Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1203 - A MuChapter Needed Interval -Part 5

Chapter 1203 - A MuChapter Needed Interval -Part 5

"Okay, now that we have established that those two are awkwardly together, should we give them some space?" Qiu Yue said since the rest had more or less finished their supper as well.

"I actually have a few other things I would like to- ow" Jin got interrupted by Qiu Yue and via the System Channel, she ordered him to spend some time with Lynn instead.

"The System also approved of Qiu Yue’s idea. Please take your time with your new partner or else the System forbids User to perform any other functions." The System said in the private System Channel as well.

"Whew whew. Did not expect that from the System. Good on you." Qiu Yue smiled a little on the outside before grabbing Kraft and Zeru by their shoulders and told them to move their conversation to the backyard.

When they were in the backyard, Kraft had the itch to ask Qiu Yue that burning question. "Why? Why put yourself in that kind of position. I thought you would be fine having it status quo."

"Lynn tried too hard for her own good and to see her efforts not being reciprocated is just a little wasted if you get what I mean. Besides, I had my run with Jin and I left him initially because I thought he was going to be a useless guy... Well, technically, he is still a useless guy in my eyes in certain areas but he is no longer the same person I know." Qiu Yue took a few cans of beer out and asked if the two of them wanted any.

"I understand your frustration. Before I met my wife, I too had someone I truly admired and adored. It was too bad that there were some misunderstandings which caused us to drift apart." Zeru grabbed a few stools and placed them around them like a circle as they enjoyed the opening sounds of the beer cans.

"Ahhh, now this is a story I wanted to listen to. Not all those troubles that I have been hearing all day long." Qiu Yue’s mood perked up and even Kraft was listening intently.

"What? Noooo. It was something I regretted not chasing wholeheartedly. That’s all to it. Nothing much." Zeru tried to divert the topic but the rest knew there was definitely more to the story which Kraft could not resist poking the hornet’s nest

"Does that mean you still like that person if not for your dearly departed wife?" Kraft questioned and he pointed his finger at him. "Be frank about it, your wife had already gone peacefully and you did your utmost to be with her. Now there is no reason to lie to us."

"...Her cousin." Zeru immediately took a huge gulp of his beer the moment he said it. As much he was fearless in battle, his heart and hands were faltering the moment he blurted out those two words.

"It was because of her duty to be the next leader of the Sakura Clan that we had to cut ties. My wife... she probably knew of the circumstances and took the opportunity to take me instead even though the two of them were as thick as blood."

"Wow, even though it sounds like a typical theatre drama, it still hurts to hear it in real life." Qiu Yue said and Kraft furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your meaning of typical drama is a bit screwed up," Kraft said and Qiu Yue shook her finger.

"I will recommend a few shows for you to watch in your spare time." The Red Panda Cultivator said as she looked at the two men right in front of her quietly.

"What are your motivations to stay alive right now? Is it to just serve Jin as per contract?" Qiu Yue asked, wondering how two superiorly strong men.

"Hmmph. If we were to riot early on, we probably could have defeat Jin. And with Zeru by my side? It’s more like world domination." Kraft chuckled as he switched the stool into an arching chair, allowing him to relax.

"But it’s a different world right now. True, might and power can bring you to places but without proper usage, it will merely land us with the wrong opponents. Because of Jin’s FAIRLY cautious ways of doing business, we can still exert strength whenever needed. But mindless killing? It would just be our downfall. Perhaps in the Goblin World or Dungeon World, it might be an entirely new ball game but our hearts are still here." Kraft blabbered.

"In short, what he meant is we have unfinished business. For example, the eradication of the banned emperor for me while he wished the Panda Clan back to its former glory so he could get his fox clan back too." Zeru replied and explained to Qiu Yue.

"Surely, if I would work for it, I could get the Royal Fox Clan up and running too." Kraft was annoyed how Zeru spoiled his attempt at being philosophically deep.

"Everyone knows that only the anointed Heavenly Emperor is able to do that. You need the blessing of the heavens to be recognised as the Royal Fox Clan." Zeru stated.

"Don’t you find it weird? With the ability to transverse worlds, we had already defeated bad demons and found good ones too. In no time, we probably would be able to face bad heavenly beings and we will see if your theory still holds water. Remember how those Greek Gods destroyed Derek’s world and turned it into a zombie apocalypse?"

"There will definitely be some bad eggs, I would not deny that. Unless we go to the heavenly planes and earn ourselves a place in there, your wish to be a Royal Fox Lord would never happen." Zeru said and Qiu Yue placed her hand on her forehead.

"Zeru...why are you giving him ideas? I can already feel his sinister aura vibrating through me already" Qiu Yue remarked and Kraft laughed.

"That would be a nifty goal to work on. But pardon me, my friends. Before I can even do that, I would like to raid the Church of the Afterlife even more." Kraft felt it was more than enough break for him and he DID feel a little bad for his lackeys who were working hard in the Dungeon World.

"We are going to try the first floor, test the water and return for a good rest. So perhaps we can talk again...assuming Zeru does not disappear for too long once more." Kraft waved his hand and a teleport gate appeared in front of him with noises of soldiers dying.

"That was a good break for me too. Perhaps, I shall proceed to my next hunting area to find those Banned Emperors lackeys." Zeru said as he stood up but Qiu Yue stopped him for a moment.

"Before you go, can I have a sparring session with you? I do not wish to lose against Jin and Lynn if possible. I have a feeling that they might grow tighter as a couple and potentially increase their fighting capabilities." Qiu Yue explained and Zeru paused for a moment.

"Filling your solitude with training?" Zeru said to himself. "Reminds me of my former self. I would not say it’s a bad idea but it’s indeed one of the better ways to cope. Come. Follow me to the battlefield. Besides, you might have a new perspective which could help me...just erm one condition."

"Anything." Qiu Yue perks up.

"I cannot teleport as much as I want to since what I am doing is my own selfish quest. The System does not reward me with many System points unless I defeat a Banned Emperor lackey. Even so, the food and teleportation takes-"

"I understand, Zeru. The System is one stingy bitch. I will help you with that. Of course, you have to understand I got my own job to do as well" Qiu Yue said which Zeru recognised her condition as well. And as per the agreement, she requested Zeru to share the coordinates as they opened a teleport portal, allowing them to transverse to the previous area where Zeru had been scouting.

Perhaps, it was a blessing in disguise for Qiu Yue to have several masters, allowing her to work on her cultivation grade as well as the possibility to fight on equal grounds with Jin.. Even if she had purposely lost Jin to Lynn, it also meant that she could finally focus on improving herself to be the super career lady she aimed to be.

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