Chui Yim was filled with great curiosity towards Wat Suen – the girl Chor Shing Chit could never forget, especially after learning about her and Chor Shing Chit’s past.

Today, Chui Yim found out that Wat Suen was just a very average-looking woman. The difference between her and Wong Kwan’s attractiveness was like chalk and cheese.

Chui Yim met Wong Kwan before, and the powerful cultivator was insanely gorgeous and youthful despite her age. The best description for her would be a winter plum on the peak of a snowy mountain; icy cold yet innocent-looking at the same time.

On the other hand, Wat Suen was so average-looking that one might mistake her for an ordinary village girl.

She was currently sitting cross-legged with a guqin on her legs, giving off the illusion that she had risen from the ground and was one with the environment.

Gliphists like Suet Sing Fuk, Mung Si, and Kong Yau shut their eyes subconsciously to feel with their mental state, yet to their surprise, they couldn’t feel the presence of Wat Suen. It was a sign that her aura had merged with heaven and earth.

How is that possible!? Being one with the heavens is a state that only a legendary six-chambered state cultivator would possess!

Nobody in the world would believe that Wat Suen had stepped into the six-chambered state, but that was exactly the vibe she emitted – the vibe of the legendary, mystical “being one with the heavens” state.

As if affected by Wat Suen’s silent yet unreachable aura, the commotion died down.

And as if sensing that all participants had taken a seat, Wat Suen opened her eyes abruptly.

Only now, the teenagers realized she had huge, bright eyes.

Chui Yim was subconsciously reminded of Mung Si from the firmness and determination in Wat Suen’s eyes, like there was nothing that could change them once they made up their minds.

“The rules are simple: leave this place after my piece, and you’ll have passed,” Wat Suen spoke softly but loud enough for all to hear. None of the participants present, including Mung Si who ranked first in the Blue Skies Rank, could identify Wat Suen’s cultivation state.

After much hesitation, they came up with the conclusion that her cultivation state was enigmatic.

“May I ask the fifth teacher what the piece is called?” Just then, Mung Si asked politely.

Wat Suen only looked up and met eyes with Mung Si calmly. There wasn’t any spark, but from Mung Si’s perspective, Wat Suen was like a whirlpool that pulled her attention and even her mental strength in…

“I’ll tell you if you’re able to finish the piece.” Wat Suen looked away and left Mung Si drenched in sweat. The teenager tried her best to sit upright.

However, Wat Suen cared about her no more and focused on her guqin.

Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee could understand that that state was what they experienced when they were forging or carving.

That was the process of placing all focus and mental energy on the thing that you were working on. Nothing could disturb them, and they would only focus on what was in front of them.

Wat Suen’s pretty hands lifted and waved before playing a note on the guqin.

That instant, all surroundings disappeared. The straw hut was nowhere to be seen, and everyone else had disappeared.

There was no space or time as everyone entered their own world.

Zhu Sha Zhou was a disciple of South Heaven Academy.

He was awarded admission for the Cloud Palace enrollment after performing excellently in school.

Cloud Palace had mentioned that they were open to everyone, but all the mediocre young cultivators dared not attend as they knew that all of the South would view them in disdain, and their future would be ruined if they came with the hope of passing off fish eyes as pearls.

Anyone that attended was at least a powerful cultivator for their age, and this was true for Zhu Sha Zhou.

Institutions would only choose the few most outstanding disciples to participate in the enrollment, and he was one of them. He did not achieve a great performance during the inter-school exchange, but that was because Zhu Sha Zhou knew where he stood and chose to hide on the third floor and just take in blood intent for his body.

This didn’t mean that he had no ambition. In fact, he had big dreams, but the inter-school exchange nor the Blue Skies Rank were something he cared about.

Getting ranked on the Blue Skies Rank wasn’t some foolproof pass to becoming a disciple of Cloud Palace. Wat Suen was a great example; nobody had even heard of her before she was selected!

What Zhu Sha Zhou cared about the most was the Cloud Palace disciple slot. He was a lowkey person who did not even flash his original secret gliphility during the inter-school exchange so as to keep it for the Cloud Palace enrollment.

However, he made it to become the sixth teacher of Cloud Palace.

From an unknown small clan of the South, the Zhu Clan became the top-notch clan within a blink of an eye, and the members of his clan looked up to him, even making a statue of him in the clan.

In another blink of an eye, he was now a five-chambered cultivator that could change fate by himself.

Zhu Sha Zhou fought the Four Season Heaven Clan Leader Yeung Ha for seven days and nights and took his life at last. He also went to Imperial Sunset Palace and captivated Man Ching Hung’s heart with his capability and turned her into his admirer.

The outstanding Mung Si was also now his partner.

Zhu Sha Zhou stood at the peak of the world, and the gale was only a breeze to him. Now, he could die in peace!

Sun Liu was a powerful cultivator, and his cultivation path had been smooth ever since he acquired the Heaven Tearing Claw.

On Kuet, who he nearly defeated, was torn in half by him at the Bloody War Frontier. The detested Chui Yim was killed with a single attack, and the composed Kam Chin Kee’s neck and all his puppets were crushed under his hands.

He stepped into the five-chambered state and brought the Power Bear Tribe to new heights. He even created a new sect, the Bear Sect, out of the tribe.

Sun Liu was now a well-respected grandmaster of his generation.

Kam Chin Kee looked around himself weirdly.

Where am I?

It was a very quiet place. He was currently on a weird wooden chair with two wheels at the side. He was weirded out by how weak the lower part of his body felt.

“Elder Brother, what do you think of my puppet?” A girl walked over coquettishly with a puppet in her hands. The puppet was a good-looking boy that sat on a wooden chair with two big wheels.

Isn’t that me?

“My dear Ling Ching, you’ve improved a lot.” Kam Chin Kee flashed her a gentle smile as she jumped into his arms.

A quiet and peaceful life was what Kam Chin Kee always wanted.

“My dear Ling Ching, get down now.”

“I don’t want to!” The girl shook her head unwillingly.

“C’mon, little Ling Ching. You’re just a dream.”

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