Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1293: Prison Heist -Part 8

Chapter 1293: Prison Heist -Part 8

"Captain! We are suffering tremendous losses!" The officer said as he reported how both their soldiers, robots and even prisoners were dying. Captain Farlinger had no idea what was happening and the objective of these rebel fighters.

The more mystifying part was that he could believe what he was seeing through the security feed rolling through multiple cameras. It seemed so surreal to witness magic and superhuman feats being displayed against the guards. Superhuman feats was already a stretch as he heard of rumours about soldiers being illegally experimented on to provide superhuman strength but still, this was way off the charts.

Some of the moves and actions could not be caught with the current security camera, much less with his pair of naked eyes. Usually, such infiltration by hijackers would be taken care of in an instant especially when the prison ship was equipped with expensive Mecha models that were equipped to destroy almost anything in sight but to see those precious Mecha being obliterated almost effortlessly showed that this particular group of hijackers are out of the norm.

The problem was that Captain Farlinger had no idea what the hijackers' objectives were. At one point, they seem to be killing all the prisoners that they had and on the other hand, they seem to be searching for something leisurely. A quick two way communication channel had also been connected to find out that the Xeon Union Maximum Security Prison had also been mired with the very same unique group of hijackers.

"This situation leaves me no choice, I will signal for help." Captain Farlinger said through the communication channel with the other captain.

"I shall do the same as well. As much as it displeases me, I hope our forces do not go into unnecessary conflict due to miscommunication." Captain Coalran said before shutting the communication channel and looked at his second in command.

"I do not trust those Federation Union people, but it seems like they are dealing with the very same problem as us," Coalran commented as he pulled up the security feed that was shared by Farlinger.

"Captain, do you think this is a ruse?" The second in command questioned and all his Captain did was to shrug his shoulders. However, from their space deck, they were able to see some minor explosions happening on the United Federation Ship. It was not exactly that obvious but there was indeed fire raging and even debris being sucked out from their prison ship which prompted their story with some credibility.

"What I am more concerned about is the capture of those superhumans. If there is a group of them attacking both of our spaceships so boldly, that means that there might be more of them out there hiding." Captain Coalran replied and the second in command could see where this

particular incident could be headed.

Screw that prisoner exchange, even if the United Federation were to call for help, the Xeon Union would shout out for even more. These superhumans might potentially be the catalyst to break this century long stalemate and bring victory for the Xeon Union.

"Sir! I will call for help immediately." Coalran's second in command reported but the Xeon Union Captain told him to hold his horses.

"Don't worry I will do that on your behalf. Despite my rank, I actually do have some contacts from the elite forces, a few pictures and videos should be more than enough to convince them to bring a handful of the best here to capture these people. Continue to activate the Black Immortals to slow the superhumans down." Captain Coalran replied and his Second in Command insisted that more troops are better than some which his Captain eventually believed that such a move might possibly be wise when handling the unknown.

And as the two maximum security prison spaceships sent their SOS signals, multiple space fleets had already received the distress call and prepped themselves for the space jump to reach Space Colony 969. The Colony, which was supposedly neutral ground, had their highest authority to request an explanation for the massive incoming jumps coming to their 'air' space.

However, being a small powerless colony, both Captains did not bother answering the Colony's query and could only assume that an extended conflict may occur in their territory. Thus, their space aviation director quickly sent an urgent message to their mayor, prompting for a lockdown in case their conflict spilt over into their colony.

In the meantime, their director had requested their colony to move slowly but surely away from the prison spaceships with their colony thrusters. Those thrusters were only used to navigate for short distances so that the colony would have their crops be shined with the nearest star's rays. (After all, the star was their sun in earthly context.) It might sound futile in the grand scale of the current events but if there was a chance that they could inch away from the prison ships, they might have a chance to have lesser collateral damage.

Sadly, the director's fears were well founded as both the prison ships' distress signal immediately poured in the emergence of several space fleets in the area, causing this to be possibly one of the largest conflicts yet the current space sector might encounter. And from the size of the fleets on each side, it seems like Farlinger was thinking the same as Captain Coalran. The capture and seizure of these Superhumans were now their current agenda and the only people who were oblivious to these threats were the Superhumans themselves.

And unfortunately for them, the System was not able to foresee such a circumstance and could only report to them the moment both fleets arrived on the scene. Jin got a shock when he heard the numbers that the System reported but the inbuilt radar within Rei's incomplete spacecraft also indicated the very same numbers.

"Guys, it looks like we got to speed up the heist. We have more than just company waiting for us outside of these ships." Jin warned both parties and the countdown to grab the prisoners were already ticking.

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