Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1271 - You Are My Trump Card

Chapter 1271: You Are My Trump Card

He opened his fingers and inserted them deep into the crack like an iron hook. Meng Chao grabbed a fist-sized rock fragment.

He took note of the rock fragment’s weight and shape, narrowed his eyes, and estimated the wind’s speed and direction. Then, he stretched out his arm and let the rock fragment fall freely.

“What are you doing?” Ice Storm asked curiously.

“Testing…” Meng Chao said briefly.

Before he finished his words, the strong wind had already blown the gravel seven or eight meters to the left. It fell hundreds of meters and landed on the sea of clouds.

Logically, the gravel should have gone straight through the sea of clouds and continued to fall thousands of meters to the ground.

However, the moment the gravel touched the clouds, something strange happened.

The crushed rock seemed to touch an invisible barrier. It bounced up gently before being shattered into pieces!

Ice Storm widened her eyes.

Meng Chao’s expression did not change. He grabbed another crushed rock of similar size from the shattered rock wall and did the same thing.

As expected, when the crushed rock fell above the clouds, they were crushed into powder by an invisible force.

It was as if a hundred invisible rock shredders were lying in ambush in the sea of clouds.

It was not hard to imagine that if Meng Chao had jumped down rashly without doing any tests, he would have most likely ended up like the debris.

Meng Chao grabbed the third piece of debris and thought for a moment. Then, he changed the direction and applied enough spirit energy to his arm, turning his muscle fibers into taut springs that threw the debris far away.

After drawing a long arc, the third piece of debris finally landed on the sea of clouds nearly two hundred meters away.

This time, the debris was not captured by the invisible rock crusher.

However, just as the debris was about to drill into the clouds, dozens of bolts of lightning suddenly darted out of the clouds. Like hungry vipers, they wrapped the debris tightly and turned it into a dazzling ball of lightning.

Even the rocks as hard as iron were torn apart by the powerful electric currents, scattering like fireworks.

If a body of flesh and blood was entangled and pierced by dozens of bolts of lightning, even if it was not electrocuted into coke, its vitality magnetic field would certainly be seriously disrupted, and it would no longer operate the power of the magnetic levitation. It was likely that the body would fall straight from thousands of meters above the ground and be smashed into a meat patty!

Ice Storm was right.

As expected, Thousand Blades Peak was surrounded by invisible air turbulence, and the depths of the turbulence contained extremely violent spirit traps.

The air was filled with killing intent. No wonder very few people, except for those who had fallen off the cliff, had thought of jumping directly onto Scarlet Peak from there.

If he had a choice, Meng Chao would not want to take such a suicidal path.

It was one thing to be bold, but it was another to seek his own death.

If it was true that only a mangled corpse could pass through the cloud, he would not gamble on luck that did not exist.

He could only turn back with Ice Storm, take a long detour, and wait until “Jackal” Kanus returned with a full load.

In the next moment, he very patiently broke and threw out over a hundred pieces of crushed stones. Stones of different sizes and shapes were thrown in various directions, angles, and speeds.

He roughly figured out the situation in the airspace within a few hundred meters around Thousand Blades Peak.

Basically, all the crushed stones “died” in an extremely tragic manner.

Most of the crushed stones were torn into pieces by the turbulence in the air.

Some of the crushed stones were surrounded by electric arcs and turned into spherical lightning bolts.

Others spontaneously ignited in the air in a weird manner. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a burning fireball and were even burnt into magma.

Of course, some of the crushed stones were frozen into a crystal-clear ice block by the cold wind of negative a hundred degrees Celsius that came from god-knows-where.

If all the broken stones ended up as “dead bodies,” Meng Chao would have no choice but to follow Ice Storm’s original path.

However, just when he threw out almost eighty pieces of broken stones, all of which turned into ashes and were somewhat disappointed, one of the broken stones finally pierced through the clouds!

It was because the broken stones were wrapped in his spirit energy.

When it pierced through the clouds, it naturally released a powerful shock wave that pushed the clouds away like a tidal wave.

It allowed him to see the blurry ground below the sea of clouds in a short moment.

He also saw that the rocks were still not blocked or attacked after they pierced through the sea of clouds. They continued falling to the ground in perfect condition.

“Found it!”

Meng Chao was immediately invigorated.

More than twenty pieces of rocks were thrown into the area one after another.

He had finally figured out the boundary of the “safe zone.”

Right below Thousand Blades Peak were extremely dangerous air turbulence and spirit energy whirlpools. The slightest carelessness would lead to one’s death.

However, on the southeast side of Thousand Blades Peak’s main peak, there was actually a safe passage with a diameter of about five to six meters. It was probably a result of the interference of the spirit energy whirlpools.

