Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1465 Forced Imprisonment

Upon reaching the closest town without much incidence, the kids had been admitted to a clinic for treatment, particularly Marvin whose presence suddenly caused the entire clinic to go insane.

When they realised that Marvin had been found, the Grey Bear Squad were immediately surrounded by the local authorities with guns and swords pointing at them. As much as they wanted to prove their innocence at that point in time, Jin told them to be quiet and to do as they were told. All their equipment and weapons had been confiscated and they were thrown into a jail van with the heaviest of handcuffs.

"Well... we do have a stash still lying around Artridge if we really need items, right?" Diaz looked at Tellie and she merely kept quiet once the jail van had been shut tight.

"This is a development I am not expecting. That Archduke kid is trouble." Click sighed as she checked the chains by shaking them a little. To her surprise, that little shake had already caused the chains to tighten even further.

"Look at it this way, if we had left the kid there, we might even be in further trouble." Yinn tried to calm the rest of her members.

"How so?" Diaz said and Yinn explained that the Grey Bear Squad could have been indicted for negligence. Even if they were cleared of that, Yinn felt that the Archduke family could have just put up an excuse stating how we had decimated the village of Artridge and they would be in debt forever.

"Then I guess we should count the lucky stars that we had our 'Commander' around to show the ways." Diaz sighed but Jin did not say anything else. After which, the entire trip to the police station was filled with silence.

When the van had finally stopped and the doors opened, a unit of heavily armoured units proceeded to point their rifles at them as they were escorted out of the jail van. "One thing is for sure, we sure have such a warm welcome after saving that kid from-"

"Shut the hell up!" One of the police supervisors shouted as he activated a button from his remote control that induce a bout of electricity to run through her chains causing her to freeze up. If it was merely Diaz, that would be her just desserts but that electricity travelled through the entire row, affecting everyone in the Grey Bear Squad.

"Ho... For a human, you are quite sturdy. I thought you would have fainted by now." The police supervisor said before telling his units of heavily armed guards to drag the entire group into a cell. And it was not just any cell but one that was used for solitary confinement purposes.

For the next few days, the Grey Bear War Maidens were surviving on a charge low enough for the processors to be on standby mode while their combat logs had been scrutinised. Jin was put in the same cell as them and had been given food that was befitting for a trash can. Yet, it did not bother him as he took what was given and kept quiet.

The police supervisors assumed that the Grey Bear Squad would have made noise by now, especially the commander but he was seen sitting calmly with the rest of his squad members, waiting for the time to pass. They did not know that this was the best time for Jin to mediate and consolidate the powers he had acquired from three of the four great Cardinals as well as the meaning of dungeon creating ability that the System had provided.

The Tactical System should have been forcefully shut down by the police but since it was had been 'infected' with Jin's System, Jin was still able to use it stealthily to learn and understand this new System ability that he had acquired as well as the information he needed to know about the Synthesis World.

"Is it because we are in some sort of Virtual World…? That is why I should be able to create these dungeons without much effort." Jin tried to prod for answers by the Tactical System and the System acknowledged them.

"By using the resources available within this particular server, User should be able to override certain parameters to create a dungeon of their own. However, the administrators may find such an activity suspicious, so do it small or have permission from the Archduke." The System said in words rather than speech as it used to, in order to assume the identity of the Tactical System.

Suddenly the solitary doors went wide open instead of armed police guards, nurses and engineers coming in to assist them out of the week long confinement. Their chains had also been removed while they were promptly being transported out of the prison and into the police station's interrogation room.

Suffice it to say, the police's heavily armed guards were lurking in the area as well but the level where the interrogation room was were filled with guards that were of a different calibre. Their presence alone had revealed that they were brimming with war combat experience from the way they present themselves as Jin had been escorted into one of the rooms after a quick check.

"Lt Jin. Are you still able and lucid? We have given you a shot of adrenaline and the IV should be working right now." A servant asked right before entering the interrogation room.

"He should be fine." The police supervisor said with a grunt.

"I am not asking you, I am asking Lt Jin." The servant said and the police supervisor kept quiet.

"Permission for a waiver to one count of assault." Jin asked the servant while side eyeing the police supervisor, allowing the servant to grin ever so slightly. It was as if everyone that was not in police uniform understood the meaning and simultaneously looked away for a moment.

Jin did not hesitate with the granted permission and gave his best and trustworthy technique, the Lazy Panda Swipe to that police supervisor that had brought his teammates and him into temporary hell just for a week even though it was 'protocol'.

And that swipe to the police supervisor was the most fantastic feeling he had for the longest time ever.

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