Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1202 - A MuChapter Needed Interval -Part 4

Chapter 1202 - A MuChapter Needed Interval -Part 4

"I believed they had too many secret members around. They are like...what’s the marvellous comic, the one with the hail something something." Kraft didn’t say much with his mouth and brain occupied by the fantastic meat sandwich.

"Hydrus? That evil organisation that subsequently overturned B.U.C.K.L.E.R?" Jin answered as he remembered that scene when Captain Merrica faced the resurfaced Hydrus agents. The movie was part of the famous chain of franchise movies which marvellous comics had created.

"Ah yeah, yeah that. The best we can do on our part is to rely on the System since it does a minor quick brain scan on people with potential threats. Other than that, we are on our own in the wild." Kraft added while taking a napkin to wipe the dripping sauce from his mouth since he talked a little too much with his mouth full. "The only thing we can do is train ourselves so that we would not be implicated. Besides, even if the agents come to attack us, I have managed to get the System to procure the highest of the highest insurance premiums."

"No that was you all along. I thought to myself why there was a sudden deduction of my funds at a certain point to various insurance companies. I assumed it was the System who did it." Jin replied.

"But Zeru, you don’t have to worry for this little kid. His phantom grandfather had been working hard to whip him up to shape. He even managed to stave off the third stage of my graveyard combo. So, meh. He should be able to stay alive quite well against Hydu- I erm mean Banned Emperor agents." Kraft had a slip of tongue, once again due to the deliciously made sandwich. Everyone could see he was enjoying it way too much and definitely wanted more. (Which Lynn had prepared sufficiently after hearing how the Fox had been working hard in the Dungeon World.)

"Is it? Then perhaps it is time I test your skills a little." Zeru said as he too enjoyed the sandwich but with much restraint.

"I would like to spar you to know the extent of my skills too." Jin nodded his head with agreement, especially since he was about to go back to the Endless Battlefield to fulfil Ming’s request of getting a week straight of fighting. "But before that, I like to ask. Why is it so difficult to access the last Flower City and what’s so special about it? I get it that it was your erm finance’s hometown? And since you said it’s the last, there are many others?"

"Hmm... Yes. I guess it’s more or less time to tell you about –"

"STOP! No!" Lynn suddenly interrupted and refused to let Zeru continue his sentence. "He has more than enough on his plate. If you give him your backstory, he would not hesitate to assist you and even want to interfere with it. If it is something you can handle your own, I wholeheartedly suggest that you continue to keep it to yourself." Lynn said her sentences in quick successions without any pause and that made everyone on the dining table stunned for a second or two.

After which, they all laughed simultaneously at how pure Lynn was, which even made Jin chuckle at Lynn’s concern for him.

"But you know, if this is some game. This is basically Jin’s way of getting Zeru’s trust and possibly a level up or two in their techniques." Qiu Yue continued to giggle. "You are basically stopping Jin from progressing his ’relationship’ with Zeru."

"Well, he can continue his relationship progress with me first." Lynn accidentally blurted out her own desires and suddenly blushed at her slip of the tongue. The entire group started to whistle and woo at her openness which also prompted Jin to answer in kind.

"Ahahah. You guys." Jin did not know how to reply since he wanted to be that Mr nice guy until Qiu Yue who was sitting beside him slapped his back. She probably felt it was dragging way too long so enough was enough.

"XIE JIN. Be a man. You do not have to worry about me. If I wanted you, I would have eaten you a long time ago. I saw you had been trying to be concern with her cautiously for some time already. I think this is the most appropriate situation to tell your feelings out." Qiu Yue winked at him. "Also, I do appreciate the fact that you were a little concerned about my feelings. However, all these Sub Systems and the money earning is more -"

"System suggests that User takes the two Sub System Users as his mates so that-" And immediately Jin shouted with a definite no.

"Wow. This is the rare time I see Jin take a tough stance on an issue." Kraft noted. "And to not go for polygamy is quite a surprise. I thought most leaders would love to have a couple of wives to show their superiority."

"Yeah, there is nothing wrong with taking the two of them at once." Milk tried to stir the fire within the chaos with her attempt of an air kiss.

"A no means a no. And Lynn, I would like to reciprocate your feelings right now. I really want to. But I am currently bogged down with way too many issues that it is unfair to you and selfishly to me. I know all the things you did for me and I can feel your earnest feelings. All I can ask is you to give me some time- Argh! " Jin said before he got pinched on the cheeks by Qiu Yue.

"Stop beating around the bush and say your true feelings right here and now. A yes or no. I remembered you were like this with me and that is why no other girls get to understand you. Don’t be a wuss." Qiu Yue tells firmly Jin to stop playing hard to get.

"Fine! Fine!" Jin said as he stood up and took a deep breath in. Everyone including Lynn felt like time had stopped for a moment as they awaited Jin his answer.

"Yes. I really do like you Lynn ever since I saw you selling your wares. I want to spend more time with you but I do not know how to do that. I will try my best if you are willing to accept me." Jin said bashfully with an unexpected confession out of nowhere that made Lynn blushed. "I know we all have our differences and history. But please-" Before he could finish his sentence, everyone was cheering crazily, even Zeru who was usually reserved, started clapping at the resolution that Jin had taken. Peppers threw a few small magical flares and Milk hugged Lynn, congratulating her.

"Took you way too long, idiot." Qiu Yue pulled Jin’s hand and brought him towards Lynn who was at the other side of the table. She then purposely got them to hold hands together and the crowd at the table went wild a little.

But surely, even if she had initiated it, the Red Panda Cultivator could not help herself to feel a tinge of jealousy despite the happiness she felt when both of her friends finally got together.

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