Inside the straight air passage, there was neither wind nor spirit energy interference. It was as calm and stable as the eye of a storm.

According to the information provided by Ice Storm, the space in the area would change again in less than half an hour.

At that time, a narrow space crack would appear below Thousand Blades Peak.

As long as Meng Chao could jump into the safe passage and the spatial crack at the right time, he would be able to reach Scarlet Peak in the shortest time!

Considering that the human soldier from three thousand years ago had struggled for a long time on Thousand Blades Peak before he fell off the cliff, he did not fall fast enough, which resulted in the space crack being closed. That was why he was squeezed into a meat patty.

As long as Meng Chao could make a prompt decision and sprint at full speed, the chances of him rushing over were very high!

“It’s enough. As long as it’s possible, even if it’s as small as a strand of hair, it’s enough!”

Meng Chao rubbed his fists, his fighting will soaring.

“Are you sure that you really want to do this?”

“Of course not!”

Ice Storm advised again, “Although we tested it with gravel and found that there is indeed a ‘safe passage’ here, the width of this passage is less than ten arms!

“Ten arms is more than enough to cover the ground, but this is the sky where the wind is blowing!

“No matter how precise your aim is, if you miss the distance of a hair when you jump down, you will probably miss the entrance of the safe passage by dozens or even hundreds of arms when you arrive!

“The so-called safe passage is not marked, nor is there any railing or wall. It is purely our estimation. There might be air turbulence and spirit swirls inside too. It is just that you were lucky that you did not touch the gravel just now, and you were unlucky that you happened to bump into it when you jumped down?

“Besides, we can only ensure that the safe passage exists now. When the space ripples turn into raging waves and the space gap between Thousand Blades Peak and Scarlet Peak opens again, who knows whether or not the safe passage will still exist, and what the invisible air turbulence and spirit energy swirls in the surroundings will look like?

“So, are you really not going to reconsider and take the safer route back, even if you are slightly behind ‘Jackal’ Kanus?

“You should know that even if he really kills the Lion King, there is still the Tiger King, right? As long as we can find the Tiger King’s Violent Blade and expose the Wolf King’s conspiracy, he will still be finished.”


Meng Chao shook his head firmly, “If the Lion King is already dead, how long can the Tiger King Live? “Perhaps, before we can find the entrance of the temple of Holy Mountain, the Tiger King, who was seriously injured after killing Lion King, will be killed by Jackal Kanus in the depths of the temple.

“Moreover, we are holding the lion tooth pendant of Platinum Embrace in our hands. This thing can only win the Lion King’s trust, and it may not be able to make the Tiger King trust us all of a sudden.

“Besides, haven’t we already analyzed it in the cave? For small players like us with limited chips, only the Lion King, the Tiger King, and the Wolf King can have room for us to move around.

“Only by creating a situation where whoever we help will get the inheritance of the Holy Mountain and become the biggest winner can we maximize the value of the cards and chips in our hands. Only then can the Lion King, the Tiger King, and the Wolf King be patient and listen to us speak loudly!”


Ice Storm could not find any reason to convince Meng Chao.

To put it bluntly, entering the Holy Mountain to participate in the game between the Lion King, Tiger King, and Wolf King was originally a bold gamble.

In any case, they had already gambled everything.

Why not gamble even more?

“Then what about her?”

Ice Storm pointed at the Ancient Dream Saintess behind Meng Chao.

The space and the spirit magnetic environment below were so complicated that even if Meng Chao jumped down alone, he would most likely be crushed into pieces, not to mention carrying a patient whose brain was boiling hot and whose limbs were twitching. She was a patient who could release violent brain waves at any time.

“Take her with you.”

Meng Chao had thought about this problem long ago.

“With me?”

Ice Storm said, “Don’t you need me to walk this suicide passage with you?”

“Of course not. It’s enough for me to do such a crazy thing by myself.”

Meng Chao could not help but laugh. “Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket. This is the simplest principle.”

“But…” Ice Storm hesitated.

“There’s no need for ‘buts.’ Listen to me. I’m not just talking about passing through the spatial crack and reaching Scarlet Peak. I’m also talking about the game after encountering the Lion King, Tiger King, and Wolf King. One person is more convenient than two people.”

Meng Chao said, “If the two of us meet the Lion King, Tiger King, or Wolf King together, and the other party doesn’t give us a chance to explain, then the two of us, together with Ancient Dream Saintess, will be completely annihilated.

“But now, you’ve clearly come close to the summit of the Holy Mountain with me, but you’ll mysteriously disappear from the Lion King, Tiger King, and Wolf King’s sight. You are my trump card.

“Before they find out where you are hiding, what you know, and what kind of force you are from, whether you are an insignificant useless card or a ghost card with countless secrets, the other party, especially the Wolf King, probably won’t be willing to kill me..”

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