"Doc. Looks like our work is not done." The nurse spoke with a resigned sigh.

"Why? Did that dumbass police supervisor throw a sucker punch on our esteemed guest before he could meet our sire?" The doctor replied as he was in the hospital overseeing Marvin's condition.

"Nope. It's the other way around." The nurse wanted to smirk but kept her emotions in check as she tried to diagnose whether the police supervisor was still alive or not.

"Not bad." The servant thought to himself and so did the rest of the guards who were standing idly to see the situation develop also had the same appraisal as the personal attendant.

The rest of the police guards who were at the scene however kept their cool knowing that if they retaliated right now, they would be offending a higher power which they can never afford to go against. Besides, they too knew that their police supervisor deserved it especially when he decided to be so brutal to be the saviour of the Archduke's kid in the name of safety.

"His neck did not crack from the impact to the wall. Still alive and breathing but the initial triage indicated a few broken ribs as well as a fractured arm. The Auto Doc System said it's severe blunt trauma." The nurse reported and the attending servant returned his gaze back at Jin.

"Waived. You may now enter the room."

"Thank you. Much appreciated." Jin said as he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Right inside was a man who was imposing enough even without emitting any chi aura and he was wearing nothing but a black shirt and red tie while typing furiously on his keyboard. It was nothing like how an Archduke would look according to Jin's imagination.

"Sir." Jin did not know the procedures of greeting an Archduke thus he merely gave a salute.

"Hmm. Sit. I will be right with you." The Archduke said as he continued to stare at the screen for a moment before giving a few clicks to end the process.

"Archduke Dyke. This is Lt Jin." The personal Attendant said and Jin finally got to see the Archduke in person.

"So, you are the person who saved my son's life." He placed his hands on the table and they were huge for a man of his physical stature.

"I assumed you have questions," Jin said as he continued to remain unfazed by the entire situation.

"Not many. I saw the combat logs from your War Maidens and understood the decisions and actions you had made." Dyke said as he turned the laptop around and showed a few clips from the point of view of Jin's Mechanoids.

"Very interesting. Not many commanders would dare to move with their squads as humans had always been weak and fragile." Dyke commented.

"I do what needs to be done." Jin replied despite knowing that he have no answers if Archduke Dyke decided to question his 'history'.

"I see," Dyke said as if he knew that Jin was hiding something but decided not to pry. "Raymond, please." He added and the personal attendant stepped forward with a heavy duty suitcase. When he opened it, all Jin saw were gold bars.

"Your mission reward would be given to you, in addition to the bonus objectives that you had achieved. Usually, we will take account of commanders who had made collateral damage, especially to personal property but we saw how you defeated the rebels on an immense scale that even surprised the Archduke."

"Thus, your service to the Empire had granted you a partial waiver of the collateral damage you had done. So with everything considered, this is your reward from the mission after deducting a percentage based on the partial waiver."

"Thank you," Jin said with a bow.

"In addition to that, you saved my kid. Name what you want."

"Rights to a land that has a dungeon. Be it cleared or not. I do not mind if it is a small land but more importantly, the rights to the dungeon" Jin said as he already learnt more about the Synthesis World through the Tactical System (and his System).

Initially, the Archduke thought that most commanders who had the opportunity to meet him would want his grace and be closer to him. To grow higher in rank and have better command while gaining his connections. Or be rich as fuck. They all will try to butter him up so that they could go further in life….and yet this guy right in front of him.

He saved his kid's life and yet all he wanted was the rights to a small piece of land with a dungeon in it. That was the opposite of what everyone ever wanted because all of them wished to accumulate points through titles, ranks and popularity.

"...May I ask why."

"I like to make a business out of it," Jin said and that made Archduke Dyke even more confused.

"A business?"

"Yes, I like to clear the dungeon and use the dungeon space to make a business out of it," Jin replied and this was the first time that Archduke Dyke had heard about such a thing.

"Sire, sorry to interrupt. You only have another 15 minutes before moving to the next destination." Attendant Raymond reminded and Dyke looked at Jin even more intently.

"Then you have 15minute to tell me what business are you intending to conduct."

"Would that increase my chances of getting what I requested?" Jin was asking whether the reward he requested was too demanding.

"No… in fact, I do have the ability to grant that with a snap of my finger." Archduke Duke replied. "But I am fazed by your…wording that you can make the dungeon a business."

"How about you give me a month… no, two weeks. Give me two weeks time to show it to you since telling you would not do any justice. Also, bring your dungeon clearing team as well. I think it would be a good practice for them." Jin said as he believed he might be able to get a big fish right out of the pond.

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