Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1292: Prison Heist -Part 7

Chapter 1292: Prison Heist -Part 7

"Ahhh. I can start hearing the fight starting at the other side." Peppers yawned as she blasted open yet another huge door. They were the same sort of doors which the Xeon Union were using but unlike Kraft's delicate touch, Peppers simply exploded them into smithereens just to proceed further on.

Rei was walking behind them holding the rifle while sweating nervously. He tried to look around the maximum security spaceship to have a grasp of the current location that they were in and at the same time surveying if there were soldiers lurking at the top. However, all he saw were rows and rows of heavy metal doors, each obviously holding one of the most dangerous criminals in this galaxy especially when they were taken into this spaceship so that in the off chance that they were to escape, they were met with eternal space as their companion.

"Urgh, the lights are irritating," Sebastia commented as she could not stand the blaring red lights that went off over and over again with the siren.

"I can fix that." Peppers replied and with a snap of a finger, traces of mana floated out of her hand and then those lights turned bright white while the alarm had quietened down."Alright, now that it's more peaceful, let's collect our prisoners shall we?"

"Are you sure? This place is so exposed and are you just going to release all the prisoners?" Rei asked if that was a good idea.

"Huh? Yeah, definitely. Once they are killed, the System takes them and we have a company full of first class bloodthirsty criminals in our hands. From murderers to white collar ones. They would be terribly good employees for Jin especially when the System will force them to listen to him despite their behaviour. I do not see anything wrong with that.." Peppers replied and she was already conjuring her spells in a way that she could simultaneously kill all of them in one go.

"And for your other concern, there is nothing much for you to worry about either." Peppers said and she somehow added someone into their existing System Channel. There and then, Rei could hear the angry shouting and screams of a familiar person who was especially close to Peppers and it was none other than Milk, the Battle Monk/Priest Bellator.

As if she knew that Peppers was ignoring her, the group suddenly felt that there was a projectile coming towards their way. Only when it was significantly closer, Rei could recognise that it was a torn off Mecha head which was at least twice the size of him zooming to his way.

Yet, Sebastia rushed in and with her new sword, she sliced the mecha head into two cleanly and at an angle where the two pieces would diverge away far enough to not hit either Peppers or Rei.

In the meantime, Peppers was not bothered by the distraction caused by Milk and she was almost done with her spell. It would be so much easier to destroy the entire ship with just one single explosion but she was afraid that if she did that, the collateral damage would not be counted by the System as compared to if she inflicted direct damage to the said prisoners.

After all, her main objective was to collect as many System points as possible and if she could increase her points by getting almost every single prisoner in this ship, she would do that extra bit right at this moment to ensure those sweet System Points would go into her account.

"Stupid Peppers. Teleporting me here just to whack all this dumb robots!" MIlk grumbled as she continued to stomp the Mechas and crushing whatever resistance that was coming her way. Even when the Mechas were using anti personnel weapons to counter her, they were no match for her speed and strength. A punch from Milk would cause an entire arm to be crushed from the impact while a kick was enough to break the connection points of the Mecha's head from the body.

And with the zero gravity environment, her kinetic energy was ever flowing within her, enabling Milk to move at speeds and directions of attack she had never gone before. All she knew was that she had to defeat all of them before the Priest Bellator could confront the Mage Bellator.

"Spell ready." Peppers said and without any hesitation, magic bolts as thin as a needle flew out of the magic circle that she was casting from. As the prisoners were being struck by the thousand needle attacks by Peppers, they could only lament the fact that they were finally out of this space prison misery. (After all, many of them hoped that the hijack of the space prison was somebody they knew or a job opportunity came knocking at their front door.)

When it was done, the green needles that emerged from the magical circle slowly dissipated and Peppers told the group to move to the next area.

"So…I am assuming you are going to do this at every prison block?" Rei asked if that was the plan and Peppers nodded her head.

"I know it's a little boring but it's the most systematic way I could think of. But don't you worry, your family members would not with this lump of people. My Scan magic showed me that there's a basement in this prison ship that holds doors that are much thicker than this." Peppers said and the group could see Rei's anxiety flaring up.

"Sigh, if you want, we can go down first," Sebastia said as she pulled a few large suitcases from her storage ring. Rei could immediately recognise those suitcases and immediately looked towards Sebastia with much curiosity as to how she obtained them.

"They were erm... Free of charge. Someone owed me a favour or two. I managed to call them in before I came here." Sebastia said and with each kick to open the large suitcases, bull looking robots started to activate to life and walked out of their charging stations (aka their suitcases).

Automated rifles and other sorts of sensor guiding projectile barrels came out from their back and it was pretty obvious that these bull droids were something akin to security robots. Rei knew them from hard as they were cool looking in nature, especially their interior chip architecture.

"These 'Bullfighters' are more than enough security for Peppers. I will use her scan details to guide you down to the lower floors." Sebastia said and Rei nodded his head instinctively as he admired those Bullfighters once more before tagging behind Sebastia.

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