Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1631 - Locking Power into a Cage

Chapter 1631: Locking Power into a Cage

As expected, the discussion below the article was particularly intense.

Many people doubted whether the Deity Realm big shots were as bad as the author of this article had speculated. Would they put their own selfish interests above Dragon City’s overall interests?

After all, in the past few decades, one could equate the Deity Realm warriors in Dragon City to superheroes and superstars.

Regardless of whether they came from humble or wealthy families, whether they were ordinary people or superhumans, regardless of what kind of impression and attitude they had toward the nine great mega enterprises and the nine great noble cultivation families, everyone still respected and worshipped most of the Deity Realm warriors from the bottom of their hearts. That remained a fact.

Many of the Azure Alliance’s core members had grown up listening to legends of the Deity Realm warriors from the time they learned the language. When they were at their most hot-blooded and the peak of their adolescence, they stuck posters on the headboard of their beds. They were often not of the opposite sex with seductive figures but posters of the peerless fighters killing the Apocalyptic Beasts.

Even today, the nine mega corporations had more or less exposed some scandals, but many people were still unable to accept the conclusion that the Deity Realm might harm Dragon City’s interests.

“I absolutely believe in the integrity of the Deity Realm warriors. I believe that most of them are willing to go through fire and water for the sake of Dragon City’s civilization. Their actions during the Monster War in the past decades have proved this.”

Someone also pointed out, “However, countless bloody historical accounts from ancient times to the present tell us that the fate of a nation and country is completely left to one person to decide. Even if that person is a seemingly selfless and flawless saint, the final result is often a tragedy.

“The morality and integrity of individual human beings are the most complicated, changeable, and unreliable things in the world.

“And behind every individual, there are vast and hungry interest groups.

“Even if a so-called saint really exists, can withstand the pressure from the interest groups behind him, and always puts the interests of his nation and country first, such a saint cannot live forever.

“While the saint is alive, he can intimidate the small fries and hold up the sky with one hand for a while.

“After the saint dies, the thieves of the past will return stronger, causing the death of the government. That’s almost the only ending.

“Even if the Deity Realm warriors in Dragon City today are all such saints, what about the interest groups behind them? What about their children? What about the children of the interest groups? “Who can guarantee that these guys who usurped Dragon City’s power in the name of the first generation of Deity Realm warriors will always be selfless saints for the next fifty years, one hundred years, or even five hundred years? Are they all heroes who are willing to go through fire and water for the sake of Dragon City’s civilization?”

Others also said, “That’s right. In the past few decades, the unparalleled experts have joined hands with ordinary people, united as one, and fought for the Dragon City civilization before, but there were two prerequisites!

“First, less than half a century after Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World, the laws, morals, customs, and social norms of the Earth era were still deeply imprinted in most people’s minds. Most people, including the Deity Realm warriors, still habitually bound themselves to the morals of Earth.

“Secondly, Dragon City had encountered an unprecedented crisis. Before the development of spirit martial arts and rune arts reached their peak, even the peerless fighters needed ordinary people to work for them in the face of the overwhelming beast horde.

“However, as time went by, the two prerequisites started to fall apart following the victory of the Monster War and the rapid development of spirit arts.

“First of all, the old seniors born on Earth are declining and dying day by day. The new generation of champions that replaced them are mostly aristocrats born with silver spoons. They lack common memories and interests with ordinary people. Naturally, they have different interpretations of the so-called morals from the Earth era.

“To put it simply, it’s difficult for the aristocrats and the ordinary citizens living in the slums to form a ‘we’ that is unbreakable because they have been training passively since they were still in their mother’s womb.

“Secondly, with the continuous development and improvement of the crystal energy system and rune machine technology, more and more smart rune machines and bionic rune machines, which rely on crystals as their energy source to operate, and even carry the brains and spinal cords of monsters, are becoming increasingly popular.

“The automatic machines that are able to work and compute on an extraordinary level can perfectly replace ordinary people in more and more jobs.

“Not to mention, we’ve discovered a labor force that is ten times cheaper than ordinary people outside Monster Mountain Range—the orcs.

“If the nine mega corporations really proceed as planned by abandoning the Survival Committee and deploying their armed forces to conquer the middle and lower reaches of the Raging Tiger River, as well as capture millions or even tens of millions of orcs, they will certainly exploit the orcs down to the very last drop of blood and sweat.

“I don’t care about the orcs’ lives. I just want to know what kind of jobs the ordinary citizens of Dragon City will find when there’s such cheap labor that requires almost no cost?

“Without a job, they can’t support themselves. How can they defend their own interests?

“Therefore, even if the North Advancement Plan is really put into action and we want to start a war against the middle and lower reaches of the Raging Tiger River, we have to figure out the relationship between the unparalleled experts and the ordinary citizens before we fire the first shot. We have to determine in the form of law how many positions the ordinary people will occupy, how big the cut of their pie is, and how much they’ll be heard in the future.”

Someone even wrote emotionally wrote, “Throughout the ages, no one knows how many founding emperors of dynasties were both civil and military heroes, as well as wise emperors, who understood the people’s feelings.

“However, after the known wise emperors passed away, the speed at which their successors fell was often faster than imagined. In just a few generations, the blood descendants of the founding emperors would often become muddle-headed, ruthless, and bloodthirsty monarchs who viewed the common people as insignificant ants!

“Today, the Deity Realm warriors of Dragon City and their hard-earned foundation are just small dynasties, aren’t they?

“However, the combat ability of the Deity Realm fighters is hundreds of thousands of times higher than any emperor on Earth!

“Even out of respect and gratitude for the Deity Realm warriors, we can’t just watch their foundation be eroded and destroyed in just a few generations like the ancient dynasties. We’re definitely not against the Deity Realm warriors, but we want to help them figure out a way to cage themselves after their fall because their power is uncontrollable and enough to destroy the world!”

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