meng Chao could still feel the burning pain on his skin. It was clear that it was definitely not an ordinary flame, but a strange one that contained spirit energy.

That meant there was a spirit energy vortex on his left side that had not been discovered earlier. There was no indication of how big and deep it was!

Meng Chao broke out in cold sweat due to the shock.

He hurriedly curled his limbs into a ball to prevent his fingers or toes from accidentally being sucked into the spirit energy vortex, which would then burn his entire body into ashes.

However, his speed and angle would inevitably change in response. Then, he would deviate from the flight path that he had initially calculated.

It was thanks to Meng Chao’s cultivation that he was able to control every single hair on his body precisely.

Of course, he could also control every single hair on his body with great accuracy.

In an emergency, he could use the hair on his body to expel steam that was formed by the evaporation of his body’s fluid, and the angle could be adjusted subtly.

The entire process seemed to take an entire hour to Meng Chao, whose nerves were extremely tense and brain was overloaded.

In reality, it had only taken him a dozen seconds.

After more than ten seconds, the deafening roars, the wind that pierced through his bones, and the “fireworks” that were lighting up around him all disappeared.

He had seemingly fallen into a zigzagging tunnel, or into an extremely sticky swamp. He appeared to be floating in the boundless sea of stars. His eyeballs were spinning fast, and he could not catch a clear picture at all. He tried to look down at his toes, only to find that his entire body had been stretched to hundreds of kilometers long. His head and shoulders had already drilled into Scarlet Peak, but his toes were still on Thousand Blades Peak!

In Dragon City’s Ruins No.1, Meng Chao had traveled via the short-distance transmigration device on the planet’s surface hundreds of times. He knew what it was like to travel through space slits.

He resisted the dizziness of the spinning world and the urge to vomit out all his internal organs. He tried his best to stabilize his breathing, heartbeat, and vitality magnetic field as he counted silently in his mind.

Once he counted from “zero” to “seven,” another wave of nausea assaulted him. It was as if the entire world was compressing toward the center, pressing the tip of his foot hundreds of kilometers away back into his pelvis. It pressed into his abdomen, chest, and even his skull. In the end, it compressed his entire body into a piece of paper as thin as a cicada’s wing. It was a two-dimensional plane with no thickness at all!

If he had been a transmigrator who rarely used the short-distance transmigration device on the planet’s surface to travel between different coordinates in three-dimensional space at will, it would have been impossible for him to pass through.

The immense dizziness caused by the transmigration alone, which was ten times more intense than a concussion, was enough to cause one to lose consciousness, fall freely, and be smashed into a meat patty!

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