Chapter 1632: The Musketeers of the Superhuman Age

There were some individuals who were worried too.

“What if we ‘lock’ away a peerless fighter’s power into a cage, and it shrinks day by day while it’s confined? What do we do when we actually need that power but don’t have access to it?

“After all, during the Monster War, peerless fighters proved their importance to the entire civilization numerous times.

“When the Apocalyptic Beasts appeared, their destructive stance was definitely not something that steel could withstand. It was still up to the peerless fighters to enter the battlefield; soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals, kings versus kings.

“And according to our research, the coordinates of Dragon City should be located in the south of the Other World’s main continent. It’s an extremely small region. If the Other World’s land area is similar to Earth’s, we’ve only explored 1% to 2% of this world.

“There must be a civilization stronger than the monster civilization in the regions that we haven’t explored yet.

“The orcs who recently appeared before us is the best proof.

“It’s not a big deal to lock away the power of peerless fighters now, but next time, when we need them, don’t tell me we can respectfully invite them out again?”


Someone immediately refuted that statement.

“We’ve placed too much importance on the peerless fighters’ power in the past few decades. Precisely because of that, we’ve poured too many cultivation resources on the peerless fighters. This has resulted in a situation where the strong are stronger, the weak are weaker, and the strong and the weak are too divided. The weak can only rely on the strong.

“However, such a situation is destined to not last for a long time.

“The strong are not the babysitters of the weak. Why should they always protect the weak unconditionally instead of using their power for their own personal gain?

“If we had invested more cultivation resources and R & D power into how to improve the strength of the weak from the very beginning, would Dragon City’s civilization have developed a completely different power system and lethal force?

“For example, the Red Dragon Army has the power of the Battle Soul. As long as dozens of vigorous soldiers gather together and fight for the same goal, their brain waves will gradually converge. It will then be very easy for them to condense the existence of the Battle Soul, which benefits the whole group and greatly enhances everyone’s combat ability.

“Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the combat ability of the peerless fighters themselves have been comparable to that of an army. The Red Dragon Army did not receive enough resources to further study the mysteries of the Battle Soul. That’s why the army formed by ordinary people and low-level superhumans was unable to perform the functions of a Deity Realm warrior.

“Back then, the threat of the monsters was imminent. At that time, we ultimately didn’t have much time to wait for an unprecedented ‘extraordinary army’ to slowly take shape.

“But today, the situation is different.

“After winning the Monster War and obtaining a rich legacy and adjusting time, we can completely invest more than ten times the cultivation resources and R & D efforts into the Red Dragon Army to develop stronger Battle Souls, more powerful railway guns, and more powerful armored airships. Who can say that, under the premise of unrestricted cultivation resources, research funds, and technical teams, we won’t be able to obtain a Red Dragon Army that is a hundred times more powerful than today? Perhaps they could become the main force to protect Dragon City and colonize other worlds?”

There was also someone who also explicitly said, “The Red Dragon Army is more trustworthy than the peerless fighters.

“After all, the Red Dragon Army has a large number of soldiers. Most of the soldiers come from ordinary families. To protect the interests of ordinary people is to protect their parents, brothers, sisters, children, and their own interests. Their lives are inseparable from the Dragon City civilization.

“The number of peerless fighters is very few, but that’s not the case for the ordinary people. To put it in an extreme way, even if the Dragon City civilization is destroyed, the peerless fighters can still live a carefree life in the Other World, or even become the king of the world, by relying on their abilities that could shake the heavens.

“Comparing the two, which is the obvious choice to invest our cultivation resources on more?”

Others once again thought of Earth’s history.

“There was once a knight class on Earth who claimed to possess valor, loyalty, integrity, and other virtues. They were both the embodiment of justice and natural rulers.

“However, the knight class, which had all the virtues and strength, was shattered by a small bullet fired from a simple musket.

“It took more than twenty years and countless resources to cultivate a knight who was full of justice and heroic spirit. However, a country bumpkin who had just been dragged out of a pigsty and only received two to three months of training was given a musket. The move ruined the heroic image that once ruled the entire world.

“The Musketeers formed by the country bumpkins swept the entire world in the next two to three hundred years and promoted the birth of a modern civilization.

“But today, we have evolved from the information age to the superhuman age. A brand-new heroic class and heroic logic are taking shape.

“At this crossroads of fate, a lot of resources, wisdom, and courage must be invested to build the ‘muskets’ and ‘Musketeers’ of the new era so that every ordinary person can skillfully utilize extraordinary power in the shortest time and in the most convenient way. Only then can our civilization, law, morality, and values continue to exist in a familiar face.

“The Dragon City civilization doesn’t need peerless fighters and superheroes.

“The Dragon City civilization only needs to let everyone become their own hero.”

It was a statement in support of “restricting peerless fighters.”

Nevertheless, there were still some people who did not support it.

They were just worried.

“Would the peerless fighters be willing to lock away their own strength?

“After all, the unparalleled fighters are not alone right now. They all have enormous interest groups behind them.

“The explosion of the Red Creek Project’s crystal warehouse and the incident of the underground black market have caused a lot of trouble in the city. If the friction between the two parties intensifies, will there be unpredictable risks?”

In response to such concerns, someone immediately stepped forward and resolutely replied, “If that’s the case, then we should lock away the peerless fighters’ power as soon as possible!

“Please think about it carefully. The power of the peerless fighters today is limited to the inner part of Dragon City, and the interest groups behind them have just taken shape not long ago. The so-called ‘noble cultivation families’ have not been deeply rooted to the extent of having their students and old officials spread across the world. However, they already have the ability to shake the entire Dragon City.

“If we don’t stop them now and allowe them to develop for another few decades or even a hundred years, how terrifying will their expansion be? At that time, who will be able to stop them and keep them in check?”

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